Thursday, December 29, 2016
Here's My Reading Plan for 2017 Video :)
I decided to go ahead and do a video instead of a audio post. Happy watching. Also let me know on Twitter what you thought of it or comment below if you want :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
November 30th Blog Update Pushed Back :P
Please Click the link below. Sorry for the really long wait to here from me..ha. ha.ha.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
~ 30th Day of October; Announcement Post ~
Hey guys! Please Click on the link below to hear my Special Announcement, it's about the future things to come on this blog. An my backup blog as well. Share this post, comment, or you can tweet me if ya want about my post I made today. Please have a great Sunday :)
My Twitter: @LazyMusician10
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
~ Updates & Recorder Practice ~
Quick Notice
So I'm going to post a lot of links! Cause the top will be for my Audio Blog Posts of the day. Then the Update Post about me posting my Recorder (instrument) audio recordings as well. An beneath it, are all my Recorder (instrument) attempts after practicing for awhile.
Recorder Songs (practiced Six Songs Today)
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Monday, June 20, 2016
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Thursday, June 2, 2016
A sad back and forth process indeed.....SAD! I want to thank all for bearing with me, but sadly I keep coming back here when I so called said that I moved on. I always try to move away from Blogger because I wanted to try something NEW but everytime I do I never stay long. By the way, do you guys know anything about this NOTICE thing. Don't know what I need to do..I dont think I have a third party functions on my blog...
Hmm..I always noticed this message but I always ignore it. Well I'll put the posts I put on Goodnight Journal on here, it wasn't a lot of course just a few. An I'll also edit this post as well for my day. (Time now is 4:12 pm)
Hmm..I always noticed this message but I always ignore it. Well I'll put the posts I put on Goodnight Journal on here, it wasn't a lot of course just a few. An I'll also edit this post as well for my day. (Time now is 4:12 pm)
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Done with one blanket, one more to go..
Tired: So I finally finished the blanket that I've been on and off with since December (since it was supposed to be a Christmas gift but will now be a Mothers Day gift for my grandma and great aunt) cause I was sick on and off a bit. But one down and one to go. But I'm going the hell to sleep! It's like freaking 3am! Morning all~
Watched EP8 of Damien (tv series) on A&E; Well the florist is dead and Damien has a lot of freaking followers. But we really need to do something about that annoying ass cop! Everytime I see that cop doing something I just think about that other dog that got shot, I miss him now.
Read Chapter 161 of 19 Tian (manga) so glad it updated, I freaking missed all the characters.
Read Chapter 97 of Tamen De Gushi (manga); I love the glasses guy! He's truly made my damn day :)
Done reading Chapters 1 thru 18 of Citrus (SABURO Uta)(manga); this is so adorable but there school system for this all girls school is such a pain. I would've went to a regular high school :p
Completely forgot I had this movie! It was so darn good! Really want to read Moby Dick now (another classic book on my To Read this Year Books), I had watched The Heart of the Sea (movie)
This was a new manga, gave it a shot. Read Chapter 1 thru 5 of Yue Shi (manga) the art syle is quite nice :)
Also, I did announce on my blog that I won't be posting there anymore but I would keep up with the blogs I followed on there. For I can still comment as a google user on there. Plus I will keep that announcement post on there but I will be slowly moving my old post here. Cause I like this site, was gonna make a wordpress but then I was like nope. Plus I gave the link to my fellow readers on twitter to this site.
Well have a good night all
(IGNORE THIS! IGNORE IT NOW; 6/2/16) MAJOR ANNOUNCEMNT: I mean it this time, for sure!
So I've already announced on Twitter that I'm slowly starting to post else where. An well I guess I can say I'm transforming it into my mood journal again. I hope you guys can go check it out in your spare time, here's the link: TheLazyOne Journal - Click Me
I'll also try to slowly move some of my old posts from here to there, I would like to keep all my memories. (this blog goes all the way back to freaking 2010, oh what fun!) I will still be keeping up with all mt old followers that still post on Blogger, I can still comment as a Google User. So I won't leave you guys all alone okay :)
This new Journal thing is a new and working progress. But it's interesting cause its just plain, I get to write, I get to post gifs and videos and audio, and really it's just something simple that I can put my thoughts on. I'm not saying that Blogger isn't simple! No! No! I'm only saying that I've always wanted to move on and try something new and not the same old same old. You know. But after I move everything this will be the only post left on this blog, hopefully I can get it all done before I start back that "College Life".
I'll always love this blog that help me start it all, but now I need to move it all to a new platform. Lol. I hope you all have an amazing day :)
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Darn Churchy People
(Just wanted to say, im not a smoker. I just found this image really cool. It really displays annoyance in his face.)
