Friday, March 4, 2016

Hibernating to Long & Anime = Getting Hype Every Episode!

I didn't want to wake up.
I wanted to be one of those cats that just picked that perfect spot and sleep the whole day away. But I did plan on doing something today. Yet that got broken, broken sleep I mean. My mother wanted me to get money for the brat for school or something from the ATM at the little store next to our apartment. It wasn't open. I literally left my slumber to half sleep walk in my PJ's to the store to find out from a smoking woman with her dog that it's closed. Ugh! I had to put clothes on, go to the bank, get the money, go to the store and buy her a lunchable, then we went to Jack in the Box for breakfast.

An the brat said something that literally caught me a bit off guard or really I found it surprising, "I'm glad you decided to come home to Houston. I'm happy your home." At first I didn't know how to reply but all i could say was, "What?" Then my grandmother just explained the fact that she missed me and was glad that I was home, I found that I load of crap and that she wanted something. We cant stand each other! I mostly cant stand her! But I didn't say that, I only replied with "Well yeah, I'm home. But not for long, in a few months I'll be gone again." I then joked with my grandmother that Ive been counting down the days and how far away it was and how I just couldn't wait to leave! I love home but..I need to leave. I've always had this feeling that I just have to see what more the world has to offer and I can't do that being stuck their. I'll get my wish don't worry.

But when I got home I didn't eat the other half of my sandwich..I literally blacked out on the couch and went to sleep.

I was awoke by a loud knock at the door, it was the brat. I let her in, then back to sleep. But not for long since I got hungry. An I then hit YouTube. Shouldn't have done that, for I was looking at backward messages within Gravity Falls. Mysteries you missed in each episode of Gravity Falls. An reading a shit ton on articles about the Bill Cipher Statue hunt! I was like shit I got more then 10 tabs open! Save me someone, it's like my tumblr days all over again! But after being on the computer so long I noticed that it was dark in the house and my mom and the brat were napping their butts off.
I got away when I thought about the fact of, "Hey, you need a shower!" Which saved me. Then I was watching anime.

Watched EP 7 thru 8 of Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut (anime) it's getting really damn dark in this shit! I love it!

Watched EP 9 of Divine Gate (anime) of all the damn villains I just freaking love Loki. Plus this damn episode put a smile on y face but I know the new one will be a big ass fight! I'm ready!

Watched EP 9 of Musaigen no Phantom (anime) I just love this one so much more cause of the bonds they make with people and phantoms. It's just glorious! I love it!

Now this anime has had me laughing, smiling, jumping for joy when something finally good happen to them, and almost in freaking tears cause of certain events. I don't want to spoil if you haven't watched. Bu this anime right here is getting better and better each damn episode! Hell they improve 1000 times better each episode and you love them more! That's why this anime is one of my top favorites of this season! Watched EP 6 thru 8 of Hai to Gensou no Grimgar (anime) :)

If you want to check out any of the anime Ive listed go ahead! You might like them or not but everyone has their genre(s) they like. Okay it's getting late, might stay up an watch something..who knows. Night guys`

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