Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fresh Air

I've done a good deed staying up after my mom got off the couch! Finally, I managed to finish a few blog posts but now I'm tired as hell. I'll do the rest later. (Seriously need to stay on my A-Game with these posts.)

An I thought I was getting a good rest, wrong. It was fine last night, but its raining hard out there. Normal people would've rolled over and ignored it but loud claps of thunder started. That's the worst alarm clock ever, thanks mother nature. I checked the weather and it said it was going to storm today and possible rain for the rest of the week maybe.
Great, so does this mean I cant workout tomorrow. Ugh. Well before my mother left I did inform her that half of our living room carpet was wet and this lead towards us finding out that there's a damn leak. We had so much water on our table, how did I miss that? Well I did call for someone to come check it when they can after she left. I'm going back to sleep.

If clapping thunder wasn't enough! Now there's banging on the door! Who the hell?! Oh it's the pest guy. He sprayed the whole house and the base boards. He told me that if the smell bothered me to open a few windows, the smell never bothered me. Cause I never smelt it. I said that then but 10mins later I started to smell it, it was suffocating!
I had to open the door wide for awhile but I knew I had to crack open some windows cause the front door can't stay open. Not in this apartment complex, they steal! I managed to get the dinning area window open, the bathroom window open, and my moms large window open as well (although her window was rusting a bit and was hard to open). An if I might say that breeze feels amazing coming in, all that nice clean air.

It's times like these were I kinda do wish I lived in the country, just to leave my windows open on a hot day instead of using the AC. An just enjoying the sounds of nature and not gunshots or loud music from ghetto people or even busy traffic. Just a nice breeze, some soothing music playing, birds chirping, and just peacefulness. I know, wishful thinking right? Nope! I'll make it happen someday, someday.
Only kept the windows up for about two hours and then put them back down after I ate. I know my mother she won't allow these windows to stay open too long. So I distracted myself for a few hours til my friend called me and he was having a rough night at work. A lot of people were trying to get in to this apartment but their was a limit to how many people a person could have in their apartment. If there was too many their would be a noise complaint; we were also arguing about the Gundam franchise. Geez. But he was bugging me to watch this one Gundam series that I think came out last year and I never got around to watching it. But I told if I watched the first episode and gave my opinion on it would he stop bugging me. He said yes.

Watched EP1 of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans (anime) I watched on website (think I spelled it right, nailed it!). Alright let me call this fool back and give my opinion on it. Chat with you all later~

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