Do stay up and watch Childs Play 2 (1990) and then afterwards I feel asleep that early morning (around 3am I think)
Later that afternoon when I awoke, I did watch EP9 "Betta Male" of The Family (tv series) (ABC)
Curious (really did kill the cat): I was going, no correction. Already now started putting the clothes in the dryer, til I noticed those woman I saw earlier walking around. I thought they were lost, an I realm shouldn't have. Buried my own grave for being a good citizen. They were JW, Jehovah Witnesses. Long story short, got a pamphlet, was told to read it, and they would be back next week. Damn. Knew I should've left them be. Well ill have to brush them off next week, I dont believe in God. So no to the pamphlet.
Continued crocheting (red to finish this on so I can work on the other) Watched Childs Play 3 (1991)(movie)
Not even really started Poseidon (2006)(movie) cause I had to go out.
Supportive: We went to go support my aunt in her karaoke Happy Hour Night. I dryly sung one song, gave my aunt shiny pennies cause her tip jar was empty, and found out she went to a karaoke competition. That she later on found out supported the LGBT community. I told her if she had another event or outing like that I wouldn't mind tagging along.
Did finish the movie when I got home.
Read Chapter 403 of Noblesse (manga); they really need to find a way to save Rai's life.
Angry: Our neighbors are really a royal pain! Not even 5mins in the shower those pricks decide to run a bath! The Hell! The water pressure just kept getting lower an lower and lower. Low to the point where there were only droplets! I had to stand in the shower for awhile but then got out and waited a life time for the water pressure to come back on.
The only other way to calm my nerves is something cold to drink and a movie. So I'm about to watch another classic as I continue crocheting. The Sound of Music (1964) I love the songs in this movie :)
Hope you all have a better night then me.
Night all.
Do stay up and watch Childs Play 2 (1990) and then afterwards I feel asleep that early morning (around 3am I think)
Later that afternoon when I awoke, I did watch EP9 "Betta Male" of The Family (tv series) (ABC)
Curious (really did kill the cat): I was going, no correction. Already now started putting the clothes in the dryer, til I noticed those woman I saw earlier walking around. I thought they were lost, an I realm shouldn't have. Buried my own grave for being a good citizen. They were JW, Jehovah Witnesses. Long story short, got a pamphlet, was told to read it, and they would be back next week. Damn. Knew I should've left them be. Well ill have to brush them off next week, I dont believe in God. So no to the pamphlet.
Continued crocheting (red to finish this on so I can work on the other) Watched Childs Play 3 (1991)(movie)
Not even really started Poseidon (2006)(movie) cause I had to go out.
Supportive: We went to go support my aunt in her karaoke Happy Hour Night. I dryly sung one song, gave my aunt shiny pennies cause her tip jar was empty, and found out she went to a karaoke competition. That she later on found out supported the LGBT community. I told her if she had another event or outing like that I wouldn't mind tagging along.
Did finish the movie when I got home.
Read Chapter 403 of Noblesse (manga); they really need to find a way to save Rai's life.
Angry: Our neighbors are really a royal pain! Not even 5mins in the shower those pricks decide to run a bath! The Hell! The water pressure just kept getting lower an lower and lower. Low to the point where there were only droplets! I had to stand in the shower for awhile but then got out and waited a life time for the water pressure to come back on.
The only other way to calm my nerves is something cold to drink and a movie. So I'm about to watch another classic as I continue crocheting. The Sound of Music (1964) I love the songs in this movie :)
Hope you all have a better night then me.
Night all.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Horror, my genre
Curious: After watching a YouTube video on the history of vampires, I started looking up other good horror movies / vampire movies. While downloading movies for the brat (so she can leave me alone)
Apathetic: Mom came home earlier then normal with the brat. The brat got in trouble at school again, an this time mom was highly feed up! But didn't whoop her sadly! (she needs a good whoopin) But I didn't care really for the kids excuses, I was only glad that I could hide away her iPad and phone.
Decided it was time to stay up and work on crocheting this blanket I should've finished in December.
So im now about to watch a horror classic, Childs Play (1988)
Have a good night all~
Apathetic: Mom came home earlier then normal with the brat. The brat got in trouble at school again, an this time mom was highly feed up! But didn't whoop her sadly! (she needs a good whoopin) But I didn't care really for the kids excuses, I was only glad that I could hide away her iPad and phone.
Decided it was time to stay up and work on crocheting this blanket I should've finished in December.
So im now about to watch a horror classic, Childs Play (1988)
Have a good night all~
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Ugh people...
Time - 11:14pm right now currently I'm sleepy so I'll try to be quick.
Uneasy: Sill up watching TV for a few more hours but then I felt tired. Messaged my mother that I was going to sleep; it was going on2am so I had a feeling she was staying the night somewhere. No. Instead she comes in all noisy with this tall guy I dont know. Basically the whole time the guy was in the back made me feel uneasy. Dont know who he is, looks odd, and in all honestly I hope they don't make out. (I think she's drunk, plus that gross if they did but didn't.) About an hour or so he eventually finally left. (Dont ever come back weird guy!)
Productive: Later in the evening I went ahead an finally applied for that Gift Shop Clerk job. It's at the hospital of course. Then I worked on my online drivers ed for awhile til I got hungry.
Happy: The new episode / season of Game of Thrones premiered. It was a glorious episode!
