No this day we were just representing colleges we want to go to or just like the college in general. I didnt take any pictures of people in there college shirts cause I thought there was no point. Now guess what?! WE ARE NO LONGER A CO-ED TEAM FOR SOCCER!
it was announced during 2nd period! We (the girls) were so happy, we didn’t mind the co-ed team but were happy to have the Coach Banes back. By the way funniest thing happened at PE, when i was getting ready I had notice I only brought one Converse shoe. I laughed but I did have to wear my school shoes again. So any who, after school we had a short meeting about soccer than he was like I know this is last minute but if you want to kick around the ball some just go to the park. So me and four other girls plus Banes had soccer practice. I had fun! An in the end when my grandma came and got me she gave me a bag of goodies! But it got better, my grandma stopped at the gas station. I GOT A KING SIZE DRUMSTICK! XD I was on cloud nine. 
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