Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Truth comes to light...

Feb 19th, 2014

Attention: New Notice, Please Read
Okay so my blog is updated and the posts will be longer and most probably longer since I'm now more on blogging lol (idk). But I'm typing this because I would love for you all to not forget to read the posts for Feb 3rd -9th, 2014 and Feb 10th - 16th, 2014. I know they were posted late but they are up. An thank you again for being patient with me and for still reading. :)

So I got up like I always do in the morning, feeling somewhat better. Just had the sniffles. In class I moved to a different spot so Mrs. Haviland wouldn't get on me about being in the same damn spot again. Jennifer came in class eventually, she asked me how was I feeling. I told I was doing better, that night medicine really kicked in for me. So I found out I did my gestures homework wrong, it was 15 gestures of one animal. Not 15 gestures of people and one animal. I have to redo it and turn it in tomorrow morning. She looked at everyone else's who seem to have done like cats or dogs or maybe a bird cause that's what they had there house; she suggested that we go to the zoo or a petsmart but aint nobody got time for that. So we did block in  and sketches of a muscle manicane again, it was only of the chest and somewhat below the belt. I did good, even though I made them really large to the point where I had to use two pages. I like my details lol. But she told me to try to make them fit on one page...I did it but once I stepped back and looked at was a hot mess! I also asked her after she told me a few corrections to do to it, could I just carry my sketchbook instead of my large drawing pad to go to like a PetsMart or something. I told her I hae to take the train whereever I go. She told me I could just look up a documentary on an animal and do those gestures, so I took that advice. After break Dwatt came. We had to do gestures of this naked man again, I was getting tired of looking at how skinny he was plus how short he is. But we worked on him for awhile then a solid sketch. Then after that she showed us what she wanted done for homework. We had to do two arms and two legs, just muscles no bones. It looks easy. Once home, Melissa was stil sleeping so I went ahead and started working on my homework for Anatomy to get it out of the way since she did just show us what she wanted. Once I was done with that Melissa finally came out of her room to the fridge to make herself dinner, Renee came in from shopping, she got me some dumplings, I thanked her. After Renee went back in her room, I said, you still mad at me? She told me yes. And she started crying saying I've been being bitchy lately and said some hurtful things. So I asked well what have I said to hurt you, cause I told her honestly I don't know when I'm being a bitch. Then Renee came out asking what was going on, I told her and Melissa continued. She said she was made at me for snapping at her, she said I was rude to Tiona when she spent the night (cause Tiona wanted to watch the movie but she was doing her hair the whole time so I watched it) and she was like she wanted to watch it too (well youshould've said something), and she also said I made her miss most of class when she brought me home on Tuesday and that she wanted to stay and have fun with everyone and have a good time. That pulled a nerve. So I replied with this. Well you didn't have to bring me home if you wanted to stay so badly. I could've walked my sick crying ass to the damn train station, walked my sick crying ass to kroger got what I needed, and went th hell home. I also told her if she wanted to be mad at me be made at me, if she hated me that was fine I was use to it from back home when people got mad at me and didn't talk to me for months of even years, and I told her if you dont want me in your car anymore that's fine, if you don't want me to hang with you that's fine, and I told her I snap at people and not notce it. I did it a lot back home with my mom, cause I was annoyed or angry and she would smack me in the mouth. So I told her again, I'm use to it. I told her it's not like I don't care but this is nothing new to whatI've dealt with. After that I just packed my crap, went t check the mail, gave Renee her package, and went to the school. So many emotions were flowing, but mostly I told myself move foreward, you lose some and you gain some. At school I found out why my prices W ent up, they go up each fall. But if I fill out my FASFA soon it shoulld go down. Also I found out why my HCC classes didn't count, I didn't pass them. Damn it. So I didn't want to go home so I just stayed in a computer lab til class time. I just listened to music, watched videos, but about an hour before class I watched the episode of Teen Wolf (tv seris) I missed Monday, an damn! Evil Stiles has been busy lol. Alrightt sum up night class: we didn'tsee thdark side of Mr. Yohan, we were the only group to do the assignment right, we gotextra credit, the other two groups grade would drop, we watched a clip of Alien, had break, and decided to meet Tuesday to rehearse how te movie would go. I left class looking for Tiona cause she said she was up at the school working on homework would take her awhile, but no show. So I just walked home with Keia, hearing about her day, told her about my day, then the talk I had with Melissa. When we got back to the apartments I went to Tionas apartment and told her what was going on. She was like damn, an asked me if I wanted to spend the night at her apartment. I told her it was fine, I needed to get up early and take care of some things so it was fine. I went back, no one home. So I showered, checked the street passes on my 3DS, some of Twitter, oh of course I ate. Fixed me some soup, it was awesome. Well I'm going to bed, sounds like Melissa is home. Night all.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Not So Well