Annoyed: (early morning) I had to keep getting up to lock the door since that tall guy kept going to his freaking car. I hope he never comes back. (later in the evening, basically night time) right when the new episode of Game of Thrones aired that darn Tornado watch signal came on about three times. That annoying siren and voice! Ugh!
Watched EP3 of Mayoiga (anime)
Watched EP3 of Bungou Stray Dogs (anime)
Watched S6 EP1 "The Red Woman" of Game of Thrones (tv series)
I also figured out what chapter I left off in Tokyo Ghoul (manga) (its chapter 100). I need to finish it to read the sequel.
Now it's 11:26pm, that's all. I'm going to bed.
Uneasy: Sill up watching TV for a few more hours but then I felt tired. Messaged my mother that I was going to sleep; it was going on2am so I had a feeling she was staying the night somewhere. No. Instead she comes in all noisy with this tall guy I dont know. Basically the whole time the guy was in the back made me feel uneasy. Dont know who he is, looks odd, and in all honestly I hope they don't make out. (I think she's drunk, plus that gross if they did but didn't.) About an hour or so he eventually finally left. (Dont ever come back weird guy!)
Productive: Later in the evening I went ahead an finally applied for that Gift Shop Clerk job. It's at the hospital of course. Then I worked on my online drivers ed for awhile til I got hungry.
Happy: The new episode / season of Game of Thrones premiered. It was a glorious episode!
Annoyed: (early morning) I had to keep getting up to lock the door since that tall guy kept going to his freaking car. I hope he never comes back. (later in the evening, basically night time) right when the new episode of Game of Thrones aired that darn Tornado watch signal came on about three times. That annoying siren and voice! Ugh!
Watched EP3 of Mayoiga (anime)
Watched EP3 of Bungou Stray Dogs (anime)
Watched S6 EP1 "The Red Woman" of Game of Thrones (tv series)
I also figured out what chapter I left off in Tokyo Ghoul (manga) (its chapter 100). I need to finish it to read the sequel.
Now it's 11:26pm, that's all. I'm going to bed.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Tables over Slot Machines
(Decided to change this to a mood journal, did this with my blog awhile back but got busy and couldn't get back to it. So I'll try again.)
Happy: We managed to make a few dollars about twice to make into bills so we can play on the slots. We had some money again finally, but that wasn't the exciting part. I met my best friend's mom and dad at Delta Down. I was so glad / surprised to see them there, they even showed me pictures of the baby! He's so adorable! I'm going to spoil the crap out of that kid, well when I have a good paying job of course.
Annoyed/Upset: So not only were we winning and losing money left and right with these machines. My cousin had his money stolen from a slot machine that shut down on him. We all spoke to the manager and some really rude guy about it. An in all honesty after telling them what happened, the fact they looked through the history an say they couldn't find anything, they couldn't pay back my cousin! We were all upset about it! I had to go hunt down my grandmother in the casino to give her $5 and back to my aunt t give her $5. For I finally won something again and actually shared. I told my cousin I would get his money back before we left! An that's what I plan to do! This is why I like playing the tables more then slots, you get more!
Caring: So I wasn't able to get the whole $20 back that he lost but I gave my cousin the $14 I had won. He wasn't mad anymore, he was super happy! An we wasted all of it in the arcade section playing games for the rest of the morning we were there :)
Tired/Drained of Life: I ended up sleeping peacefully (sort of, there was an odd smell on the bus. I t was coming from the was more disgusting then the sewer!) on the bus, I went and curled back up in on those two uncomfortable charges and went right to sleep. Sleep did get interrupted since we made it back in Houston, went to my grandmas house after we dropped everyone off (left my key at home and no one is there), and went right back to sleep on the couch. Mom did come get me in a few hours, it was boiling hot (I hate the sun, I'm literally like a vampire), and I ran errands withe her buying things before we hit the house. I was still tired but fought off sleep cause I was kind of hungry.
Other (other stuff I did that doesn't need the title of a mood):
- Read Chapters 4 thru 18 of Tsubasa - World Chronicle - Hiraikanai Hen (manga); read this when I got home
- my so called breakfast consisted of chips, all natural ginger chews, and two reese's cups (my morning was evening)
- Then of course later on in the evening, I download anime an started watching it like crazy!
- Watched EP2 & EP3 of Seisen Cerberus (anime); overall I loved both episodes but that light blue haired chick was clueless as hell!
- An right about now I'm going to watch EP2 & EP3 & EP4 of Kiznaiver (anime), well you all have a good night. I'll be up watching anime~
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
No Sleep Morning and Dealing with Arousal
If my morning couldn't get any worse, I couldn't sleep. Why? It's all because of that darn Dramatical Murder Drama CD, well only part of it, but goodness it was gloriously hot! I enjoyed it highly, but that didn't help the fact that I couldn't SLEEP! It was very irritating but I solved the problem...sort of; i'll admit I was a tad aroused..there I said it. Which made me listen to it again..darn it. That was the least of my troubles, my mother came home early in the morning from my aunt house. I thought she would go straight to bed but instead she went about the dishes being in the sink and how she couldn't find her charger and wanted to blame my aunt for taking it! Why would she take it, she has her own. I kept trying to convince my mother that she may have moved the charge! I was annoyed at this point and told her to please just go to bed!
