Thursday, July 23, 2015

98 Degrees Fahrenheit

We literally didn't go to bed til 4pm-ish or was it 5pm. Can't recall really but me and Keia stayed up talking about the couples in Junjou Romantica (anime) and in the manga.

Watch Ep3 of Junjou Romantica 3 (anime); it was so adorable an highly put I smile on my face.

Plus I'm fully caught up with Natsume Yuujinchou (manga) I'm so freaking happy! For this is literally my favorite manga of all time! Read chapters 69 thru 76.

I eventually got kicked off of Sylvan's bed for she was ready to go to sleep so I had to hit the couch.

When I awoke later on their was noise of Keia in the kitchen and Sylvan dashing out the door. (I know cause I opened my eyes ever so slightly to see when I rolled over on the couch; trying not to hit the floor.) I asked Keia what se was doing but instead she told me the time..I hate it when I'm half sleep cause then I sound like I'm mumbling. I finally got up, fixed a bowl of cereal, and started talking to Keia about how cheap certain grocery stores were. Well the ones we don't usually go to of course. Then Sylvan came back with my roommate Claudia for they were gonna do homework together but she forgot her flash drive. After talking to them for awhile I went back to the apt, took a shower, grabbed my crap then went out the door.

One, I need to take my friend's advice on taking a cold ass shower instead of a hot one.

Two, I need to put cold water in my bota bag and not just keep the room temperature water for it sure as hell doesn't save my damn life outside!

And lastly, I need to check my damn weather app before I leave the house! For I didn't find out how really hot it was til I checked when I got on the damn train! It was 98 Degrees Fahrenheit & tomorrow well be in the 102!

In panic I texted my mother of the weather status. For I'm from Houston, the temperature may be the same their as Dallas but it's way more humid! Literally! Us Houstonians are 100% cautious as hell when it comes to hot ass weather 80 Degrees and up! My mother just informed to have my inhaler, water, sunblock or an umbrella on me. I've decided that if I pass out tomorrow and end up in the hospital I'm so switching to online classes! I hate the damn heat!

So still hate the fact Room 307 is cut off from us, they need to hurry up and put the computers in already! Took me forever to find a computer lab so I can email my damn teacher about my homework. (Found out in the tutoring lab that the guy who helps people with this topic was taking nothing but online classes and wasn't at the school since he's near graduating time.) Emailed her, procrastinated, redid an assignment, printed out crap, then started googling crap. Also I found out that today was National Hot Dog Day! We really do have a damn day for everything...

Got kicked out that computer lab for their was a class so I went to another, talked to some friends, looked at some artwork on stuff from Society6, then started looking for new templates for my Blog again or deciding to move to another blogging platform. Yet I decided not to, so i just worked on tweaking it while listening to the Mac computer read the chapter of the book I was supposed to have read ages ago for class sometime last week. Well at least I'm doing it now! Plus I'm going to have to read the chapters for my other class as well, for I remembered we will be having quizzes on what's in the chapter. I swear this is a pain in the ass. I just don't wanna but I gotta. Also while I was working my short friend who works in the Tech lab brought me my fancy pen back..he told me he took my pen when I left the computer lab since I wasn't using it since I used the stapler at the window at the tech lab to staple my rap I printed out. He's so full of it! But he's a cool guy :)

Well I read for awhile, then Keia got out of class, we waited til around 10:30pm to leave an go catch the bus. I then I if I could spend the night, which I'm glad I did. For I found out when I got home (by the way the brown spider I killed days ago seems to revived itself! Damn this spider) that Angela decided to inform she was basically going to have a friend over an didn't want me to walk in when their having sex since they haven't seen each other in awhile. Yeah...i backed for an extra night so I don't think I'm going back til Sunday. I went over to Keia's with a lot of crap as always, an as always Keia greets me with glorious sarcasm. I love Keia so much. Also I made some amazing croissant sandwiches for dinner :-)

P.S. It's National Hot Dog Day :)

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