I don’t think I will ever understand why the hell my friends are so fucking weird! Ok were in Duncan’s class (were so negative minded and we just like hav fun in there) my stupid friend Andrew was all like im hungry an he told me he didnt have any food. What a liar! He pulled out a banana so damn quick i was like wtf! Where did you get that! 0.o then he sat up there and drew Evalin’s face on it. An as always we had a negative minded moment bout it, then he ate it. So it close to the end of class an we had to move the desks back…thats when i smashed my damn fingers between the desk! >.< That’s the first time. Okay the 2nd time was at lunch I honestly don’t know what happened but my friend pissed me off so I turned away then while i was turned my damn redneck friend sat on my back! That bitch was heavy as fuck! H e sat there for a good 2minutes (i tried to get him off) but everybody just lauughed at me! Then Aurora took my lunch…that darn Russian..but I lovz her! Then lastly came after school my friends grabbed both my legs and tried to make me do a split which was very uncomfortable for me indeed :p Also I had to smuggle money from a football player and the office so I could buy a cupcake and a frito pie! An in PE my friends made a PAC-MAN game on the mini board! 
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