I ended up taking care of the dishes and she did find her charger (told her no one stole it). Then I really couldn't sleep, it was already close or around 4am. Might as well watch TV, so I watched the newest episode of Damien (tv series on) A&E. I loved this episode, he's like having such bad trust issues and it's glorious! Plus we meet a guy who's obsessed with him and will do anything to get his approval! Beautiful! Then I attempted. to rest.
Wanted to get up early but slept my whole morning and afternoon away, but I did manage to get a workout in though! It's been a few weeks since I've went jogging cause the weather has been bad outside. So I decided to workout indoors playing a Kinect game while the brat wasn't home. An even after this workout I was til..well a tad aroused from early...damn being horny is highly annoying but not so bad I guess.
After was a shower, I decided to talk to a friend about this whole arousal thing. Not like I've never been horny before but I just wanted some advice on things. An as a good friend she was always helpful in hearing my problem, I know this a natural thing an all but getting advice isn't a bad thing. Anywho, after our conversation I ended up reading a lot of articles when my mom came home, then I had to deal with noise since she her classmate came over, they had to rehearse there dance since they had no practice, and I also found it so surprising that they didn't have homework! They missed like two days of school because of the weather, what do you mean no homework. Crazy.
I was going to stay up but I'm extremely tired, so sleep it shall be. (Plus my mom left a lot of papers everywhere, she said she wants to finally go through everything she's had stuffed in this piece of furniture. Well she's going to be awhile.)
Monday, April 18, 2016
Dark Sleepy Morning

Ended up waking around 10am-ish to notice my mother and the brat were both still here. The canceled school. Great, now I have to deal with them. I had plans for the day, but since it's so dark out and we fear the power could go out any second. I'll minimize how many light I have on. I went ahead and started then had to restart cause the site crashed filling out this job application for an internship over the "Summer Break" although I've been on a break for awhile now. While I was filling it out I went ahead and watched Dancing with the Stars "Disney Night Part 1 and 2". These are the only episodes of this season I'm watching. Why? Cause, it's god damn Disney Night!
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Day 2 of 2 = Japan Fest
Never finished the darn backpack, I feel back to sleep.(Slept in my mom's room since she wouldn't get off my darn couch!) But I did get up early-ish to get ready, forwe were going again today! This time to get an earlier parking spot then usual. Sadly I was up early and ready to go but my cousin wanted me to wait til 10:30am. Gave me time to finish the backpack! Not! I had one more strap to do but he showed up! Darn it.
So this day would be different from yesterday, cause we did buy all the main stuff yesterday. This go round not so much.
* my cousin finally got his ramen, I got my udon noodles with the shrimp in it
* ate some of his red bean paste bun
* bought the shirts I wanted; we both bought those anime boxes and bags
* there were somethings in my bag/box that I didn't want so I traded with him with some of the things he had
* I learned to play Do Ra Me Fa So La Ti Do on a Sanshin, it was a cool experience
* we saw the otaku acoustic play again
* also, I tried a Nutella Strawberry crepe! It was so darn good!
So this day would be different from yesterday, cause we did buy all the main stuff yesterday. This go round not so much.
* my cousin finally got his ramen, I got my udon noodles with the shrimp in it
* ate some of his red bean paste bun
* bought the shirts I wanted; we both bought those anime boxes and bags
* there were somethings in my bag/box that I didn't want so I traded with him with some of the things he had
* I learned to play Do Ra Me Fa So La Ti Do on a Sanshin, it was a cool experience
* we saw the otaku acoustic play again
* also, I tried a Nutella Strawberry crepe! It was so darn good!
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Day 1 of 2 = Japan Fest
I didn't stay up to finish crocheting the backpack I was going to take with me. I'm sleepy.
Now I told my cousin I would be up and guess what. This fool was sleep! I woke up first because my glorious mother wanted me to get her up (but she was already gone, what was the damn point of my alarm then!) and I had to get up again because well I had to get ready. I did sleep a little longer then my alarm though, but at least I got up and got dressed and ate breakfast. I called this fool cause it was close to 10am and my mother was bickering to me about how I was supposed to be gone already and why was I home. I was annoyed and ready to go.
In the car I did get on my cousin about sleeping in cause I knew he stayed up playing things. But then he smelled of after shave, which we concluded wasn't after shave. But his cologne mixing in with the air fresher in the car. Not a good mixer. Too us awhile to get to the park and find a parking spot. It was packed as hell!! It was ridiculous! We wanted to try and get the 3 Hour parking but that didn't happened cause it was packed as well. So us 90s kids had to magically feed the parking meter quarters til it wouldn't give us more time. It was so confusing how these old meters worked. We decided to move the car again after our two hours were up.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Belated Birthday Froyo~
P.S. I apologize for the whispering at the end. My mom and the brat came home right when I was about to wrap things up. Comment or Tweet me to let me know if you can't here what I said after I unpaused the recorder. If a lot of you couldn't here it I'll just type the last few things I said.
