Friday, January 31, 2014

Wild Night and Getting Stuff Done

(January 31st, 2013)

So I ignored my alarm cause I just hit the dismiss instead of snooze. I did get up and eat breakfast but then feel asleep on the couch. Then Melsi told me Tanicea was coming over cause she wanted to watch Frozen. I already watched it with Renee like last night. Tanicea came over and wanted to watch a movie with us fully since she found out she wasn't going to church. After the movie I couldn't delay it anymore I had to do my homework. So I finished my storyboards for a class and I finished half of my city for another class; Melsi and Tanicea were watching Summer Wars (anime movie) since Melsi hadn't seen it. And this is what we did after I was done with my homework since Tanicea stayed over: acting a fool, dancing randomly, making vines, and Melsi made a cake and Tanicea made us dinner. But during our fun there was nothing but banging and freaking furniture moving like crazy above us. It was pissing me off! Tanicea also wasn't feeling good, so she need to go to her apartment. I got my bat and Renee tagged along. But Renee told me to leave it and she would talk to them (she didn't want to start a fight with them) Also there was a terrible strong smell of weed coming through our vents so we had to close them all (no I do not smoke or get high; I know the smell cause my friends back home do that crap, the smell of that and cigarettes give me a bad headache and make me feel sick). So we had to open the windows, turn the fans on, and then we eventually watched the horror movie. I now do not want explore a cave after watching that shit! But it was all good. We didn't go to bed til like close to 3am. Night all~

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