Feb. 18th, 2014

Attention: New Notice, Please Read
Okay so my blog is updated and the posts will be longer and most probably longer since I'm now more on blogging lol (idk). But I'm typing this because I would love for you all to not forget to read the posts for Feb 3rd -9th, 2014 and Feb 10th - 16th, 2014. I know they were posted late but they are up. An thank you again for being patient with me and for still reading. :)

I felt like so much of crappy of crappyness!!!! But I still got up for class. My throat hurt, I was coughing, and just felt like ugh! So I went to class, saw Rose, she asked if I was okay. I told her not really. I told her what was going on adn how I needed my mom to send me my breathing machine if I may get sicker. I can't recall much when class started, so I fell asleep with a headache. Eventually Rose woke me up, telling people I wasn't feeling well and had asthma plus mo breathing machine. So my instructor was worried, so he was like you need to go home. Me just crying and feeling like crap. Melissa then asked, do you want me to take you home? I nodded yes. It wasn't until I got off the evavator in the parking garage after Mandy wasn't in the elevator that I burst out crying. Melissa asked what was wrong? Which seemed like in a harsh tone to me. I told her I didn't know and just wanted to go home and rest. So after she started the car I asked if we could stop at Kroger really fast, so she took me to Kroger (got soup, ginger ale, and pretzles), then when I thanked her she said nothing to me. I guess she's still mad at me, she even speed off really fast when I got out the car, like a thank god she got out. Once upstairs and I started making my soup there was a knock at the door. It was one of the RA's with hosing who came to check up on me, I started crying again, i was just worried my asthma would flare and that I would have to go to the hospital (yes I think that damn far ahead about shit). She told me she would check on me later, I told her I was going to take some sleep medicine after I take a bath so I didn't know how long I would be out. I had myself some Potato and Bacon soup (which was amazing), took a nice warm bubble bath, then took that nasty ass medicine. It was horrid. Then I was out. I didn't wake up until around 4pm. I heard voices, it was Melissa and Tanicea talking loud. I just got some cookies, Tanicea was like hey sleepy head. I didn't say anything, I just went back to the room. I don't talk much when I'm sick. Hm I think it died down and they left. I read all the manga I borrowed from Tanicea, then went downstairs to good Sarah to borrow some movies, and then Tiona said she was on her way to the apartments to tell me about her Monday with her lover or was it the weekend? Idk. So she did come through the door but with Melissa and Tanicea. Tiona thought it was some group meeting and I had to tell everyone something but no I just wanted to know about her time. Then I walked her out to her apartment, once there I told her about the incident with Melissa, and I also talked to Keia about her 2DS she got throught tax return. I eventually headed back to the apartments, was ignored by them both (guess Melissa told her), gave Tanicea back her books, adn started to get ready for tomorrow. Yes I'm going to class tomorrow, that medicine did help. Well, night all~

Monday, February 17, 2014

Helping My Future Boss

Feb. 17th, 2014.