Also an annoying AD may come up when you go to the recording, just exit it.
Also an annoying AD may come up when you go to the recording, just exit it.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
On one thing, an then the Next
No sleep for the wicked! Auntie wanted my help this morning with her tablet this morning since something was wrong with it. Can't recall what but I managed to figure it all out. An we had breakfast as well, which was nice. I was darn hungry! Now a nap.
Yes, I took a legit nap this time! Only two hours tops, proud of myself. So that educational show though, watched EP3 "Van Gogh's Guardian" of Raiders Of the Lost Art (series). After this episode I was inspired to paint something. So I had to grab my old watercolors, water, and paper and make something happen! I had to think of something simple to do since I hadn't fiddled with watercolor in ages. Fruit. But what fruit? Pinterest, help me! A pear, I'll take it. Drew two, painted two, noticed my second looked more decent then my first. Well I'll be damned.
Yes, I took a legit nap this time! Only two hours tops, proud of myself. So that educational show though, watched EP3 "Van Gogh's Guardian" of Raiders Of the Lost Art (series). After this episode I was inspired to paint something. So I had to grab my old watercolors, water, and paper and make something happen! I had to think of something simple to do since I hadn't fiddled with watercolor in ages. Fruit. But what fruit? Pinterest, help me! A pear, I'll take it. Drew two, painted two, noticed my second looked more decent then my first. Well I'll be damned.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
No workout? Watch Some TV
Your hoping to hear me say, "Man I had the best sleep ever" or "Slept like a log". Well I wouldn't count waking at 3am sweating all over and amazing sleep. I had t check that darn air, my mother is always turning it up when she feels cold. But never really considers others in the house huh.
Because of me waking up so damn early I was only able to get 4 more hours of sleep. An since I couldn't sleep, had to watch the news. Now can someone explain to me, what genius gave this idiot the idea to change the $10 Bill! Isn't that like messing with freaking history?! I can't, it's supposed to storm today so I can't work out at the going back to sleep.
Now that I'm somewhatly refreshed, let's get this darn Xbox Kinect to work so I can get a workout. Shall we. The brat has a lot of dance games she doesn't really touch much, so I decided why the heck not. I played one of her dance games for awhile but then remembered that Adventures or something game she got. It has like different sports on there, I remember playing that at her dads house once. I worked up a sweat playing that game! I think I mostly just played soccer or just ran the track. Well I couldn't relive those good days, the brat fucked up her CD. Badly. I even cleaned good t and still no go, I give. I'll have to buy a new disc when I have money, I'm going to watch cartoons.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Financial Aid = Done
Okay I did black out, in the middle of the movie. Hell I can't even recall the fact of me falling asleep at all. That's how odd it is; got to damn cozy on the couch and ended up dozing off again.
The thing is I slept too damn long though..ugh it was evening..shit. As my mother always askes, "What did you do productive today?" My answer today, would be Nothing! So I got off my sleepy ass and did all those dishes.
Watched EP4 of Damien (tv series) on A&E; Glad the dog bi the shit out of that detective. Nosie bastard! But can't wait til the new episode though, Damien looks like he's in an insane asylum! I think! Can't wait for him to freaking snap!
Monday, March 28, 2016
Tinker Bell Marathon
I love how when I'm ready to go the hell to sleep or watch a show their is this odd lingering smell! I think it's our trash or something! But it reeks! It's so gross to me, now I gotta blast all the damn fans in the house. Gah! Sleep Come To Me!
Now I know there are times I wake up a little moody or out of place but mother was mad. She woke me with a moody attitude about the AC being messed with then getting on the fact of me being dizzy and shit. That one or two times I was dizzy was because I got up tooo fast and I was in one of those really deep sleeps like your freaking dead! She wanted me to go by the brat a damn lunchable, well out of luck! There aren't any at the corner store! So I had to give my grandmother the money to but it for the brat.
Now I know there are times I wake up a little moody or out of place but mother was mad. She woke me with a moody attitude about the AC being messed with then getting on the fact of me being dizzy and shit. That one or two times I was dizzy was because I got up tooo fast and I was in one of those really deep sleeps like your freaking dead! She wanted me to go by the brat a damn lunchable, well out of luck! There aren't any at the corner store! So I had to give my grandmother the money to but it for the brat.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Saw Batman v Superman
Me and Vivi couldn't fall right to sleep when we decided to go to sleep after our showers and game playing. We talked for a bit about random things and all the noise Desi was making in the other room , I think she's dealing with the dogs. Still don't get why she let them sleep in the bed with her.
