Saturday, January 25, 2014

No money for breakfast but of course a Marble Soda :3

(January 25th, 2014)

All three of us woke up late, left late, and forgot Gabby's address so we had to call OnStar twice lol. I fell asleep in the car with my headphones on, so I didn't hear anything of what Tanicea and Melsi were talking about. Even when we got to Gabby's house I fell alseep on her couch but had to get in shot gun of Gabby's car so we could head to IHOP.So I was the only one not eating, reason being I was broke as fuck. So I entertained myself with staring at people wonder about what they do, there lives, or questioned if they were male or female. Gabby and the others found me creepy but whatever lol. So after a meal of nothing and asking one of the waitresses to please tella lady to take a pen out of her hair for she just looked funny with it poking out like that, we headed to the Asian Mall. I navigated. Once we got there Gabby was like it was PACKED and we found out it was an event going on. So me and Gabby were the only ones to buy something from a drink place, Gabby picked up the wrong tea (they put your name on the drink) and she felt bad but the guy named Leo was like it was okay. My drink took forever for some odd reason, I guess cause it was packed in there, but I was glad I got it with bubbles in it! The bubbles were chewy!!! And yummy! X3
Then we went into the store, looked a at food, Melsi and Tanicea couldn't resist and bought some noodles (Melsi got us a new trash can), and Melsi bought me a soda with a marble in it, it was glorious. Also we took pictures and made Vines in the grocery store and tried bitter coffee and Tanicea bought a drink and we took more pictures and then Gabby's house. Here's the picture of my marble drink and the picture that Gabby and the others thought was cool from the angle it was taken of me in the hammik (don't steal these pictures please they are from my phone):

At Gabby's we were suppose to watch a movie (I picked a lot) but we ended up doing our own thing then getting into the TV commercial for the Demon Cutter that cut up things all cool and made us hungry. But we had to leave (struggled to get Tanicea separate from the comfty blanket Gabby had) so we could go to the school before it closed. We had 15mins to spare when we got there, Melsi was able to scan her things, and I was able to help Tanicea with her homework. Then we went to Kroger, saw a guy with an amazing beard (have this fangirl thing for beards), saw another damn weird fruit, and we were finally home. Tanicea and Melsi were getting fancy with there noodles for dinner (adding things an all) I just had chicken and toast. While we ate me and Melsi played frog golf, got made cause Melsi whooped my ass but it's okay. Then Tanicea brought her pot of soup from upstairs for us to try, then it was YuGiOh time. We were on the part where Kiba stopped Yugi at the front door and they battled. Then Melsi eneded the happiness early cause she was like I have church in the morning (she did invite me but I was like I'm not going so Tanicea went with her) so I stole the shower from her. Nice long shower but I had to clean up my crap I left out. Any who I'm going to bed, night all~

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