Attention: New Notice, Please Read
Okay so my blog is updated and the posts will be longer and most probably longer since I'm now more on blogging lol (idk). But I'm typing this because I would love for you all to not forget to read the posts for Feb 3rd -9th, 2014 and Feb 10th - 16th, 2014. I know they were posted late but they are up. An thank you again for being patient with me and for still reading. :)

I woke up early Monday (even though I don't have classes) so I could head to Small Cakes Cupcakery to help out and fill out a job application. Once I was there, Vegae (i think that's how you spell it but I'm just sounding it out in my head) working on the menu (she was painting it for the board was metal and you couldn't use chalk on it). I meet the nice lady or her name is Mrs. Latrisha (I remember her saying that when she was on the phone later on that day) and she told me what we would be doing that day. At first I was just standing there staring at people that were working on the electricity or just looked like buisness people. Eventually I helped her moves some metal tables from one closet (more like a metal fridge) to another. She told me when she gets the money she wanted to put three shelves in each closet. One closet would be for extra supplies and the other would be for cleaning supplies. Next came putting the shelves in this large two door fridge, I think we spent about 20 minutes on it til she called the people and told them that the shelves weren't sized right or something. The guy on the phone talked to Mrs. Latrisha like it was so easy to put them in and made it seem as though calling was pointless. So she eventually left to go buy a cord for the telephone in the shop, I swept (with the brooms I did go home to get from our closet in the apartment before we started cleaning) the front and the back of the store. There was also some stuff on the floor we couldn't get up so we decided next time when we have some cleaning stuff we would get it up (that is if it would come off the floor). So me and Vegae had to keep a look out for the Coca Cola guy and a camera guy named Sam. Sam came but no Coca Cola guy. I also figured out how to put the shelves in which was tiring for my hands, since I had to press the hook with both hands to get it into the metal sockets so I could put the shelves up. But it was all worth it. Mrs. Latrisha came back with cakes for us from Kroger since she was about to order pizza for us from Piggie Pies; she told Sam what pictures to take he even took a few of me being silly. I t was fun. Also I had to ask some workeres from another store where the dumpster was so I could trash all these darn boxes, it was a walk. I had to go all the way to the parking garage that was about five or six shops/resturants from us. An another thing, the camera guy Sam watches The Game of Thrones too! And he's excited for the new season as well! Then the pizza finally came after Sam left, it was very delicious, so was the cake. We even meet Jason or Jes who was in charge of something (I forgot) but he's important guy! Yet also funny to the point where I kinda wanna kick him lol. So for the rest of the time I was there Vegae finished some more of the menu and I dumped some more trash. We left around 4pm. I took the last two slices of pizza, Mrs. Latrisha said she wanted to see us tomorrow so I said I'll be here, and Vegae. So I'm almost back to the apartments and I noticed I left the brooms there, well we don't exactly sweep anyways lol. After I put the pizza in the fridge, I headed right back out to go talk to financial aid because I didn't understand why my payment went up. So I did go in, I meet a new lady (can't recall her name) but she asked me what I needed help with. I told her, she gave me a bread like pastry (it was kinda dry, i imagined it more moist), and she told me to come back tomorrow for they couldn't pull my file for someone took it out, most possibly my financial aid officer. So heading hhome, showered, ate something, drew a picture, and then  got in bed. Thing was I couldn't sleep cause I had a dry throat and I was coughing again. Ugh. Melissa came home, asked if I was alseep, I told her no. I told Melissa that I wanted to rearrange the room cause sleeping by the window with the cold hair is probaly making me sick. She told me that was crazy and said we couldn't rearrange the room. I asked her why not? She got the ruler and started mesuring our bed and the dresser, saying it wouldn't work this is to big or this is llonger than that. I told her Renee rearranged her room! She kept coming at me how Renee and Sarah's room was larger than ours. That's when I snapped at her, I told her I would just ask Renee to help me rearrange the room when she wasn't here. Thats when she grabbed her stuff, I said come on your not seriously mad at me? She told me ys and slammed the door. I don't think she's sleeping in the room tonight, I had no time for her hissy fit cause I suggested something and decided to stand up for my opinion on things. I didn'y have time to deal with this. I was tired and felt like crap. Night all

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Watching my Stories

Feb 16th, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

So I awoke (still dry throat), moved to the couch, and popped in Young Justice that I borrowed from a friend. For I couldn't recall where the hell I left off. But I had to stop half way to go see the nice lady, she was there, forgot the application, would be there tomorrow, so I went home. An I continued my Young Justice marathon downstairs to use the wifi if it wa s working. It was glorious. Then I went over to good Sarahs apartment to hang, then we went to Kroger I bought a Purifier pourer, then went to watcvh the Walking Dead. Came home to Melissa making cookies. Tanicea came over to tell us of ho her roommate meeting went, I set up the purifier, the water tastes amazing, then we watched YuGiOh til we were tired. Night all~