I set an alarm, I ignored it. Why? The movie starts at 11am, not 11:30am. Well that time was a damn lie! It starts at 11am! Shit. Desi and Vivi went downstairs to make breakfast, I went ahead and started getting ready. Hell I even repacked and even made the beds and folded the extra blankets as well (gets extra cold in her room faster, which is fine with me cause it helps me sleep better) Bolted down the stairs and ate breakfast with the others. Im excited!
I set an alarm, I ignored it. Why? The movie starts at 11am, not 11:30am. Well that time was a damn lie! It starts at 11am! Shit. Desi and Vivi went downstairs to make breakfast, I went ahead and started getting ready. Hell I even repacked and even made the beds and folded the extra blankets as well (gets extra cold in her room faster, which is fine with me cause it helps me sleep better) Bolted down the stairs and ate breakfast with the others. Im excited!
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Day Before Easter
Of course I didn't go to sleep, had a darn headache. But I kept watching anime~
Watched EP13 of God Eater (anime) I'm so glad that the main character lived and they defeated that piece of shit monster! He was getting on my damn nerves with that fucking grinning he always did! That OP'ed bastard is finally dead! I 100% need a season 2 of this anime! Like for real!
Also my friend was supposed to come get me earlier today so that we could all spend the night at her place but she didn't come get me til later on that evening. Now I didn't pack a lot! It just seemed like I did, my breathing machine I use for my asthma always makes my bag look bigger then what it needed to be. Now we were still having crawfish; my friends were messing with me and said that we weren't and they went bad. An were going to get food out but they lied. Pops made all the crawfish, an it wasn't all that spicy as last time. Except the corn...that was spicy though! But I devoured the crap outta that shrimp and crawfish. Although I was hungry and couldn't wait earlier so I ate soup and snacked on Nature Valley bars. My friend got a new bed frame and mattress! It was so darn FLUFFY! Like I could sleep on that thing forever! Well were just gonna play games and watch movies on TV til we want to black out.
But we are going to the movies to see Batman v Superman tomorrow! An yes, we are going on Eater Sunday. Happy Hopping all~
Watched EP13 of God Eater (anime) I'm so glad that the main character lived and they defeated that piece of shit monster! He was getting on my damn nerves with that fucking grinning he always did! That OP'ed bastard is finally dead! I 100% need a season 2 of this anime! Like for real!
Also my friend was supposed to come get me earlier today so that we could all spend the night at her place but she didn't come get me til later on that evening. Now I didn't pack a lot! It just seemed like I did, my breathing machine I use for my asthma always makes my bag look bigger then what it needed to be. Now we were still having crawfish; my friends were messing with me and said that we weren't and they went bad. An were going to get food out but they lied. Pops made all the crawfish, an it wasn't all that spicy as last time. Except the corn...that was spicy though! But I devoured the crap outta that shrimp and crawfish. Although I was hungry and couldn't wait earlier so I ate soup and snacked on Nature Valley bars. My friend got a new bed frame and mattress! It was so darn FLUFFY! Like I could sleep on that thing forever! Well were just gonna play games and watch movies on TV til we want to black out.
But we are going to the movies to see Batman v Superman tomorrow! An yes, we are going on Eater Sunday. Happy Hopping all~
Friday, March 25, 2016
Happy Good Friday
Read Chapter 159 of 19 Tian (manga) can't wait til it updates more cause it's an addiction! (yaoi / Shounen Ai)
Read Chapter 94 of Tamen De Gushi (manga) now I love this one as well, hands down freaking adorable~ (Yuri / Shounen Ai)
Read Chapters 1-4.5 of Itou-san (KURAKA Sui) (manga) this one is a yaoi but Chapter 1 was extra long which made me happy. Still good but sad ending though~
Okay now I'm going to bed; mom still isn't home yet. Oh well. Night/Morning.
My morning started out spectacular! (HIGH SARCASM) Wanna know why? Well for one it's hotter then damn molasses out here and their is a lot of people at the darn park! I had decided earlier that if the park was crowded or extra crowded then I would walk the long trail and then go home. Which I did walk about 7 laps and then catch the bus home.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Fresh Air
I've done a good deed staying up after my mom got off the couch! Finally, I managed to finish a few blog posts but now I'm tired as hell. I'll do the rest later. (Seriously need to stay on my A-Game with these posts.)
An I thought I was getting a good rest, wrong. It was fine last night, but its raining hard out there. Normal people would've rolled over and ignored it but loud claps of thunder started. That's the worst alarm clock ever, thanks mother nature. I checked the weather and it said it was going to storm today and possible rain for the rest of the week maybe.
Great, so does this mean I cant workout tomorrow. Ugh. Well before my mother left I did inform her that half of our living room carpet was wet and this lead towards us finding out that there's a damn leak. We had so much water on our table, how did I miss that? Well I did call for someone to come check it when they can after she left. I'm going back to sleep.
An I thought I was getting a good rest, wrong. It was fine last night, but its raining hard out there. Normal people would've rolled over and ignored it but loud claps of thunder started. That's the worst alarm clock ever, thanks mother nature. I checked the weather and it said it was going to storm today and possible rain for the rest of the week maybe.
