Yeah were gonna stay up for awhile, its always bound to happen. No matter who's apartment im at we always stay the hell up! But yeah we were talking about random crap again and then Keia showed me this video of a lip sync over of like my favorite anime movie ever. An what these two guys were saying to be as them made my fan girl ovaries just explode with joy then I was sad when they showed the damn death scene again from the movie..i really didn't want him to freaking die! He was like my favorite damn character, shit! Oh here's the video if you guys wanna watch it~
Now we all went our sorta separate ways, Keia was in the room watching anime, Sylvan was drawing, their other two roommates I think were sleep, and I literally had everything on the charger. So made cause everything was near death so I couldn't watch crap! As I waited for them to at least get half battery I waited on Keia to put the new episodes she downloaded that I had not downloaded and slithered my way to the couch. (Keia did finish before I was fully done lazy crawling to the couch but I had to be on the couch for I was tired of lying on my stomach on that damn floor.) Sylvan kept asking me if I was ready to sleep, I told her no an that she was fine where she was an that I was just casually laying on the couch waiting for things to charge...
Now we all went our sorta separate ways, Keia was in the room watching anime, Sylvan was drawing, their other two roommates I think were sleep, and I literally had everything on the charger. So made cause everything was near death so I couldn't watch crap! As I waited for them to at least get half battery I waited on Keia to put the new episodes she downloaded that I had not downloaded and slithered my way to the couch. (Keia did finish before I was fully done lazy crawling to the couch but I had to be on the couch for I was tired of lying on my stomach on that damn floor.) Sylvan kept asking me if I was ready to sleep, I told her no an that she was fine where she was an that I was just casually laying on the couch waiting for things to charge...

Yes the AC was amazing, yes this carpet felt amazingly cold on my ankles, yes I just wanted to lay here and get out of these sweaty ass pj! But I couldn't, saldy. I had to put everything away where it was supposed to be so I wouldn't have to do it later when I got home, straightened my side of the room after I unpacked crap, and then get my things ready for I was going to do homework after a nice glorious shower of course. By the way I did take Keia's advice and taking it cold since it was blazing hot as the 7th Gate of Hell out side!!! But I did have it warm later on down the way, dressed like a ninja, grabbed my bag (double checked to make sure everything was their), got Keia's dufflebag and bolted out the door back to their apartment.
We didn't stay at the apartment long for we were only chatted til it hit the 1pm mark so we would be able to get into the lounge area to use the wifi. The good thing about getting their early is snagging a computer when no one is there! But I snagged the shitty one on the end cause it was the only computer that had the Torch application on it so I could download a movie. So I started downloading A Little Bit of Chaos while I looked up references for this Prayer Pillow. I found a lot of interesting things between Pinterest and Google Images but kept changing my mind cause nothing seemed right to me. Til I had a new idea for how I would do the front and the back of the pillow, plus I picked out the best colors possible to suit it all, but I couldn't decided on my reference image for sadly I loved them all oh so equally. I needed a third party input on this, an who better to help me then my #1 lovely sarcastic film friend Keia. She's always been good at giving me her honest input on whatever I sometimes bring up or sarcastically turn it down. Yet this go round she gave me a straight answer on which image she like most with the other quotes and fonts I had picked. But I did look at other references of course before I decided, with Keia's help, on what I really wanted to do. It was settled, so I saved a ton of imagery on that and then took a break. By looking up more references. But this time on something completely different. Jellyfish.
Then I got the best text ever, Randy wanted me to go with her to the dollar theater since they were now showing Mad Max at 9:30pm. I said cool and asked if we were going for food (this was when I was able to head back to the apartment to put my things away, since it was going on 8:30pm at the time. An Keia came back from a phone conversation and I did finish sketching some eyes and noses.) she told me no cause we were waiting on her friend who's been going to the movies with us to get off work. She got me something from In and Out though. I waited in the lounge for her text saying she was here so I just checked my blog and talked with Keia. But instead of getting a text from her saying that she was here and come to her car I got, "Were in a white car that's my cousins so come on out." I just said uh..okay. When I hit the form parking lot it wasn't all that hard to spot the car, it was the only damn car in the lot. I hopped in when I noticed it was Randy in the passenger seat, started eating my meal in the car when I was handed the bag somewhere around the time I found out her cousin speeds. I told her can we die after I finish my burger and try not to choke to death, they laughed. I was being serious! I was damn hungry!!!! But we did make it in one piece an then I was able to actually introduce my self to her cousin, we got our tickets, got our 3D glasses!!!, I picked the seat and then we were just being such weirdos til the movie started in 3D and IMAX!! I'll let yall know how the movie goes later! It has begun~
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