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Group Meeting

Feb 15th, 2014

Attention: Please Read!
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

So I awoke with the driest throat in the world (didn't understand why it was dry as hell), made a big breakfast, found out from Taylor that the nice lady from Small Cakes wasn't there today but would be there tomorrow. So me and Melissa drove to this Starbucks that was far away to have this meeting with our group to find out what we were going to be doing. After the meeting I told Melissa to just drop me off at the train station instead of home (she had somewhere to be), went to St. Paul station, got Subway with my Subway card I got for Christmas from my friend Vivi. Then I got back on the train, posted my 120 words to the forum and phots. Tried to pay tuition, went home, tried to download something but got annoyed, Tiona spent the night, and I watched one of Hayo Miyazaki's movies. It was really good. Night all~

Friday, February 14, 2014

FreeCupcakes and Done with Homework

Feb 14th, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

I got up early to get my PhotoShop homework done. I did my creature for class, but it turned out sideways for some odd reason. An I waited til a class ended to use the Wacom Cintques (cause I like those, you get to draw on the screen) to do my four sketches for class. They all turned out pretty good. I went to go talk to Mrs. Nicole but she wasn't there so I had to fill out a form and got some candy from one of the staff members. On the train I got a text from Good Sarah about free cupcakes at a place called Small Cakes at Mockingbird Station. I went, they were amazing, I got a job opportunity, and I would come back tomorrow to get a job application. Went home with cupcakes for Renee and Melissa. Read ch 16-18 of Saga (comic) and some other manga that Tanicea let me borrow. I ate then went to bed. Night all~

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hair in the Hood

Feb 13th, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

So I woke up later in the day since I had a evening class. In evening class, Tiona was late, the guy next to me had heavy metal music going off (mad Mr. Haydel mad as hell; I laughed), my computer kept tripping, so I had to learn all the PhotoShop stuff at the end of class. After class me and Tiona went to the Beauty Supply in the Hood. I needed a shower cap, a satin wrap, and some clamps cause I wanted to wash my hair tonight. It was time. While I was getting my stuff, Tiona was looking for a beautician. But they all said they don't do her (meaning they were all mexican and couldn't do black people hair). Anywho when I got home and showered plus washed my hair, Tanicea told me to let her know when I was done. Cause she wanted to get out of the apartment so she greased my scalp, combed it, and flat ironed it for me. After all that I was tired. So night all~

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This Shit

Feb 12th, 2014.

Attention: Please Read!
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

Overslept past my alarm, freaked out, but I did make it. But I was really fucking tired! We had to do gestures of a nude model named Dwatt. I didn't even care that he was naked, I just wanted to go home. After class I went home, relaxed, and waited for night class. So same shit like last week happened in Mr. Yohans class. No one was able to pitch there story, stuff was in late of missing, and our director fucked up again so we just changed directors to someone else. For we were really having lack of communication. Night all~

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Potluck Tuesday

Feb 11th, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

So he looked at my city in class, I think he said it looked odd or something. But I worked on the grid in class for our next homework assignment and I had a friend help me. Mr. Haydel said it was good practice, I looked at him like I'm not redoing this! But I did stay after class to work on my furniture and got help from another student who stayed behind to do work also. I even had this class with my director for another class and told him straight up that he sucked at telling the story. An he knew he fucked up, saying he was nervous. Afterwords I went home, Melissa wasn't there she went to a concert, and I took a nice bubble bath and feel aslep in it. Then my friend kepttexting me to come over for Tacos so I did., it was at Tiona's apartment. The gang was there, we had fun, ate, laughed, and then watched half of a movie before we were all tired. So me and my batman cape went back to the apartment. Night all~

