Sunday, September 27, 2015
Early Fall Cleaning
I need to post something before I go crazy about this hiatus that I've given my blog!!!!
Well, I was supposed to post in August to guys about an idea I had! I've decided to turn this into my mood blog, if I recall my was because I wanted to keep track of my emotions. But I forgot my main reason though lol. Anywho, lets get to it!
Accomplished: I cleaned a lot today! An I mean a lot! Straightened all the clothes in my dresser and closet, went through all the papers under my dresser and night stand, and lastly cleaned the hall closet as well. For I've been 'hoarding' (as Claudia would say) a bunch of white trash bags in my containers with papers from school mixed with important papers need to keep. Trust me it was a workout hauling those trash bags to the damn dumpster Dx
Annoyed: While I was cleaning so was my roommate (at first I thought she was moving out, for she threw all of her clothes out of the closet. But found out that she was washing to pack.). An I guess this just obligated her to say something about my stuff, since she noticed I was cleaning. She asked if I was going to do something about the papers under the dresser and night stand. I would've answered, no! I'm going to leave them cause its my shot! But instead I said that I threw those papers under their ages ago and would get to them later. Then she went on rambling how she was curious as of to why I still had them their. I ignored her and blasted my music. Getting tired of her telling me when I should clean, I know! Ugh, she's irritating me.
Concerned: my other roommate idly camera home with an eye patch (I'm guessing her eye condition is getting worse) on. Found out she hadn't been to the doctor yet! I'm like what! She's going to go back home to her doctor so she can get eye surgery.
Happy: watched Vacation (movie) at the theatre tonight and didn't have to pay; redownloaded Eden Eternal for I miss playing it
Worried: So I scheduled to go to a Transfer Tour on Tuesday but my coworker isn't answering her phone. I left a voice message today and Friday. If I don't see her tomorrow at work then ill have to get that ride from one of my two friends I asked today.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Redo - July 30th, 2015.
(incomplete post)
August 8th, 2015.
(will recall early in the morning later)
I was still asleep on the couch, still catching some Z's. But I could hear everyone move around and opening the blinds to where I had no chose but to cover my face with the blanket and try to size back off. Yet that freaking failed when their was a knock at the door, who the heck is that! Come to find out its an RA doing a pre- inspection on the apartments, all I could think was, 'No one is at my apartment sooo you can't with my place.' Trying to doze back off wasn't working for I recognized the voice, it was Tantan. She was going around the apartment telling them what to clean and what needs to be done. An right before she left I rolled over and asked her if she was pre-inspecting all the apartments? She was surprised to notice that it was me on the couch, an she decided to sit on me..on my damn rib cage!!! (she was a tad heavy probably because of those hips of hers lol) No she didn't leave, she ended up asking someone for a computer charger like she did me. I yelled at her in a sleepy voice that she should just go buy a new one! She didn't want to, if she could find one here, which she had no luck in this apartment. Got one last hug from her before she left, an me being me, told her something sarcastically funny and she told me I was dumb. No turning back now.might as well get up.
Falling back asleep for a few more hours sounded lovely but I didn't. Instead I spoke with Keia about using her notes for Art History 1 so it can help me with my midterms; ate a bowl of cereal and a pop-tart (brown sugar flavored, it was glorious). Keia didn't mind, she was cleaning out some of her plastic drawers and wow was she able to find so much stuff! Pencils, packs of paper, another pencil case, chargers, binders, some cool stickers, her Le Pan tablet, etc. The power of cleaning people, look at all the treasure you can find! During our talk though Sylvan came back tired and confused, she was supposed to be catching the bus to meet with Renee so they can have their outting together but mix communication lead to confusion. Sylvan said Renee went a bit off on her on the phone for she was frustrated about some things and seemed to have taken it out on her; also I did text the Manager Hank at Office Depot to see how the background check was going. He immediately called me, told me it was surprising it took a few days, asked me if I could come on Monday from 9am to1pm in uniform for training. I said yes! I will be their! After I got off the phone I was rolling around on Sylvan's bed like I had ants in my pants! I was so excited, I have a freaking job!!! Yasss!!!
Sent from my Windows Phone
I was still asleep on the couch, still catching some Z's. But I could hear everyone move around and opening the blinds to where I had no chose but to cover my face with the blanket and try to size back off. Yet that freaking failed when their was a knock at the door, who the heck is that! Come to find out its an RA doing a pre- inspection on the apartments, all I could think was, 'No one is at my apartment sooo you can't with my place.' Trying to doze back off wasn't working for I recognized the voice, it was Tantan. She was going around the apartment telling them what to clean and what needs to be done. An right before she left I rolled over and asked her if she was pre-inspecting all the apartments? She was surprised to notice that it was me on the couch, an she decided to sit on me..on my damn rib cage!!! (she was a tad heavy probably because of those hips of hers lol) No she didn't leave, she ended up asking someone for a computer charger like she did me. I yelled at her in a sleepy voice that she should just go buy a new one! She didn't want to, if she could find one here, which she had no luck in this apartment. Got one last hug from her before she left, an me being me, told her something sarcastically funny and she told me I was dumb. No turning back now.might as well get up.
Falling back asleep for a few more hours sounded lovely but I didn't. Instead I spoke with Keia about using her notes for Art History 1 so it can help me with my midterms; ate a bowl of cereal and a pop-tart (brown sugar flavored, it was glorious). Keia didn't mind, she was cleaning out some of her plastic drawers and wow was she able to find so much stuff! Pencils, packs of paper, another pencil case, chargers, binders, some cool stickers, her Le Pan tablet, etc. The power of cleaning people, look at all the treasure you can find! During our talk though Sylvan came back tired and confused, she was supposed to be catching the bus to meet with Renee so they can have their outting together but mix communication lead to confusion. Sylvan said Renee went a bit off on her on the phone for she was frustrated about some things and seemed to have taken it out on her; also I did text the Manager Hank at Office Depot to see how the background check was going. He immediately called me, told me it was surprising it took a few days, asked me if I could come on Monday from 9am to1pm in uniform for training. I said yes! I will be their! After I got off the phone I was rolling around on Sylvan's bed like I had ants in my pants! I was so excited, I have a freaking job!!! Yasss!!!
Sent from my Windows Phone
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
The Lack of Sleep is Strong in Me...
I just finished the movie...I don't know how to describe how I feel about the movie. Everything was amazing, the acting was spot on, but I got such feels when Benny was crying..I wanted to jump thru the screen and hug him. An say, "Let's run away together! Out of London! An you can be as homo-lovable as you like Turning! " But I endured it, tried not to cry and read a few articles on Turning since I was highly awake. Becca and Adrian feel asleep after their My Little Pony Movie. I was going to grab a blanket and join them on that hard ass floor. But I decided to stay up, for I need to work on blogposts! So yes, I do love you all that much to stay up and type my life away lol. Plus keep my blog updated like I said I would.