Great, so does this mean I cant workout tomorrow. Ugh. Well before my mother left I did inform her that half of our living room carpet was wet and this lead towards us finding out that there's a damn leak. We had so much water on our table, how did I miss that? Well I did call for someone to come check it when they can after she left. I'm going back to sleep.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Staring Mothers...
Watched EP1 "Pilot" of Crowded (tv series) on NBC; Hahahah I freaking love this~
Morning all! Hitting tht health choice this morning and eating something light before I head to go workoue. Strawberries. Yes, I said it. Strawberries was literally the only thing I had today for breakfast. Although, I will be packing snacks when I go to the park today to jog my ass off~ But I shall read some manga before I start cleaning up the living room that I've made a mess of.
Read vol 3 (ch1-5.5) of Koisuru Boukun (manga) :D
Now that I'm done cleaning and getting myself together, I'm just hoping that their aren't a lot of people. It wasn't a lot last time but I just don't want a lot of people staring at me is all. By the way the weather is amazing out here! No sun, windy, cool, looks like it will rain in a few hours.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Movie Trap!
I didn't watch anymore TV or even work on these late ass blog post, I'm tired as hell!
My plan for today, was to:
* Print out resumes and letters for HCC (since my mother nagged me about it)
* Head up to HCC today (maybe) and then Bed Bath and Beyond to drop off the resume & application
* Then head home to relax my poor sore body
Now all of this I did do, but their's a catch. When my grandma took me to her house to print things and she got ready for work, I also had to work on their casino Flyer. My first two ideas they didn't like but the third one they (my grandma and great aunt) loved. Made copies of that and then we left. I thought my grandma was just going to drop me off and head to work so that she can be on time, no!
Monday, March 21, 2016
Let the Jogging Begin!
Not much was said about their trip, but I know the brat won. Had to haul in all their crap in the house, then it was the whole getting together for the next day. After they finally settled down and going I went back to reading manga again :P
Read vol 1 (ch1-5.5) & vol 2 (ch1-5.5) of Koisuru Boukun (manga) it's been so long since I've read this yaoi, I'm 100% glad to be rereading it :)
Now that it's morning and people are blasting Obama for going to Cuba to make peace. I find nothing wrong with that! I would rather make peace with any foreign country then have a World War III on our hands and our damn population decreasing everywhere! Hell no! No one wants that, so let the man be and let him do his damn job! Even the new candidates are saying that they wouldn't even go, I feel as though if you don't get to know your neighbor how are you going to get that extra help if you may need it? Those idiots aren't thinking! I find what Obama is doing a splendid things an I freaking support him fully.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Their Back, Home, yay...
Watched EP11 of Divine Gate (anime) I thought it was going to be an extreme bloody battle but he did slash his brother. So that's a plus~
I want to stay up and read something or watch an OVA but im so damn tired! I'll try to sleep..the best way I can.
My mom woke me by texting me about something, yet I somewhatly ignored it and went back to sleep. Which lead me to get up later on in the damn evening, which I don't mind. I did do something productive, I called and asked in Bed Bath & Beyond was hiring an they are. Plus I was looking at some parks near by, for I've decided to start back jogging again! I miss jogging or really doing something active in general, so I thought why not! I ain't doing nothing, managed to find one not to far from my destination tomorrow :D
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Noisy Night
So we did stay up an watch Goosebump (tv series), the 2007 BatMan (tv series), & Young Justice (tv series) for Vivian wanted to finish it. After this they went to sleep but I stayed up and watched the 1st episode of Cuckoo (tv series) it was so funny but odd.
After we all hibernated for awhile and it seemed like a birthday party was starting we had breakfast. Finally tried that darn sausage my mom bought, an it was pretty good. Our breakfast was long since we talked our lives away but after they left someone was nice enough to take the trash out. They did ask me if the music was too loud, I said no (but I was lying they were annoying me)
Friday, March 18, 2016
The Trio's Sleepover
This whole morning has been freaking crazy!!!
Mom and the brat was packing, being loud, and in the darn way! But my mother did go shopping for me though. I was happy for that. An instead of me actually starting to clean while they were arguing about nonsense, I decided to watch a movie. Keep in mind our Netflix wasn't working but I figured out what was wrong with it, for some reason it wasn't hooked up to the freaking internet. Anywho, after I finished my movie (I watched Ten Thousand Saints (movie) which wasn't all that bad) I went ahead and started cleaning for my mother was heading out on the rode with Niyah's dad.
Took me about an hour or so to clean up for I didn't know what time my friends were coming over. I know one had to go shopping and I had no idea what my other friend was doing at all. So I just went to cleaning the whole house to make it look decent as possible! Once I finished I was exhausted! But I did go ahead and watch anime til they got here.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
It's St. Patty's Day :)
Not being able to breath through my nose is a pain in the ass! So breathing treatments always help of course. But the only odd thing was that I was on Instagram and YouTube for literally hours. Yet during those videos, it influenced me to download an anime that looks interesting. Oh now I remember, it was the top kissing scenes in anime. That's how I found it, now I'm going to watch the episodes an see if I really like it.