Monday, February 10, 2014

Dealing with the Sickly

Feb 10th, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

So I got up early to go register for classes but had to wait awhile cause no one was there yet. Finally someone was there after chilling for awhile, an I love my new schedule for next quarter. Then I went to the job fair with Tiona to check out some jobs, then me and Tiona caught the bus so she could go to the doctor. I was messing with her the entire time at the doctor's office but in the end she wasn't pregnant. She just needed to eat right, get more rest, and not do some much. So i told her she is probably over working herself with work school, and homework. Then she treated me to Jack in the Box. After that I went back to her apartment where Anna didn't go to class, she painted, and we both worked on these retarded looking city's together. So afterwords I went back to my apartment, I wasn't working on that furniture. Since I was home alone I cleaned up some, showered ate, and now bed. Night all

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Feb 9th, 2014

Attention: Please Read!
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

So I got up early to go post my storyboard work in the forum then came home. Then later on that day I went over to Good Sarahs to get Zombified with Ally and Tony. We were dressing up for the preimere of the Walking Dead new season. Once I bloodyed my shirt, spiked my hair, and got my make-up on I was legit! We went to Angelika, it was was an EPIC episode, the people weren't there to give us free stuff, but we were popular and took pictures with people. So i felt special, RAWR! XD  Night all~
P.S. I'll post a picture of me Zombified later~

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Damn Alarms

Feb 8th, 2014
Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

Okay so we didn't go to sleep. Instead the alarms went off for hours throughout the BLVD. So me, Melissa, and Tanicea walked to Kroger to buy some things. We entertained ourselves with these really special looking valentine Zebras that could dance. I think we messed with them for 20 minutes. Of course the alarms were still on, but when we got back to the apartments there was this ugly pink dresser in the livingroom. Srah put it there. She hasn' t been here in weeks and she brings this! So we moved it to there room. Tanicea was upset cause there getting new roommates as an emergency move, so Tanicea had to move her stuff around cause she brought back a lot after Christmas break. In the end they got two new roommates so both bed got taken in both the rooms in the apartment. I also worked on my storyboard homework and colored it while the alarms were going. That's all I recall, night all.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Feb 7th, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

Basically my morning, afternoon, and somewhat of my evening consisted of me attempting to do my anatomy homework and Perspective Drawing homework. I did Anatomy but Perspective Drawing gave me a damn headache. I attempted working on the city, that pisseed me off! Then the furniture, i did the couch, but the tables were annoying as fuck! So I gave up an went home! Rainy (Melissas bf) and Tanicea were there. They played frog golf for awhile, then Rainy left, Melissa cried, I told her she shouldn't cry he'll be moving up here soon cause he's getting thatjob soon and he'll be close. Of course I got that you don't understand you don't have anyone (no shit, I like being alone, it's easier). So I was called an asshole for some reason idk. Well, night all

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Day

Feb 6th, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

I just want to thank Jack Frost for giving us 18 degree weather!!!!! But we got legit snow!! I was ready to build a snowman! So when I got all bundled up and heading to the school I found out the canceled class or more like it was a chose to stay or not. Some classes were going to get two hours in then close the school at 3pm. I decided to stay to see if my teacher would show up but also my group was having a meeting. Basically, only me, my roommate and Theresa showed. Everyone else didn't attend cause of the weather. So they put a sign on the door saying our class was canceled, so I went in the computer lab and finished watching The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (movie) it was freaking EPIC! I'm read for the 3rd one!!!! So after words I walked in the snow to Micheals to buy a portfolio bag for my large Drawing pad and loose artwork. Then later on that day me and my friend Tony made an on the ground snowman and a few snow angels. Were such kids, Night all~

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nice but Deadly

Feb 5th, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

In class in Anatomy  todaywe drew the manican Charlie, he was very muscular. We had to draw him a few times then we had to do some head drawing also. I did really good on the head drawing. Then she gave us our homework, we had to do the muscle overlay with velm paper on our skeletons we did (the front view, side view, and back view). So I had to go downstairs and buy velm paper while it was cheap. Cam up to the building ealry to post my banner on the forum and while waiting on class I watched half of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (movie). I would've loved to continue, sadly I had to go to class. In night class we saw the dark side of Mr. Yohan because people turned in there work late and our director couldn't pitch the story. He acted like he didn't remember shit! Seriously! Our director embarassed us all that night.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chill Teach