No joke! It's 5 or 6 or was it 4minutes til freaking 5am! Yes I have to go to bed or I will just bang my head on this marble table and sleep.
Had two hours of sleep! OMG! The Greek Gods save us!
#1 I forgot that I set an alarm for them so they could get up for their 8am class.
#2 Found out what that creepy sound I kept hearing while I was typing and trying to sleep. It was Adrians phone alarm! That sound, sounded like a music box you would hear in a freaking horror movies before the door creeks open and a creepy ass doll pops out! I was in no mood for a possessed ass doll this morning!!!!!
Yes, I was TIRED!
Yes, I wanted to go the hell back to sleep!!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Sitting Somewhere Different

My plan for getting up early, heading to the school, working on outlining the font on the paper for this prayer pillow idea, then read over the chapter I needed for class and read over the info for my Design History class..DIDN'T FREAKING HAPPEN! For I literally slept the whole damn morning away! I had to rush to get ready and catch the next bus that would be their in like 20mins. That means breakfast to go damn it! I did make it on the bus after spending some time in the lounge to pass the time (well to check to make sure I had what I needed for class), and also the train that just pulled up right when the bus pulled up! Thank gosh I was somewhatly awake to bolt up the damn stairs!!!! On the train ( I swear I wasn't creeping! I swear!) but I saw this baby with a perfect baby mohawk and I couldn't help but take a picture of the baby when she wasn't looking at all lol. It was so cute~
Had no time much to chill before class or so I thought. When I remembered I didn't have my book nor my glossary words on me! Fuck! I bolted out of class, to a computer lab, snagged an open computer, and found out the stuff wasnt on my bad flash drive!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Yeah, still don't care for College Math.
One work to describe MAD MAX: EXPLOSIONS!!!!!!
Yes that's all I'll say about the movie cause it was that damn glorious! I wanted to talk to Claudia about it when I got home but she was asleep I think and I was so ready for a shower and bed like for real! So I did take a long ass shower since my roommate wasn't their and laid on the bed afterwords feeling amazing! But that shower woke me the fuck up!!! Damn!
Anime, Anime, Anime! I have to watch it, til I black out.
Watched EP4 of Charlotte (anime) :D
Well reached my limit, need to sleep..oh look its my roommate. She's bitching about how cold it is in the house and how she got sick last week from how cold it was in the house. Bahhumbug! That's a load of shit! I don't have time! I'm going the hell to bed!
I honestly woke up with no damn intention of going to school early what so ever..that's why I slept in. An why I was thinking about the fact that I needed freaking groceries. Crap! I gotta ask for money, I swear I need a damn job already! Asked mom, she can't this week but next week she can. I told her I could wait it out (but I think she knew I probably couldn't) so she told me to call my grandmother and ask her. I did, she told me she would wire me some money today, but couldn't at the moment for she was at the hospital with my auntie. I honestly didn't know she had that bad of arthritis in her knees :(
Yes that's all I'll say about the movie cause it was that damn glorious! I wanted to talk to Claudia about it when I got home but she was asleep I think and I was so ready for a shower and bed like for real! So I did take a long ass shower since my roommate wasn't their and laid on the bed afterwords feeling amazing! But that shower woke me the fuck up!!! Damn!
Anime, Anime, Anime! I have to watch it, til I black out.
Watched EP4 of Charlotte (anime) :D
Well reached my limit, need to sleep..oh look its my roommate. She's bitching about how cold it is in the house and how she got sick last week from how cold it was in the house. Bahhumbug! That's a load of shit! I don't have time! I'm going the hell to bed!
I honestly woke up with no damn intention of going to school early what so ever..that's why I slept in. An why I was thinking about the fact that I needed freaking groceries. Crap! I gotta ask for money, I swear I need a damn job already! Asked mom, she can't this week but next week she can. I told her I could wait it out (but I think she knew I probably couldn't) so she told me to call my grandmother and ask her. I did, she told me she would wire me some money today, but couldn't at the moment for she was at the hospital with my auntie. I honestly didn't know she had that bad of arthritis in her knees :(
Sunday, July 26, 2015
References, Jellyfish, & Mad Max
Yeah were gonna stay up for awhile, its always bound to happen. No matter who's apartment im at we always stay the hell up! But yeah we were talking about random crap again and then Keia showed me this video of a lip sync over of like my favorite anime movie ever. An what these two guys were saying to be as them made my fan girl ovaries just explode with joy then I was sad when they showed the damn death scene again from the movie..i really didn't want him to freaking die! He was like my favorite damn character, shit! Oh here's the video if you guys wanna watch it~
Now we all went our sorta separate ways, Keia was in the room watching anime, Sylvan was drawing, their other two roommates I think were sleep, and I literally had everything on the charger. So made cause everything was near death so I couldn't watch crap! As I waited for them to at least get half battery I waited on Keia to put the new episodes she downloaded that I had not downloaded and slithered my way to the couch. (Keia did finish before I was fully done lazy crawling to the couch but I had to be on the couch for I was tired of lying on my stomach on that damn floor.) Sylvan kept asking me if I was ready to sleep, I told her no an that she was fine where she was an that I was just casually laying on the couch waiting for things to charge...
Now we all went our sorta separate ways, Keia was in the room watching anime, Sylvan was drawing, their other two roommates I think were sleep, and I literally had everything on the charger. So made cause everything was near death so I couldn't watch crap! As I waited for them to at least get half battery I waited on Keia to put the new episodes she downloaded that I had not downloaded and slithered my way to the couch. (Keia did finish before I was fully done lazy crawling to the couch but I had to be on the couch for I was tired of lying on my stomach on that damn floor.) Sylvan kept asking me if I was ready to sleep, I told her no an that she was fine where she was an that I was just casually laying on the couch waiting for things to charge...
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Wasting Paper & Got my Book for Class
We stayed up the majority of the night talking about our signs and the descriptions for them. Which lead towards us being highly wide awake the what we should've been lol. But eventually it all got cute short an we then went to bed or stayed up for awhile.
I was awoken too damn early of course, I blame Keia for she awoke me with the damn unnecessary sunlight from hell! But I was planning on getting things done today..i guess. Took me awhile to eat breakfast then get dressed and then head to the lounge for the WiFi to look up what exactly I was supposed to be doing. My entire evening literally consisted of me finding references on my favorite sculpture: Andrew Rodin. The resin it was taking me so damn ling cause I was working on tweaking my blog again, printing crap out to read over, find the English version of this damn book that was in German, and then of course I run out of copy paper an im too damn lazy to go ask for me freaking paper!
