Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Another Day Off?!

Memorable Moments of February 24th, 2015. 

#1 Was able to sleep in (an have a good night sleep cause my roommate wasn't there, NO SNORING! THANK GOSH) and have the biggest breakfast ever! (I made a perfect egg, two pieces of toast, a bunch of turkey bacon, and a nice warm cup of tea). After eating I was about to get dressed so that we could get on the road to go to our 1pm - 5pm class early for there was ice on the road. But they called again canceling class all day long, again. I was happy but I really wanted to go to my morning class.

#2 All morning / evening I was in the lounge area using the wifi to play Destiny of Spirits on my PSVita; got a notice saying maintenance would happen tomorrow and that if I finished the tutorial before midnight of the game i could qualify for a gift! XD; I made so many friends on the game and got so many cool spirits :3 

#3 Build A Bear called. Happy and Frustrated at the same time because I had to go all the way back up three flights of stairs to find my student ID that had my bus pass in it. (an i missed the bus while looking so I had to wait awhile)

Monday, February 23, 2015

That's ICE!! Not Snow damn it! Dx

Memorable Moments of February 23rd, 2014.

#1 Asking my roommate ily if she was up (since she said she was making pancakes) an she happily burst into my room saying its snowing? Im like what? We had a hail storm last night! I look outside and there is ice everywhere! I then become the mama bear telling ily i forbid her to go outside in the clothing she was putting on (i'll give her credit she was wearing layers). But I let her go cause she really wanted to go outside and play with the snow (its ice though, not thick enough to be snow); took me awhile to sleep last night though since my snoring roommate wasn't there

#2 She came back with this big freaking ball of ice! I told her to put that in the freezer before she got ice everywhere. Then she was tired and went to sleep (no pancakes lol) Good thing I ate a muffin and drank some tea. 

#3 I applied to Build A Bear, called to make sure they were hiring, and they are! Plus they told me that their looking for someone to work the weekends really, an I can so work the weekends so I'm freaking excited! Score! Job Opportunity! XD ; also applied to Journeys again but the location in North Park Mall

#4 So proud of myself! Finished Module #1 & #2 of my Online Drivers Ed classes! Just five more to go but Ill do those later (Module #2 was so freaking long! I was like when will it end! DX )

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Rain! Why you no Staph! DX

Memorable Moments of February 22nd, 2015.

#1 When I awoke in my friends somewhatly lit room cause of daylight, I notice she was gone so I slept in her bed for ;like two more hours. I needed some more rest. 

#2 I honestly wasn't expecting it, but it was just drizzling a little bit when I left my friends apt after talking and thinking I had everything packed. But I found out that I left something. I go back outside and it is no longer drizzling...its hardcore raining out here! I'm still in my pj's! I said fuck it and ran through the rain.

#3 Never again will I do that, that rain was freezing cold! When the rain hit me it felt like pieces of ice being rapidly thrown at me; i had left my corn dog in there freezer and my turkey bacon in the frig

#4 Had to hang up my pj's in the restroom to air dry. I got to cleaning before my roommates got home. Wiped the counters and the table, did the dishes, vacuumed, and I even cleaned our trash can cause it really did stink! (I didn't take the trash out, I just let the trash sit on the balcony for the time being because the weather was getting ridiculous crazy and I wasn't going in that.)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Homework and the Curious Child

Memorable Moments of February 21st, 2015. 

#1 Not having all that good of a morning since I have to do stupid homework! Ugh! Getting tired of this crap! An I have to go to the school to use Adobe Illustrator to finish it.

#2 My friend Keia found it so nice that I waited with her at the cage so she could get her equipment to film for a project, it was hella crazy up here this morning; asked about me getting work study at the front desk cause I've been waiting on this damn paper for decades saying that im eligible; freaking open house was today! So crowded with freaking children! 

#3 Finished my homework after having to hop to three different computers cause Adobe Illustrator was being stupid as hell (it made all my crap have low transparency and I didn't know how to fix it so I was like screw it)

#4 Got free Reese's candy from my friend that works in the print lab (it was the good kind too)

#5 Watched episodes 6-7 of Yuri Kuma Arashi (anime) :3 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Please tell me this is a trap...Please..

Memorable Moments of February 20th, 2015. 

#1 Didn't finish my hair til 3 minutes before 12am #2 I did  inform my roommate last night yesterday that she snored and she apologized an all. But she's still snoring so loudly and I already can't sleep since I felt so damn wide awake from standing in the restroom twisting my damn hair #3 I was not able to sleep til she was fully gone in the morning to go to her interview. I slept until Keia called me answering my question I had texted her last night. #4 Freshly fallen rain smells so glorious in the evening time; attempted homework but said screw it and did other homework cause it was giving me a freaking headache

#5 Watched Sanzoku no Musume Ronja (anime) episode 20; things are getting serious with these dang harpies! They need to chill damn it! DX 

#6 Caugh the bus then the train to get to the mall so i could pay for my glasses; I was wondering why there were so many people getting on the train earlier with Macy's bags. There's a one day sale going on.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sherlock Holmes Exhibit & movies with Mortdecai

(I've decided again  to change things up a bit once more. For there is nothing wrong with a little change and something new, right. I've decided to start trying out writing "The Most Memorable Moments of the Day" for each day. Instead of what I've been doing, it might be fun! So if you guys could do me a favor and let me know what you guys think of this way of me typing things out of do you like the other way better okay. Let me know on Twitter @LazyMusician10 (~TheLazyOne~))

Memorable Moments of Monday

#1 My OCD fot things being in a certain spot or just the place being cleaned after high praise for getting a clean apt after an inspection highly kicked in! Our new roommate had her shit everywhere! The couch, kitchen counter tops, and the kitchen table! It bothered me SO DAMN MUCH! IT. HAD. TO. BE. MOVED! So all it went neatly stacked on the side of her shelf.