Feb 4th, 2014

Attention: Please Read!
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

Today in Perspective Drawing class Mr. Haydel used me as an example of what not to do for one point Perspective (before that I ate blueberry eggo, yogurt, and orange juice. The whole walk there left a horrible taste in my mouth. Ugh. Won't be doing that again.) So after his "nothings going to the vanishing point" and "your breaking all the rules of perspective" I told him I'm aiming for a B- or a C or a high D to pass your class. Then he brought up that a few people didn't bring there's. That meant nothing to me. We all talked for awhile til he finally decided to start class. I was zoning in and out of the lecture but during it he got mad since people were complaining or frustrated with not understanding or how they can't get it right. He was upset at how when he asks if people understand and then they don't say anything. I for one stop caring and just wanted to just go home and download yesterday's episode of Teen Wolf and relax. Got my wish!  went home, downloaded the epsidoe, watched it, was happy, and everyhing after tht was a blur. Night all.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Downloading things & Groceries

Feb. 3rd, 2014

Attention: Please Read! 
I've been busy with homework and somewhat of lack of sleep lately so this weeks post and most probably next weeks post will be short. I might just post a few sentences of what I recall or what majorly happened that day that I can remember. Sorry that I can't recall much but college is being a pain in the butt this past week and draining me. =_=
So overall thank you for still reading my blog, viewing it, and being patient with me. :)

Okay all I can recall is me downloading Kino's Journey (anime) and Hellsing (anime). Because I've been dying to watch some old anime lately. An my mom sent me her food stamps card so I was able to make groceries and I bought stuff that would last. Hauling it all in the house was a royal pain.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ghost Town of a School

 (February 2nd, 2014)

Okay so I had to go up to the school again to resend the work the author asked for and fix the contract a bit and to return some library books cause I didn't want be charged for turning them in late. So when I was almost at the school I encountered a woman who just said train pass. I looked at her confused then I was like what about the train pass? She asked me if I was done using it. I had told her no and kept walking towards the school building. It was literally a freaking Ghost Town at School. I walked in the building like I was the only soul there. It was hot of course (they never really turn down the heat when its freezing as hell) and I was ready to take off my coats that I had on. So I went up to the four floor to see if I was able to use the computer lab next to the library. Security was there and I asked if it was okay for me to go in there cause I didn't want the alarm to go off on me. He joked saying if it did he would come get me, the security man also told me that on Sunday he's only able to open certain doors for people to go into. So I kept that in mind when I needed to go into room. So I worked on sending the author the cover photo and the corrections to her again cause it didn't go through last time cause her inbox was full. After sending it and dropping the books in the dropbox I headed back to the apartments. I think I just chilled all day, showered, then went to bed.   

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Treating Myself

 (February 1st, 2014)

So I ended getting up at a decent hour, bundled up and headed to the school. So I had to scan my storyboards, post them to the forum, and the T-Drive. I went to like three computer labs til I found a damn computer with the T-Drive. After sending the author the tweaked cover again I felt like accomplished so much. So I decided to find that smoothie place that some guy gave a card for a few days ago. I asked a cashier at 7 Eleven (didn't know), asked a guy in 7 Eleven (found out he only been in Dallas for 15minutes and don;t know nothing), so I went to the SubWay (they knew where it was(/ Summarizing: found it, they were friendly, talked to the wife who was making me my smoothie (who was very nice), talked to the husband who was a cool giy, I took an aloe shot, drank some tea, bought a container for my smoothie, and found myself on cloud nine. They told me about there drinks and snack and there fitness stuff and how one of there people would contact me about my visit and to return for a weight evaluation (something like that I was like cool). Once I told them bye and headed to the train, I had to text Tanica and let her know I was on my way cause she wanted to get her food she left at our apartment. To my surprise she was sitting outside of my door waiting for me. Then I went down to the lounge to finish downloading Hellsing (anime) and Kino's Journey (anime). I was in the mood for some old anime to watch. All a blur. Showered and went to bed. Night all~