Then it hit me, save it as a pdf. Literally wasted so much damn unnecessary paper that would've weighed a ton in my bag when I could've done that. So had to go back thru all of my references to do so, Keia tried to scare me but failed, and found my book had arrived from ThriftBooks! I was excited! For it has been a long time since I bought a book or anything online~
Hungry of course creeped up on me like a retarded nightmare, darn this stomach of mines for growling at me! Packed up, saved my crap, and asked the front office if my package came in. They told me no. So, was my tracking lying to me? The lady in the front office told me to check my mailbox to see if it was their for it might be able to fit. Took her advice and checked it, it really was their. All folded on its side ever so slightly, it was a floppy book but had a lot of damn pages. Did I mention it was a bitch to open the packaging! I thought I would have to bite my way thru this damn bag thing they put it in! But I toughed thru it and got the book out, I thought finally I can do that damn glossary assignment my teacher has been bugging us about.
I was awoken too damn early of course, I blame Keia for she awoke me with the damn unnecessary sunlight from hell! But I was planning on getting things done today..i guess. Took me awhile to eat breakfast then get dressed and then head to the lounge for the WiFi to look up what exactly I was supposed to be doing. My entire evening literally consisted of me finding references on my favorite sculpture: Andrew Rodin. The resin it was taking me so damn ling cause I was working on tweaking my blog again, printing crap out to read over, find the English version of this damn book that was in German, and then of course I run out of copy paper an im too damn lazy to go ask for me freaking paper!
Then it hit me, save it as a pdf. Literally wasted so much damn unnecessary paper that would've weighed a ton in my bag when I could've done that. So had to go back thru all of my references to do so, Keia tried to scare me but failed, and found my book had arrived from ThriftBooks! I was excited! For it has been a long time since I bought a book or anything online~
Hungry of course creeped up on me like a retarded nightmare, darn this stomach of mines for growling at me! Packed up, saved my crap, and asked the front office if my package came in. They told me no. So, was my tracking lying to me? The lady in the front office told me to check my mailbox to see if it was their for it might be able to fit. Took her advice and checked it, it really was their. All folded on its side ever so slightly, it was a floppy book but had a lot of damn pages. Did I mention it was a bitch to open the packaging! I thought I would have to bite my way thru this damn bag thing they put it in! But I toughed thru it and got the book out, I thought finally I can do that damn glossary assignment my teacher has been bugging us about.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Got ideas for other things..but paying no attention
We stayed up a bit longer talking about different religions,
our religions, and then we started looking up other gods. But with all the
talking we usually do time does fly. So we decided to hit the hay.
Yay me! But after taking my asthma treatment, brushing
my teeth, washing face, change clothes
and almost done with a bowl of cereal (after waiting 30mins) Renee offered to
give me a ride to the school. I. Was. So. Happy! For were literally in the
On the car ride to school Renee asked if later on tonight if
I wanted to join her for church service at this church her friend
suggested. I thought why the hell not I
won't be doing anything after class. I haven't been to church in decades so i
might not pay attention but I'll go if she doesn't want to go alone.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
98 Degrees Fahrenheit
We literally didn't go to bed til 4pm-ish or was it 5pm.
Can't recall really but me and Keia stayed up talking about the couples
in Junjou Romantica (anime) and in the manga.
Watch Ep3 of Junjou Romantica 3 (anime); it was so adorable
an highly put I smile on my face.
Plus I'm fully caught up with Natsume Yuujinchou (manga) I'm
so freaking happy! For this is literally my favorite manga of all time! Read
chapters 69 thru 76.
I eventually got kicked off of Sylvan's bed for she was
ready to go to sleep so I had to hit the couch.
When I awoke later on their was noise of Keia in the kitchen
and Sylvan dashing out the door. (I know cause I opened my eyes ever so
slightly to see when I rolled over on the couch; trying not to hit the floor.)
I asked Keia what se was doing but instead she told me the time..I hate it when
I'm half sleep cause then I sound like I'm mumbling. I finally got up, fixed a
bowl of cereal, and started talking to Keia about how cheap certain grocery
stores were. Well the ones we don't usually go to of course. Then Sylvan came
back with my roommate Claudia for they were gonna do homework together but she
forgot her flash drive. After talking to them for awhile I went back to the
apt, took a shower, grabbed my crap then went out the door.
One, I need to take my friend's advice on taking a cold ass
shower instead of a hot one.
Two, I need to put cold water in my bota bag and not just
keep the room temperature water for it sure as hell doesn't save my damn life
And lastly, I need to check my damn weather app before I
leave the house! For I didn't find out how really hot it was til I checked when
I got on the damn train! It was 98 Degrees Fahrenheit & tomorrow well
be in the 102!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Thought this thru...(a bit of an announcement post..i guess)
Okay! Yo! Hi! Morning, Afternoon, or evening where ever yall may be! So here's the deal. I've obviously been breaking my new years resolution quite badly. Which was:
So I've thought it thru an decided to do what I did when I was in High School when I started this blog. Writing it down, typing it up, an posting it all by the end of the week. Technically on a Sunday.
I miss expressing myself or really my life in words on here. This blog was really my life (and online gaming) before I even joined Facebook, or Twitter, or MySpace (was kinda pressured into making one cause all middle schoolers had one back then). But literally I would love staying up at night posting my life away and then online gaming my ass off on the weekends or watching TV. But you know as you grow up and school changes to college which influences your life you start to have less time for things. Which I honestly find annoying as hell and stupid! But I don't want to give this blog up! No matter how old I may get! I want to keep it an cherish it for a long time to come. So I'll be working on writing this week up and I know I'm behind like two months but I'll just look up on my Twitter for all that. Things will change but I'll still be me. So keep a look out for new updates weekly 9I hope). Since I do start back classes on July 13th, ugh. Just wait for me your guys! I'll be back with an iron fist! lol. Well see ya guys soon~
"This year I will get back into blogging because I miss it & I have a bad memory of things."
So I've thought it thru an decided to do what I did when I was in High School when I started this blog. Writing it down, typing it up, an posting it all by the end of the week. Technically on a Sunday.