#2 When it was my turn to schedule for next quarter I made a request to Dr. Lipe to get my classes stacked and get two general ed classes and two classes with my major; found out Dr. Lipe didn't do anything romantic with his wife for V-Day..he had to deal with his loving trplets~

#3 Note to Self: Next Quarter you have literally no life at all (more then what you don't have) for you have 1-5 and 6-10pm classes on Monday and Wednesdays

#4 Scheduled an appointment with my financial aid officer to see if I qualify for The Art Grant

#5 My friend came and got me early so we could head to the exhibit; my roommate (not the new one) ily wasn't feeling well

#6 Finding a parking space was a pain in the ass but foundable~

#7 Was wondering why there were so many children pre-teens, teens, and parents at the museum. Its Presidents Day. We thought it passed already, but no. Other kids are out, our school isn't. Good thing we didn't have class today.

#8 took us a decade to find out where to go in such a huge museum but we were pointed in the right direction

#9 The stairs played piano music as we went downstairs to the Sherlock Holmes Exhibit :) 

(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will com back to it later)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Huh, it's Valentine's Day :p

 (I've decided again to change things up a bit once more. For there is nothing wrong with a little change and something new, right. I've decided to start trying out writing "The Most Memorable Moments of the Day" for each day. Instead of what I've been doing, it might be fun! So if you guys could do me a favor and let me know what you guys think of this way of me typing things out or do you like the other way better okay. 
Let me know on my Twitter -> @LazyMusician10 (~TheLazyOne~))

~Memorable Moments of Sunday~

#1 What's planning on doing anything this day but be a bum and stare at the walls. But my mother was so nice enough to wire me money to go actually do something today, buy groceries, and finally set an eye exam (for I desperately needed one)

#2 Asked around to see what people were doing so that I wouldn't have to do anything alone. My friend Randy texted me and said we could do something before she had to go to work. I had never been to the Spaghetti Warehouse before so she was like we needed to go! (I let her pick, I told her anywhere was fine or somewhere she hadn't been in awhile or somewhere new)

#3 While waiting on Randy I went around online to find my mother something for V-Day. It was a sale going on everywhere! So I bought my mother a new Wax Burner and some Peach Scented Wax to go with it and get it sent to the apartment back home in Houston. Won't she be surprised~ (can't wait til i get the tracking number)

#4 (In the car with Randy) Once we were in the depths of downtown and museums, there was one that caught my eye. There was a museum doing The International Sherlock Holmes Exhibit! I fangirled my ass off in the car! I love Sherlock Holmes! We have to go before it's gone!

#5 Once at the Spaghetti Warehouse my life was changed! The whole place was huge, cozy, they had photo booths, old arcade games and even amazing sitting areas to eat in~ 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Feb 10th

February 10th 2015.

I'm sorry my fellow readers and followers I know I've been gone for a long time. But college homework and me being very tired has gotten in the way of me posting online. So I hope you all can forgive me but you know time is of the essence with College. So let me tell you my thoughts about today because I'm thinking of making these posts in a different perspective. As you all know, I hate leaving my bed in the morning for it is warm and comfortable to me. But I had to leave it for college exists just as though I had to drop in the outbox the survey I filled our last night for St. Luke's. It was a bit of a chill that morning (well earlier in the day). I was too tired and set on getting to the bus stop on time like I always am, to turn around and get another jacket from home. It'll warm up soon, ill love and just read my book while I stand here at the train station.
At school I ate my breakfast while having a lovely chat with my friend Eli about Young Justice and The Justice League. Yes I was ranting again of how Young Justice got canceled, it irritates me. As time flew, it was time to get to class.

Writing II
He took up the papers and explained how thing would be going after the final research papers get turned in next week. Short Stories. Finally! That's what well be reading after week six, I can't wait. We watched another moving dealing with the Holocaust, it was Anne Frank. Sadly we couldn't watch it all but it was getting really good and the actors were doing such an amazing job. But he needed to give us back our papers and his commentary; during the movie some people were being highly immature and it irritated me! Yes Anne Frank was a young girl and wanted to be an adult! In those times all the kids wanted to be treated like adults, am adults wish they were children again. I swear I can't watch a movie with my class. But, I got my paper back an he told me..i was done. Like 100% success done! No final draft for me! That rough draft was my final! I'm so proud of myself~

After class (which ended 20mins or so before 11am) I was reading more but had to move so this electric guy could fix the lights. I talked to my instructor about his books and the book I was reading to pass time. Eventually when I got back to my seat and finished my chapter I had time to spare. I met Gabby on the elevator, then in the computer lab to pass way more time. I was only on YouTube the whole time of course. I went to class 30mims early but couldn't stay in the room for someone's food reeked. That's were I ended up checking about a book even though im already reading one. I do that sometimes...

(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will com back to it later)