I was early Wensday and Thursday of last week. An today I was early, im trying to get there earlier….really the earliest that I can get there. It really surprised everyone that I was early again. The thing is I’ve been late since the first day of school ( I’ve always been late for first period since freshman year, but thing are different this year) they told me that if I dont start getting to school earlier my 1st period wouldn’t count at all and I might get put back in the 9th grade or something like that. So pretty much this is like life or death for me like for real! Hm..in 2nd period I had a blast since we had an experiment with CANDIUM! AKA CANDY! M&M’s, Reese’s Pieces, and Skittles…which we all wanted to eat at 1st glance but we couldn’t or our grade would drop like crazy! So I had to control my urge to gobble them all down, lol. In PE I found a sea-shell on the ground while walking to the park it’s pretty big and colorful :3 Then came after school(skipping like two class periods cause PE is 6th period) they mad an announcement that the locker rooms were just ewwwwwww! So we either took our crap or they give it to the needy, so I had to save my friends Bobby Jack stuffed animal that had been in there since like Pajama Day! DX I told her I had but in the end when she came to soccer practice she didn’t want it so I kept it
Now here is what made me moody when I got home *turn the knob on the sink* NO WATER! DX Well we weren’t the only ones, the whole neighborhood didn’t have any for two hours! But during that time my mom sat up there and got us gallons of water. This reminds me of how the power would go out in the whole neighborhood, it did that a lot a few months ago. But im glad it last to long like how the electricity did cause we would’ve had to stay at someone’s house if they both went out. Actually that would suck if that happened, like for real :p
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