I miss expressing myself or really my life in words on here. This blog was really my life (and online gaming) before I even joined Facebook, or Twitter, or MySpace (was kinda pressured into making one cause all middle schoolers had one back then). But literally I would love staying up at night posting my life away and then online gaming my ass off on the weekends or watching TV. But you know as you grow up and school changes to college which influences your life you start to have less time for things. Which I honestly find annoying as hell and stupid! But I don't want to give this blog up! No matter how old I may get! I want to keep it an cherish it for a long time to come. So I'll be working on writing this week up and I know I'm behind like two months but I'll just look up on my Twitter for all that. Things will change but I'll still be me. So keep a look out for new updates weekly 9I hope). Since I do start back classes on July 13th, ugh. Just wait for me your guys! I'll be back with an iron fist! lol. Well see ya guys soon~
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Late Night Morning (yeah that's what I'll call it)
(Man I missed blogging, so glad I'm somewhatly finding the time to type. Hehe~ )
Ha we have no lives I swear~
After I was finally done with the movie or really in between while I was watching the movie. These things occurred:
*the stuffed crust pizza arrived
* found out my friend has never seen The Dark Crystal, so I told her to pay attention & watch it! (I've seen it a million times so there's no point in staring at the screen)
* then they were watching Willow (our PowerRanger friend informed us that it'll give us nightmares; the movie was odd)
* an somehow we got to talking about what we want in an idle lover cause we found out our PowerRanger friend is 29, hasn't had sex (I can't judge thouugh im still a virgin and I don't care), still lives at his parents really kinda seems like he's never had a gf cause from how he is no one can handle his hyper, loud ass mouth, my little pony loving self A(their's no hope for him)
* also my friend made me proofread a terrible fanfiction she wrote when she was 14! She didn't inform me that she was gonna rewrite it til I couldn't get past the third page. (the grammar was awful)
* I didn't shower til 3:31am..but hey I felt clean sleeping on the couch!
I will let you know this though, it was hard as hell to fall asleep in that living room. You turn all the lights off in a living room full of weapons, armory, and a shit ton of book shelves with images of cheetahs on the wall..yeah it was hard to sleep...very hard...
Friday, June 26, 2015
Pool Party; It's a it's one big Circle
Yo all~
I know it's been awhile since I've been on here. I honestly miss typing on here. I've decided to post something today well cause I need to and well a lot has freaking happened since I last posted something. An in all honest it's driving me crazy that I haven't been posting like I'm supposed's nerve racking actually. The reason I made this blog awhile back was because I was going through somethings and need my own space..that an I have a terrible memory so I have to write it down. Or tweet it or type it..or I'll forget. I hate forgetting. But anywho! I've noticed something, not too long ago I was trying to change my theme on my blog but all the themes I've picked can't really be altered much cause their not themes Blogger offers. I honestly wish that they would freaking update already with themes..but I have a hard time picking one cause I'm so damn picky..but no worries I'll pick something really cool and not simple. Cause when I can't decide I literally go back to what I had before lol. I need to break this pattern, no break this circle I've got myself stuck in. So I will update, don't worry. An yes I know I haven't posted anything since Valentine's Day sorry about that. But I have been sending posts via email to my blog from my phone but their saved as drafts cause I want to go back an tweak them if I typed wrong. I get in the zone an keep type and not really spell checking sometimes. But I shall update, an if you follow me on Twitter cause I Tweet my life away on their so I don't forget things.
Also for those that don't know awhile back I did say to make things easier on me was that I'm only typing memorable things or things I just don't want to forget that I've already done or seen. So if you find it boring or not interesting if I may say you don't have to read. It won't hurt my feelings, I'm only typing what's on my mind. That's what a blog is for after all~ :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
June 9th, 2015.
Planned to get up early but that was a fail or so I thought. Til my friend text me about a special on breakfast in the culinary building.
Tried to catch an early but I missed it and ended up having to catch another one after I returned the movies; outside felt like the 1st Gate of Hell opened!
Managed to get their after so long and was so damn hungry! For I dashed out of the house not eating a damn thing. But I got the plate of food and my friend covered me.
Didn't eat it all for some of it look weird or tasted off, ended up buying watermelon. An taking forever to correct my brochure for I was having dar thoughts of destroying the damn school (I was pmsing, I hate being on my mother nature of the month).
After I had finished, I was literally grinning from ear to ear cause I saw storm clouds! I wanted it to storm for I was tired of the heat. My wish truly came true once I walked outside from At&t. (had to find out the prices for WiFi and cable)
By the time I hit the mall I was soaked, people stared at me cause was all wet, some people were worried about me since I did inform them I did walk in it for about 10-15mins. An in the end I still don't know if I work this weekend, corporate is cutting hours an my manager said he would call me later.
Tried to catch an early but I missed it and ended up having to catch another one after I returned the movies; outside felt like the 1st Gate of Hell opened!
Managed to get their after so long and was so damn hungry! For I dashed out of the house not eating a damn thing. But I got the plate of food and my friend covered me.
Didn't eat it all for some of it look weird or tasted off, ended up buying watermelon. An taking forever to correct my brochure for I was having dar thoughts of destroying the damn school (I was pmsing, I hate being on my mother nature of the month).
After I had finished, I was literally grinning from ear to ear cause I saw storm clouds! I wanted it to storm for I was tired of the heat. My wish truly came true once I walked outside from At&t. (had to find out the prices for WiFi and cable)
By the time I hit the mall I was soaked, people stared at me cause was all wet, some people were worried about me since I did inform them I did walk in it for about 10-15mins. An in the end I still don't know if I work this weekend, corporate is cutting hours an my manager said he would call me later.
Monday, June 1, 2015
June 1st, 2015
I want to start off saying at the moment I fell sick, like I need to vomit! I have no idea why but it feels like it...
So I woke up late, two hours after my alarm. An to start off the glorious morning I ended up burning tow pieces of bacon and smoke screen was in the kitchen.
I did got downtown to get a new reduced idea, went up to my job to see if mother wanting something on hold but she told me she would wait til later, & I don't work this weekend. So more time for me to do homework.
Treated myself to Honey Milk Boba Tea & bought a new game for my PSVita & a case for it using my Gift Card and a bit of my money from my account.
Majority of my time wasting was looking up other colleges and one that caught my interest was UT Dallas that's in Richardson, TX. Which really isn't all that far from the apts. Also I found out that Randy is leaving as well at the end of this quarter cause she's feed up with the school.
Managed to get a lot done, a lot figured out, was able to download the new episodes of my animes and the videos I needed from YouTube to help me with my Do Something Project that's due week 11. (im really crocheting something, just make life easy on myself)
I saw Mayrin! Haven't talked to him in awhile & found out he's really graduating this quarter! Officially!
Talked to Tantan's bf (well he was her ex but they got back together) on how I've been doing & about the schools being shut down.
An during this time was when I was eating, then I went back to work, got help with InDesign from Gabriel, and that's when I felt sick as hell! I don't know why but im just ready to go home, shower, & lay in the bed :-/
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will come back to it later)
So I woke up late, two hours after my alarm. An to start off the glorious morning I ended up burning tow pieces of bacon and smoke screen was in the kitchen.
