I got to school again early again today! (my 4th day) I felt very proud of myself! An earlier that morning my homie Chacha gave me her Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe! I was so happy, but I only got to read one poem til Tiff stole the book from me! I couldn’t fight back, she is scary in reading mode O.o So I let her read it the whole 1st period, she didn’t finish reading the story though hahahaha! In chemistry my friend shoes were super dirty and she kept rubbing her feet up against the stole and when you look at it, it seems like she made homemade drugs (grounded up and ready to be wrapped in paper then lit) she laughed when I told her that. When I got to homeroom today there were a bunch of test-tubes on the shelf filled with fat from foods, we were all like ewww! And I can’t believe that much fat is in that food! It was hilarious! Then I gave Kat both my slinkys to hold on to cause I told her I was going to repair my old backpack that was three layered. (an sum how my slinky got tangled and made a sphere!) An somehow I managed to get a cute stuffed puppy from a random chick I never met in my life to hold on to it for a whole class period! I was like yahoo! XD At soccer practice all was going well til I got hit in the chest, which scared me! I’ve had my past experiences with being hit in the face but never in the chest. I wasn’t made at Kassy (she’s like a sister to me) just surprised! I wonder were she gets the strength for her power kicks from, lol Well any-who, I sat out the rest of practice coughing and wheezing a lot. But after some water and thank god I had my inhaler all was good. (fast forward) I ate first then I got started on reparing my backpack and I think I did a bang up job with it too! 
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