Hey all! Okay the pictures tell it all but some may be dumb-founded jkin jkin lol. Ok so in Art class (this goes for the last photo) we learned how to make a certain type of design (forgot what’s it called, silly me) but of course I’ve done it before and everyone at my table was jealous! HAHAHHA! They couldn’t understand why mines looked so amazing and there’s was ok! (well i was always artistic plus I had Art freshman year, duh) So i had fun doing that again an of course still curious of where my sketchpad was! Were still on a hunt for it though! At P.E i had to run in my school shoes since i forgot my Converse at home! It was terrible! Plus had to run 6minutes also with that “women month thing going on” An don’t say ewww! Everybody hates okay! An as always my lunch buddy never let’s me down and got me some Oreo’s!
Then came the end of the day, i was hanging with my friends at the drive thru near the office when two of my friends were chasing each other an my friend to jump the rail but failed cause the weight off his backpack shifited and SMACK DEAD INTO THE CONCRETE! I WAS LIKE DAMN! CAN I TAKE A MUG SHOT! Lol
Which I did but I didn’t want to post on my blog cause i thought it was a little wrong, so i’ll post it on facebook….NAH! I put it on my blog also!

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