I did got downtown to get a new reduced idea, went up to my job to see if mother wanting something on hold but she told me she would wait til later, & I don't work this weekend. So more time for me to do homework.
Treated myself to Honey Milk Boba Tea & bought a new game for my PSVita & a case for it using my Gift Card and a bit of my money from my account.
Majority of my time wasting was looking up other colleges and one that caught my interest was UT Dallas that's in Richardson, TX. Which really isn't all that far from the apts. Also I found out that Randy is leaving as well at the end of this quarter cause she's feed up with the school.
Managed to get a lot done, a lot figured out, was able to download the new episodes of my animes and the videos I needed from YouTube to help me with my Do Something Project that's due week 11. (im really crocheting something, just make life easy on myself)
I saw Mayrin! Haven't talked to him in awhile & found out he's really graduating this quarter! Officially!
Talked to Tantan's bf (well he was her ex but they got back together) on how I've been doing & about the schools being shut down.
An during this time was when I was eating, then I went back to work, got help with InDesign from Gabriel, and that's when I felt sick as hell! I don't know why but im just ready to go home, shower, & lay in the bed :-/
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will come back to it later)
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Sunday, May 31st
Stayed up again watching Kill la Kill (anime) to get the episodes out of the way. I'll have to download the rest later.
Didn't go to bed til around was still storming out...
When I did awake on the oh so small couch in the other living room, I smelt bacon. That would've been my que to get up but it was 7:57am! Nope went back to sleep!
Ate breakfast and got dressed when I was actually fully awake; figured out that what I stepped on last night was not a worm but a damn slug. Its still gross though! Their coming in the house through small cracks in this old house. (I would just sprinkle salt in every crack their is, slugs are more uckie then snails)
Since we seem to have time, we went ahead and stopped at my grandmas house to tell her bye before we had to bolt off; got some shoes from my aunt! Combat Boots (well I call them that) and some nice tenny shoes)
Got my bags tagged at the last minute, the people at the desk I swear take their sweet ass time! An we did leave late again; wasn't able to snag anything to snack on for the road. All I have is gum..somehow I'll survive.
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will come back to it later)
Didn't go to bed til around was still storming out...
When I did awake on the oh so small couch in the other living room, I smelt bacon. That would've been my que to get up but it was 7:57am! Nope went back to sleep!
Ate breakfast and got dressed when I was actually fully awake; figured out that what I stepped on last night was not a worm but a damn slug. Its still gross though! Their coming in the house through small cracks in this old house. (I would just sprinkle salt in every crack their is, slugs are more uckie then snails)
Since we seem to have time, we went ahead and stopped at my grandmas house to tell her bye before we had to bolt off; got some shoes from my aunt! Combat Boots (well I call them that) and some nice tenny shoes)
Got my bags tagged at the last minute, the people at the desk I swear take their sweet ass time! An we did leave late again; wasn't able to snag anything to snack on for the road. All I have is gum..somehow I'll survive.
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will come back to it later)
Monday, May 18, 2015
Early Morning Feels but a Sleepless Early Morning
Memorable Moments of Wednesday
March 18th, 2015.
#1 (around 12am-ish)
Watched Ep10 of Yuri Kuma Arashi (anime) :) ; the episode ended with another freaking cliffhanger!!! Gah!
#2 An since I was so freaking wide awake I finished up an anime that I didn't finish about a year ago (been trying to finish up my list of catch up anime) watched episodes 8 - 13 of Sunday Without God (anime). The opening song I love but the ending song gets me everytime with the feels cause it starts at such an emotional time! But this is an anime I would rewatch so many times and not get bored and get the feels T^T
#3 It's really starting to bother me that my room is getting hot instead of cold..i honestly hope its not the filters fault; I slept terribly! Ugh! Im tired but motivated to get something done!
#4 I managed to finish the Quiz (the third one really) that my teacher assigned. Although while trying to reread some things for my Writing II class I felt as though I drunk a lot of coffee and I would crash. I have a but if lack of sleep cause if the heat issue.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Its Mothers Day, May 10th
It was storming when I woke up. I literally had to walk in it to get to my apt (the storm woke me up around 2am-ish)
Ended up having to make breakfast to go, get dressed super fast, and wish a lot of people Happy Mothers Day while walking in the storm.
I did miss the bus that would get me to the mall but he pulled up and was nice enough to let me hop on. Once at the mall I just ate breakfast as normal and when I went to brush my teeth in the rest room. A lady was telling me how the weather was where she had to travel from, its bad.
Well lately we have been having a lot of storms and tornado watches or hurricane watches lately. It is the season for it though.
I still find it fascinating that so many people come to the mall when everything is closed or try tugging on the door when they know its locked. One lady caught my attention though, she was very pretty, notice she was married but what fascinated me about her was. Really that she was tone! Like you could tell this lady works out~
At work today we were an on and off of fast and slow for mothers day. But not a bad rush as yesterday. What I found funny was a few sons coming in saying they felt terrible for they were getting something at the last minute. They weren't the only one. I stayed a little longer after to help swap mothers day with fathers day things and them I could leave. My other co-workers knew how to reorganize the shelves to different categories better then I do; was able to snag some scraps of wrapping paper today before it was totally trashed and gone forever.
Got a ride home room my friend that works at the Disney store. (I ate a lot of her fruit snacks that feel out of the box in the car.)
I also did earlier make a notation of what all I'll need to pay for when I get my first paycheck next Friday. I'm happy but I mean im mostly using the check to pay bills, can't really treat myself...oh well; if I recall my aunt informed me that I don't need to worry about the written part of drivers ed anymore since im 21..ill look it up later.
I know I need to straighten up but im just so damn tired and really don't fucking want to..ugh we just have to have inspections tomorrow...
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will come back to it later)
Ended up having to make breakfast to go, get dressed super fast, and wish a lot of people Happy Mothers Day while walking in the storm.
I did miss the bus that would get me to the mall but he pulled up and was nice enough to let me hop on. Once at the mall I just ate breakfast as normal and when I went to brush my teeth in the rest room. A lady was telling me how the weather was where she had to travel from, its bad.
Well lately we have been having a lot of storms and tornado watches or hurricane watches lately. It is the season for it though.
I still find it fascinating that so many people come to the mall when everything is closed or try tugging on the door when they know its locked. One lady caught my attention though, she was very pretty, notice she was married but what fascinated me about her was. Really that she was tone! Like you could tell this lady works out~
At work today we were an on and off of fast and slow for mothers day. But not a bad rush as yesterday. What I found funny was a few sons coming in saying they felt terrible for they were getting something at the last minute. They weren't the only one. I stayed a little longer after to help swap mothers day with fathers day things and them I could leave. My other co-workers knew how to reorganize the shelves to different categories better then I do; was able to snag some scraps of wrapping paper today before it was totally trashed and gone forever.