Before I forget, Happy St. Patrick's Day = may the luck be with you~
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Shows are full of surprises :P
I love how I wake up late in the evening to be told that I can't watch TV. Ugh, I wanted to watch my show! But mother wouldn't allow it, she pulled the "you've been home all day". An my response being, "I was asleep!" And her ending it with, "well that's your fault." Which entirely it is, I've noticed that my slumbering has deepen. My body is acting like I worked all day and is making me sleep longer then normal. Which I don't mind, but their are things I do need to finish before I start back college life in the fall. Like some books I need t finish and finish crochet projects and really start new ones that have been requested of me. I really need to get my motivation back, which I will..soon.
I had to drag myself to my room to watch my show on my laptop, which I had to deal with damn commercials. UGH! COMMERCIALS! But I bared with it and loved the episode more and more.
Watched EP2 of Damien (tv series) on A&E
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Early Preimere of Allegiant
With me staying up had me thinking more about the characters from SAO and who Kirito could've freaking gone with. He could've gone with Sachi if she hadn't died! He really did like her! He went as far as to wait for Xmas to get an item to revive her, but found out it was supposed to be used 10seconds after the person died. He was crushed, but more crushed when he got that message from her. I wonder if he kept it?
Anyway I did stay up to watch a Marvel Animated movie, it was Doctor Strange (movie)(2007). It was really good.
So fast forwarding to when I woke up, did nothing all damn after noon and evening except watching videos on YouTube, and then ironing my clothes for the early premiere of Allegiant tonight. It then hit me, I had to pick a winner today for that Promo Prize Pack. So I had this amazing idea, put everyone's user name on a sticky note three times. Then cut it up, fold them, shack the cup I had it in and pick until I got someones name three times. Now it was a bit hard unfolding it since I used old damn sticky note paper (also I did record me actually picking a winner but I never posted lol). I did get in touch with the winner so I could get their address to send the prize.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Knee Pain?
Of course I didn't go to sleep, that should be obvious. I stayed up watching Vassalord (anime) which was only an OVA of an awesome part in the manga. I was planning to go to sleep but then I wanted to stay up to watch my show. Sadly the episode hadn't posted to OnDemand yet. Sleep.
My slumber lasted til evening of course, it was one of those role overs and watch something kind of evenings. I was finally able to watch the new episode of my new favorite tv series, The Family. An damn! More and more secrets around this damn family is just piling the hell up! They just need to come clean about this shit already! Dx
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Smoothie Mistake
Sleeping in a position your not use to is very odd or irritating. With me its first irritating and then odd for I don't remember sleeping that way. Well it was just one of those mornings. Jut like It's one of those morning/afternoons where I totally don't do much. Besides me hearing the annoying children outside or the banging on the walls from the annoying children living above us. It was an okay day.
I managaed to do some laundry and sleep more and annoy my mother which is always fun. While I was waiting on the laundry to dry I watched the 1997 Godzilla (movie), man the CGI was so glorious~ Plus mother loved me earlier and bought me subway.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
It's Zootopia Time :)
I didn't go to bed. I was too darn busy manga hunting! I found an old manga I loved but didn't reread it cause I found out where it stopped was the ending and a damn cliffhanger..wasn't happy about that. So I went ahead to find other manga to read instead.
Read Ch1 thru 9 of Baby Diary (manga) this shit was damn hilarious and so cute. Although the panels are short as hell! But still good to read~
Reread Chapters 66 thru 77 of Dogs: Bullets & Carnage (manga) I was reading the volumes of this because my friend had it. So it was a tad hard for me to find the chapter I was on, didn't find it but I just read a little and said I would come back to it.
Reread Chapters 1 thru 36 of Vassalord (manga) gosh damn I love this freaking manga so much! (on of my favorite yaoi's of all time; along with Junjou Romantica & Sekaii Hatsukoi)
Now I actually went to bed after reading, although it was 5am
Friday, March 11, 2016
Everlasting Sleep
After I was done watching TV I tried my upmost best to go the hell to sleep! For I already knew I would have to get up, I did set an alarm but I still didn't get up. Until my mom yelled at me to lock the darn door again..ugh. So my morning consisted of the usual reutin except I was upand moving around. After we dropped the brat off we traveled to the nearest Vision Works where I did get my glasses from in Dallas to be fixed. Problem. They didn't open til 9am, it was basically still in the time of 8:20-8:35am. We had to sit in the car. During our car sitting time my grandmother broought up about how I needed to ask my mother about certain scholarships that I should still have, the now hiring sign on the Vision Works door and the game my grandmother was playing plus the really noisy ragged road behind us. It was so loud and annoying.
By the time it hit 9am was the time I was out the door. I mean that literally! It didn't take them long to clean them and pop that darn lens back in! I was amazed at their speed. I also got the email to the optometrist so I could send them my resume to possibly get an interview. For I am still on the darn job hunt~
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