My plan for getting up early, heading to the school, working on outlining the font on the paper for this prayer pillow idea, then read over the chapter I needed for class and read over the info for my Design History class..DIDN'T FREAKING HAPPEN! For I literally slept the whole damn morning away! I had to rush to get ready and catch the next bus that would be their in like 20mins. That means breakfast to go damn it! I did make it on the bus after spending some time in the lounge to pass the time (well to check to make sure I had what I needed for class), and also the train that just pulled up right when the bus pulled up! Thank gosh I was somewhatly awake to bolt up the damn stairs!!!! On the train ( I swear I wasn't creeping! I swear!) but I saw this baby with a perfect baby mohawk and I couldn't help but take a picture of the baby when she wasn't looking at all lol. It was so cute~
Had no time much to chill before class or so I thought. When I remembered I didn't have my book nor my glossary words on me! Fuck! I bolted out of class, to a computer lab, snagged an open computer, and found out the stuff wasnt on my bad flash drive!
gahhhhhh! This is what I get for rushing, so I had to tell my instructor I would turn it in tomorrow in her box. Then we went on ahead with class after we turned in out assignment that was due today. We did a recap of last week, watched movie trailers (which honestly made my movies to watch list longer), only watched only 7mins and 43secs of Mr. Turner (honestly wished she didn't turn it off for it was interesting), but we were to originally watch Searching for the Sugar Man. Which was good and we watched 43mins and some seconds of until we hit a spot in the movie where something major happened and we were like what the hell! But it was time for class to end. I did talk to her after words of one of the poems she talked about in class, for my mother said that poem in a play for Black History Month at my church and that I might not or can't go to her POP ART Gallery she informed us of for I don't have a car and its in Duncanville! The train doesn't run over their, but hopefully I can find someone to go with. (I got a dollar from Gabby so I was able to get some Cheese-It)
I went to the tutoring lab during break to print out the things I need for Art History II, then went to class early, to magically find out that I printed the right stuff but over looked the damn part where the slide list was..I had to bolt and find a computer that was free and print this crap then hole punch it! Gah! The struggle is real running around! But when I got back I decided to sit on the other side next to this girl in my class that sites next to Tamika all the time (I honestly though she was really pretty). I didnt know how to start my conversation with her but I just told her that I would sit over here with her today for she looked lonely, then that lead to somehow a long conversation til Tamika popped up announcing how I was in her seat. I got back at her saying their was a sit next to me and she would live. Plus a piece of her cookie she just bought, yes she loves me~ Then class begun..............which we wanted it to end really damn fast! Cause it's history but we were taking notes some magical damn way as she sped thru the powerpoint til break time! Which honeslt I used my break time to outline the words on the paper for this prayer pillow for my mothers friend and talk to Tamika about her inspirational moment she was having and how my mind kept changing about what I wanted to do in life. I told her I was multi-talented and wanted to learn other things and not just one thing! She told me to do it, all I could do was laugh. Sadly however our break wasn't long enough to where we could talk and eat more. Heated up our food and head back to class. Trying to eat and write all this info that she wanted us was such a pain in the ass! So I scarfed down some food and just went writing, but not to soon after I felt a jolt of warm or lightning go up my leg! I looked down really fast and it was the pretty sitting next to me, her foot accidentally touched my leg..sadly that made me hot..damn it and my hormones..she was really pretty that I couldn't help on some occasions but to smile a lot when she talked to me. But enough of that! I need to focus! lol. (Before had my friend Becca asked if I was coming over tonight since they were ordering pizza and that Adrian would give me a ride home. Well I said yes but my ride changed to Tamika since she didn't want to go to the gas station alone and I did ask her if she would go with me to the POP UP Gallery in Duncanville. She said yes.)
I don't know how much more time pasted but I was ready to freaking bolt home, pack a bag for the night, head to my friends apt and eat pizza! I was sick of the lecturing at this point! She knew we were anxious to leave so she made if brief on our workshop next week and we all bolted like cattle being set free to an open field! When we hit the parking lot I found out the girls name that sat next to me since Tamika had yelled to her goodbye. It was Angel. In the car Tamika was telling me of her ex texting her problems and I gave her a good lecture! Stop being nice to that asshole that treated you like shit! Be straight with him and tell him to stop freaking texting you! You want to be an independent woman you gotta stand your ground! This is why she loved me, I spoke my mind about the situation all the time. She told me thanks and I told her she better go to bed instead of staying up to do a pattern, she needed rest. Now here's the deal, I hate walking into my apartment when it's dark as hell! I used my backpack as a stopper, flicked on the kitchen light, closed my roommates door, closed the front door and went into my room to pack. I waited 15mins after 10pm for their text. Nothing. So I camped outside their apt texting the hell out of them to find out their stuck at the gate and the code does'nt work! I was just about to head over til I noticed someone figured it out, they got thru, and made it to the apt. We waited on the late pizza guy, but I took a shower for i needed one, met the new roommate they had, and found out that last time Becca ordered I did eat the ham and pineapple pizza. Really? I kinda don't like fruit on my pizza all that much. Grabbed a few slices and a glass of the knock off brand of Dr. Pepper and grabbed my movie.
Now watching, The Imitation Game (movie) :)
P.S. I told my friend in my Humanities class that she had wide hips and I didn't noticed it was her walking down the hall earlier before class.
An earlier when I was in the lounge before class I told my friend I would kill her so-called adorable creatures if they were real. For they were those creatures you see in games that you just don't want to fuck with what so ever!
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