Got a ride home room my friend that works at the Disney store. (I ate a lot of her fruit snacks that feel out of the box in the car.)
I also did earlier make a notation of what all I'll need to pay for when I get my first paycheck next Friday. I'm happy but I mean im mostly using the check to pay bills, can't really treat myself...oh well; if I recall my aunt informed me that I don't need to worry about the written part of drivers ed anymore since im 21..ill look it up later.
I know I need to straighten up but im just so damn tired and really don't fucking want to..ugh we just have to have inspections tomorrow...
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will come back to it later)
Monday, April 6, 2015
Beginning of my 7th Quarter
Memorable Moments of Monday
April 6th, 2015.
#1 Didn't sleep all that well; my new roommate still has her containers everywhere in the room. Tripped over them a few times..hope she puts her stuff away.
#2 My workout was glorious! Did a whole hour of walking and jogging back to back! It was great~ ; I stayed on the running machine the whole time cause I tried the other machine that this one lady was on once she got off. Cause I had used the machine before and thought I would like it again. Nope.
#3 The shower head was odd. My new roommate must have adjusted it; it enjoy my shower like normally
#4 Got a lot of complements all day about my hair; one friend asked me during my night class "How did I feel having braids?" I laughed. She made it seem as though it was my first time having braids. It wasn't. So sick of braids but I got my hair done so what can I do.
#5 My teacher from Concept Design loves Blue Grass, is trying to swear so much (highly doubt he can stop lol), he has an amazing sense of humor, and he's stopped smoking for about 200-something days now. He's very hype in class, we think its the coffee since he's using that as a replacement for his smoking addiction; their are a lot students in this class I know from my previous classes. I'm always glad to have someone I know in a class.
#6 Was able to talk to one of my culinary friends in the library for awhile, found out her first day isn't going so well; checked out a book on book binding, need to practice some techniques on my spare time
#7 My night class teacher talks really fast, I notice she tries sarcasm but it doesn't work for her all that well, an we were let out early cause her other PowerPoint presentations wouldn't open
#8 Found out that Randy can't go with me to the festival (during my night class break) so I have to find a replacement. I got these tickets for free! I ain't wasting them!
#9 Decided on my birthday that I will be heading to PinkBerry. They sent me an email saying I got a free yogurt! There yogurt is addicting D:
#10 Found out (in my night class) from a friend that Sherlock's Pub and Grill is hiring servers! I've never been a server before but I'll give it a try. Well hell I gotta apply first lol.
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will come back to it later)
April 6th, 2015.
#1 Didn't sleep all that well; my new roommate still has her containers everywhere in the room. Tripped over them a few times..hope she puts her stuff away.
#2 My workout was glorious! Did a whole hour of walking and jogging back to back! It was great~ ; I stayed on the running machine the whole time cause I tried the other machine that this one lady was on once she got off. Cause I had used the machine before and thought I would like it again. Nope.
#3 The shower head was odd. My new roommate must have adjusted it; it enjoy my shower like normally
#4 Got a lot of complements all day about my hair; one friend asked me during my night class "How did I feel having braids?" I laughed. She made it seem as though it was my first time having braids. It wasn't. So sick of braids but I got my hair done so what can I do.
#5 My teacher from Concept Design loves Blue Grass, is trying to swear so much (highly doubt he can stop lol), he has an amazing sense of humor, and he's stopped smoking for about 200-something days now. He's very hype in class, we think its the coffee since he's using that as a replacement for his smoking addiction; their are a lot students in this class I know from my previous classes. I'm always glad to have someone I know in a class.
#6 Was able to talk to one of my culinary friends in the library for awhile, found out her first day isn't going so well; checked out a book on book binding, need to practice some techniques on my spare time
#7 My night class teacher talks really fast, I notice she tries sarcasm but it doesn't work for her all that well, an we were let out early cause her other PowerPoint presentations wouldn't open
#8 Found out that Randy can't go with me to the festival (during my night class break) so I have to find a replacement. I got these tickets for free! I ain't wasting them!
#9 Decided on my birthday that I will be heading to PinkBerry. They sent me an email saying I got a free yogurt! There yogurt is addicting D:
#10 Found out (in my night class) from a friend that Sherlock's Pub and Grill is hiring servers! I've never been a server before but I'll give it a try. Well hell I gotta apply first lol.
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will come back to it later)
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Happy April Fools
I know, I know. I changed things up to make it easier on me posting but now I've been forgetting again. Not just that, just been so damn busy. But I'm getting back into the game :)
Memorable Moments of Wednesday
#1 Didn't sleep my morning away this time. I actually got up and put clothes on.
#2 Won a begging contest with my moms friend an was able to eat a salad as my breakfast.
#3 Found out my mother was graduating! Well actually getting a promotion as a manager at her job! I'm so proud of her~
#4 Spent really the majority of my evening: downloading more audio books, made a good reads account, opening more space on my old computer and downloading movies.
#5 Wanted to watch anime but the site I usually go to has changed things up. The video players are different and I can't download videos anymore :/
#6 It stormed today, I love the smell of fresh rain in the evening.
#7 Got on OkCupid after I finally posted a picture of myself yesterday. I got like 36 likes and 30-something people view my profile. Plus two messages. One was some 35 year old asking why was I on the site and what was I looking for. I told him I wasn't interested and there are other fish in the sea. The 2nd was asking my if I watched all of Hayao Miyazaki's movies. I had replied not all, their were a few I still needed to watch. An when I went on the QuickMatch I noticed there was this guy I had I high match with that looked like an actor. But I can't remember who...
#8 Started watching Baby Daddy (tv series) on Netflix; its from ABC Family
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will com back to it later)
Memorable Moments of Wednesday
#1 Didn't sleep my morning away this time. I actually got up and put clothes on.
#2 Won a begging contest with my moms friend an was able to eat a salad as my breakfast.
#3 Found out my mother was graduating! Well actually getting a promotion as a manager at her job! I'm so proud of her~
#4 Spent really the majority of my evening: downloading more audio books, made a good reads account, opening more space on my old computer and downloading movies.
#5 Wanted to watch anime but the site I usually go to has changed things up. The video players are different and I can't download videos anymore :/
#6 It stormed today, I love the smell of fresh rain in the evening.
#7 Got on OkCupid after I finally posted a picture of myself yesterday. I got like 36 likes and 30-something people view my profile. Plus two messages. One was some 35 year old asking why was I on the site and what was I looking for. I told him I wasn't interested and there are other fish in the sea. The 2nd was asking my if I watched all of Hayao Miyazaki's movies. I had replied not all, their were a few I still needed to watch. An when I went on the QuickMatch I noticed there was this guy I had I high match with that looked like an actor. But I can't remember who...
