Friday, January 10, 2014

I Cut My Hair & I lovz it~

(January 10th, 2014)

Okay so todays the big day! I got to see my beautician~
I got up extra early so I could make a lunch to take with me & get ready & eat breakfast. (got up around 7am since my aunt said her daughter had to be at school by 8am so I was like get up early). While I was waiting I just watched Vine videos & tweeted people. Finally my aunt came, dropped me off, told her I would call her later to see where she was so she could come pick me up. So I went to the beauty shop, said hello to everyone, told them how school was and waiting til it was my turn to get in the chair. Of course since my beautician had another head so I waited til she got up, then my beautician saw how poofy my hair was and was like omg! So she had to wash my hair out, the the lady got back in the chair, finished her then got back to me. The quick process: she put the treatment in my hair, blow dryed it (we had to cover our eyes & nose for it burned & we had to turn the fans on because it stunk), then she flat iron it, then asked if I was sure about cutting my length (it grew a lot) I said yes, she cut it, washed it (to get all the treatment out), then styled it, & I was looking amazing in the end! Then she told me she wanted to go run errands with her cause she had to get some things & give me the trophies to give to my mom for the card game was starting today for this year. But those plans got altered when she changed her mind about me tagging along because it wouldn't take her long but she got caught in traffic & her other head was waiting for her & my mom was going straight to the card game after work so she wouldn't be home. (I did almost all of the big lunch I brought)  When she got back she finished her other head, was surprised at the time (it was around 7pm-ish), trimmed me again (she was hating the poofy-ness going on the back of my head. (plus my beautician and the other beautician (Mrs. Pam but I call her Buddy (I'm the only one that can call her that)) told me I look more sophisticated with short hair & mature. The long hair I was working with was making me look silly, they were glad I cut it. Honestly I found it a shocker but I didn't mind. Once I was home I was a bum! I just got on my computer, then it hit me! How do I wrap such short hair?! O.o I had to watch a YouTube video to figure it out after taking a nice bath (I couldn't take a shower for the steam would poof my hair out). Then I made a picture saying I went from a Sam Winchester to a Halle Berry; if you want to see the picture of my hair its on my twitter page. My Twitter: @LazyMusician10 or here's the link to it:
Well night all see you later~

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