ok b4 i tell u about my awesomez evening that turned terrible when i got home. HI EVERYONE!!!! ok now that is done and ova wit let me tell u wat happened. okz i had decided 2 stay afta skool 4 movie club cuz it started 2day plus they were playin my movie, HARRY POTTER!!! THA FIRST ONE!!!! XD i grew up wit harry potter man its lik awesome im waitin 4 tha new

one 2 come out already!! OH AN I DONT CARE IF UR A HARRY POTTER MOVIE HATER!!!! I LIK HARRY POTTERS MOVIES AND THATS THAT!!!! GOT IT!!! ok so anyways we were all havin fun imatating their british ac-sent, laughin at tha retarded parts, and rly just actin a lil gooofy. yeah so 4 once i got 2 hang out we my friends for once since i can barely stay afta skool. last year i use to stay afta skool almost eveeryday and b on time early way b4 class starts 2 hang out wit friends. but now since i hav 2 wait on my moms friend son 2 hurry up of his hour and a half long shower!!! i mean he goes in their starts tha water and doesnt get in until he done wit his conversation on tha phone!! i kno i tak long showas but his is long!!! so yeah i hav 2 wait on my ride 2 get fully ready then we hav 2 go pick up two otha ppl every mornin cuz their his friends and they go 2 skool wit him!! well tha oldest does tha young =est goes 2 tha middle skool up tha street of their skool. im on time lik literally on tim!!! once i get 2 skool i hav lik 3minutes or probably 5minutes b4 class starts!! its just ridiculous!!! so anywaays once movie club was ova my play-big-bro decided 2 hide in one of tha trash bins in tha cafeteria and pretend 2 b tha grouch 4rm sesame street!!! it was funny!! so when my ride finally came i left tha skool and while in tha car mom was talkin bout how i got a debit card and blah, blah,blah!!! i dont want 2 go into tha conversation rly cuz i just dont wanna. so afta that we went 2 go visit my granny, then i finally came home. an guess wat ? when i wanted 2 tak my shower i culdnt cuz their were ANTS!!!! NOT IN MY SHOWA BUT MY FIRST DRAW WHERE I KEEP MY UNDER-CLOTHES!!! I WAS SO PISSED OFF!!! i grabbed my boofs and started hittin, afta a gud 10minutes of hittin i got tired and just took all my under-clothes out and stick them in tha dryer!! im thinkin BURN U FUCKIN ANTS!!!! so afta that i spreyed my first draw wit raid but i didnt use that draw anymore. i put all my under-clothes im my last draw where my perfectly clean socks are afta i was done wit my hw!! i put a do not use sign on tha first draw. i rlyhate ants!!! they r tha main insect i hate tha most if even a few lil ants get on me i start itchin then i cant stop!!! i hav lik ant-aphobia or sumtin!! so im nt sleepin under tha covers but on top of them wit my sleepy bag, its very soft on tha inside. i hope i hav sweei dreams :( ttyl everyone 4 now.
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