#8 Started watching Baby Daddy (tv series) on Netflix; its from ABC Family
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will com back to it later)
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Another Day Off?!
Memorable Moments of February 24th, 2015.
#1 Was able to sleep in (an have a good night sleep cause my roommate wasn't there, NO SNORING! THANK GOSH) and have the biggest breakfast ever! (I made a perfect egg, two pieces of toast, a bunch of turkey bacon, and a nice warm cup of tea). After eating I was about to get dressed so that we could get on the road to go to our 1pm - 5pm class early for there was ice on the road. But they called again canceling class all day long, again. I was happy but I really wanted to go to my morning class.
#2 All morning / evening I was in the lounge area using the wifi to play Destiny of Spirits on my PSVita; got a notice saying maintenance would happen tomorrow and that if I finished the tutorial before midnight of the game i could qualify for a gift! XD; I made so many friends on the game and got so many cool spirits :3
#3 Build A Bear called. Happy and Frustrated at the same time because I had to go all the way back up three flights of stairs to find my student ID that had my bus pass in it. (an i missed the bus while looking so I had to wait awhile)
Monday, February 23, 2015
That's ICE!! Not Snow damn it! Dx
Memorable Moments of February 23rd, 2014.
#1 Asking my roommate ily if she was up (since she said she was making pancakes) an she happily burst into my room saying its snowing? Im like what? We had a hail storm last night! I look outside and there is ice everywhere! I then become the mama bear telling ily i forbid her to go outside in the clothing she was putting on (i'll give her credit she was wearing layers). But I let her go cause she really wanted to go outside and play with the snow (its ice though, not thick enough to be snow); took me awhile to sleep last night though since my snoring roommate wasn't there
#2 She came back with this big freaking ball of ice! I told her to put that in the freezer before she got ice everywhere. Then she was tired and went to sleep (no pancakes lol) Good thing I ate a muffin and drank some tea.
#3 I applied to Build A Bear, called to make sure they were hiring, and they are! Plus they told me that their looking for someone to work the weekends really, an I can so work the weekends so I'm freaking excited! Score! Job Opportunity! XD ; also applied to Journeys again but the location in North Park Mall
#4 So proud of myself! Finished Module #1 & #2 of my Online Drivers Ed classes! Just five more to go but Ill do those later (Module #2 was so freaking long! I was like when will it end! DX )
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Rain! Why you no Staph! DX
Memorable Moments of February 22nd, 2015.
#1 When I awoke in my friends somewhatly lit room cause of daylight, I notice she was gone so I slept in her bed for ;like two more hours. I needed some more rest.
#2 I honestly wasn't expecting it, but it was just drizzling a little bit when I left my friends apt after talking and thinking I had everything packed. But I found out that I left something. I go back outside and it is no longer drizzling...its hardcore raining out here! I'm still in my pj's! I said fuck it and ran through the rain.
#3 Never again will I do that, that rain was freezing cold! When the rain hit me it felt like pieces of ice being rapidly thrown at me; i had left my corn dog in there freezer and my turkey bacon in the frig
#4 Had to hang up my pj's in the restroom to air dry. I got to cleaning before my roommates got home. Wiped the counters and the table, did the dishes, vacuumed, and I even cleaned our trash can cause it really did stink! (I didn't take the trash out, I just let the trash sit on the balcony for the time being because the weather was getting ridiculous crazy and I wasn't going in that.)
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Homework and the Curious Child
Memorable Moments of February 21st, 2015.
#1 Not having all that good of a morning since I have to do stupid homework! Ugh! Getting tired of this crap! An I have to go to the school to use Adobe Illustrator to finish it.
#2 My friend Keia found it so nice that I waited with her at the cage so she could get her equipment to film for a project, it was hella crazy up here this morning; asked about me getting work study at the front desk cause I've been waiting on this damn paper for decades saying that im eligible; freaking open house was today! So crowded with freaking children!
#3 Finished my homework after having to hop to three different computers cause Adobe Illustrator was being stupid as hell (it made all my crap have low transparency and I didn't know how to fix it so I was like screw it)
#4 Got free Reese's candy from my friend that works in the print lab (it was the good kind too)
#5 Watched episodes 6-7 of Yuri Kuma Arashi (anime) :3
Friday, February 20, 2015
Please tell me this is a trap...Please..
Memorable Moments of February 20th, 2015.
#1 Didn't finish my hair til 3 minutes before 12am #2 I did inform my roommate last night yesterday that she snored and she apologized an all. But she's still snoring so loudly and I already can't sleep since I felt so damn wide awake from standing in the restroom twisting my damn hair #3 I was not able to sleep til she was fully gone in the morning to go to her interview. I slept until Keia called me answering my question I had texted her last night. #4 Freshly fallen rain smells so glorious in the evening time; attempted homework but said screw it and did other homework cause it was giving me a freaking headache
#5 Watched Sanzoku no Musume Ronja (anime) episode 20; things are getting serious with these dang harpies! They need to chill damn it! DX
#5 Watched Sanzoku no Musume Ronja (anime) episode 20; things are getting serious with these dang harpies! They need to chill damn it! DX
#6 Caugh the bus then the train to get to the mall so i could pay for my glasses; I was wondering why there were so many people getting on the train earlier with Macy's bags. There's a one day sale going on.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sherlock Holmes Exhibit & movies with Mortdecai
(I've decided again to change things up a bit once more. For there is nothing wrong with a little change and something new, right. I've decided to start trying out writing "The Most Memorable Moments of the Day" for each day. Instead of what I've been doing, it might be fun! So if you guys could do me a favor and let me know what you guys think of this way of me typing things out of do you like the other way better okay. Let me know on Twitter @LazyMusician10 (~TheLazyOne~))
Memorable Moments of Monday
#1 My OCD fot things being in a certain spot or just the place being cleaned after high praise for getting a clean apt after an inspection highly kicked in! Our new roommate had her shit everywhere! The couch, kitchen counter tops, and the kitchen table! It bothered me SO DAMN MUCH! IT. HAD. TO. BE. MOVED! So all it went neatly stacked on the side of her shelf.
#2 When it was my turn to schedule for next quarter I made a request to Dr. Lipe to get my classes stacked and get two general ed classes and two classes with my major; found out Dr. Lipe didn't do anything romantic with his wife for V-Day..he had to deal with his loving trplets~
#3 Note to Self: Next Quarter you have literally no life at all (more then what you don't have) for you have 1-5 and 6-10pm classes on Monday and Wednesdays
#4 Scheduled an appointment with my financial aid officer to see if I qualify for The Art Grant
#5 My friend came and got me early so we could head to the exhibit; my roommate (not the new one) ily wasn't feeling well
#6 Finding a parking space was a pain in the ass but foundable~
#7 Was wondering why there were so many children pre-teens, teens, and parents at the museum. Its Presidents Day. We thought it passed already, but no. Other kids are out, our school isn't. Good thing we didn't have class today.
#8 took us a decade to find out where to go in such a huge museum but we were pointed in the right direction
#9 The stairs played piano music as we went downstairs to the Sherlock Holmes Exhibit :)
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will com back to it later)
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Huh, it's Valentine's Day :p
(I've decided again to change things up a bit once more. For there is nothing wrong with a little change and something new, right. I've decided to start trying out writing "The Most Memorable Moments of the Day" for each day. Instead of what I've been doing, it might be fun! So if you guys could do me a favor and let me know what you guys think of this way of me typing things out or do you like the other way better okay.
Let me know on my Twitter -> @LazyMusician10 (~TheLazyOne~))
~Memorable Moments of Sunday~
#1 What's planning on doing anything this day but be a bum and stare at the walls. But my mother was so nice enough to wire me money to go actually do something today, buy groceries, and finally set an eye exam (for I desperately needed one)
#2 Asked around to see what people were doing so that I wouldn't have to do anything alone. My friend Randy texted me and said we could do something before she had to go to work. I had never been to the Spaghetti Warehouse before so she was like we needed to go! (I let her pick, I told her anywhere was fine or somewhere she hadn't been in awhile or somewhere new)
#3 While waiting on Randy I went around online to find my mother something for V-Day. It was a sale going on everywhere! So I bought my mother a new Wax Burner and some Peach Scented Wax to go with it and get it sent to the apartment back home in Houston. Won't she be surprised~ (can't wait til i get the tracking number)
#4 (In the car with Randy) Once we were in the depths of downtown and museums, there was one that caught my eye. There was a museum doing The International Sherlock Holmes Exhibit! I fangirled my ass off in the car! I love Sherlock Holmes! We have to go before it's gone!
#5 Once at the Spaghetti Warehouse my life was changed! The whole place was huge, cozy, they had photo booths, old arcade games and even amazing sitting areas to eat in~
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Feb 10th
February 10th 2015.
I'm sorry my fellow readers and followers I know I've been gone for a long time. But college homework and me being very tired has gotten in the way of me posting online. So I hope you all can forgive me but you know time is of the essence with College. So let me tell you my thoughts about today because I'm thinking of making these posts in a different perspective. As you all know, I hate leaving my bed in the morning for it is warm and comfortable to me. But I had to leave it for college exists just as though I had to drop in the outbox the survey I filled our last night for St. Luke's. It was a bit of a chill that morning (well earlier in the day). I was too tired and set on getting to the bus stop on time like I always am, to turn around and get another jacket from home. It'll warm up soon, ill love and just read my book while I stand here at the train station.
At school I ate my breakfast while having a lovely chat with my friend Eli about Young Justice and The Justice League. Yes I was ranting again of how Young Justice got canceled, it irritates me. As time flew, it was time to get to class.
Writing II
He took up the papers and explained how thing would be going after the final research papers get turned in next week. Short Stories. Finally! That's what well be reading after week six, I can't wait. We watched another moving dealing with the Holocaust, it was Anne Frank. Sadly we couldn't watch it all but it was getting really good and the actors were doing such an amazing job. But he needed to give us back our papers and his commentary; during the movie some people were being highly immature and it irritated me! Yes Anne Frank was a young girl and wanted to be an adult! In those times all the kids wanted to be treated like adults, am adults wish they were children again. I swear I can't watch a movie with my class. But, I got my paper back an he told me..i was done. Like 100% success done! No final draft for me! That rough draft was my final! I'm so proud of myself~
After class (which ended 20mins or so before 11am) I was reading more but had to move so this electric guy could fix the lights. I talked to my instructor about his books and the book I was reading to pass time. Eventually when I got back to my seat and finished my chapter I had time to spare. I met Gabby on the elevator, then in the computer lab to pass way more time. I was only on YouTube the whole time of course. I went to class 30mims early but couldn't stay in the room for someone's food reeked. That's were I ended up checking about a book even though im already reading one. I do that sometimes...
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will com back to it later)
I'm sorry my fellow readers and followers I know I've been gone for a long time. But college homework and me being very tired has gotten in the way of me posting online. So I hope you all can forgive me but you know time is of the essence with College. So let me tell you my thoughts about today because I'm thinking of making these posts in a different perspective. As you all know, I hate leaving my bed in the morning for it is warm and comfortable to me. But I had to leave it for college exists just as though I had to drop in the outbox the survey I filled our last night for St. Luke's. It was a bit of a chill that morning (well earlier in the day). I was too tired and set on getting to the bus stop on time like I always am, to turn around and get another jacket from home. It'll warm up soon, ill love and just read my book while I stand here at the train station.
At school I ate my breakfast while having a lovely chat with my friend Eli about Young Justice and The Justice League. Yes I was ranting again of how Young Justice got canceled, it irritates me. As time flew, it was time to get to class.
Writing II
He took up the papers and explained how thing would be going after the final research papers get turned in next week. Short Stories. Finally! That's what well be reading after week six, I can't wait. We watched another moving dealing with the Holocaust, it was Anne Frank. Sadly we couldn't watch it all but it was getting really good and the actors were doing such an amazing job. But he needed to give us back our papers and his commentary; during the movie some people were being highly immature and it irritated me! Yes Anne Frank was a young girl and wanted to be an adult! In those times all the kids wanted to be treated like adults, am adults wish they were children again. I swear I can't watch a movie with my class. But, I got my paper back an he told me..i was done. Like 100% success done! No final draft for me! That rough draft was my final! I'm so proud of myself~
After class (which ended 20mins or so before 11am) I was reading more but had to move so this electric guy could fix the lights. I talked to my instructor about his books and the book I was reading to pass time. Eventually when I got back to my seat and finished my chapter I had time to spare. I met Gabby on the elevator, then in the computer lab to pass way more time. I was only on YouTube the whole time of course. I went to class 30mims early but couldn't stay in the room for someone's food reeked. That's were I ended up checking about a book even though im already reading one. I do that sometimes...
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will com back to it later)
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Resting Day
I was honestly hoping for my damn alarm to wake me up but it was my friend..who was supposed to be here last night. I‘m laying in bed, all cozy an sleep, then I hear banging on the door. At first I ignored it.
(this post is not finished but I'm posting it anyways and will com back to it later)
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