Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Favorite and The Hated


I woke up early as always for my morning class. I'm wearing my Gandalf shirt my friend got me for Christmas! I love dit but it was a tad snug, it's alright I'm still going to wear it though. Quickly made my oatmeal for I was looking at the time and started to bundle up. Once I got outside I noticed it was drizzling a little and there was a sort of thick for forming. I was glad I was capable of seeing, an did I mention it's hard as hell to text with gloves on! Ugh! Just a royal pain that I had to actually take my glove off my hand an let it get cold for a bit before quickly slipping it back on. After a bit of waiting and attempting to read one of my books I brought along with me to read the bus had arrived. We got the big bus this go round! It was so warm and toast! Surely my hands should thaw out now; I greeted the bus driver an asked her how her day was going. She was glad I had asked an said she wasn't feeling all that well, I had told her to get better soon. I love when we pull up to the train station that a train either arrives or leaves, this one was leaving. But the next one wasn't as bad. When I got on the train I sat next to a nurse who I always see every now and then. What caught my attention about her today was the scarf she was wearing today. It was the same colors as Harry Potters house Gryffindor. Yes I'm having a wizard moment! Now get this! When I looked up at the train door that reflected like a mirror the guy in the seat over from use was wearing the same scarf! Coincidence I think not! lol. So this makes me wonder, where is my letter to freaking hogwarts?! lol. Once at the school I dumped my stuff in the class and headed downstairs to eat my oatmeal in the lounge. One of my friends was there, I bugged him for a bit, then we were both watching anime. He was watching Blood C (if im recalling this right) I told him to stop skipping over things and just watch the damn episode! I even suggested Akame Ga Kill (anime) to him as well :) Then it was time to head back to class, I knew no one in there. Mr. Sawyers came in just like he did in Writing 1 with his coffee :) we waited awhile for some other students. Then he went over he doesn't have four hours of bull shit, that this was Writing 2, an he was a published author, and about what we would be working over the quarter. Writing essays for short stories, poems, and we would be working in steps for our research papers. It was over the Holocaust; my friend who had walked in earlier distrupted class by walking out and saying his scedule was wrong. We went over the categories and evil people that we could chose from for our paper. Not long it was time for break, so during my break I went ahead and found a bunch of links towards my topic and I said I would print them out later. Once I returned Mr. Sawyers greeted me saying welcome back! So happy he remembered me cause he is one of my favorite teachers, I had also told him I had to somewhatly beg Mr. Lipe to get this class. For I knew for our final would be over the holocaust and I've always wanted to know more on the Holocaust. Once everyone returned and for the rest of class (really til 10:40am but class ends at 12noon) we watched Schindler's List (movie). For this happened during the Holocaust time period.
After class I went ahead to go print out some information on the subject I had chosen for class. I had chosen The White Rose event that occurred during the Holocaust. Found a lot of useful information, even the leaflets that they gave out during there time before they had died. Printed it all out and head back to the same room for my next class was in there as well. Was going to work on my introduction paragraph and get it out of the way while I had some time on my hands before my next class started. But before then I did go to Student Affairs an asked if work study was available, it was in the print lab. So after running to get the paperwork before 1pm, asking my friend who works in the print lab in there hiring, and talking to headphones friend for a bit, in the end I find out that higher up has to sign off on it and it may take awhile. Well damn, so I told my friend what happened, he laughed, told him he was an idiot then went back to the class room. While in the room working on rough drafts a man in a suit walked in the class and closed the door. I thought he was one of those instructors coming into the room to snag something and leave. No. He came in and started straightening the desks on each row, making them all even! Like he had freaking OCD. Then he takes his suit coat off and starts spraying the desks with this high smelling chemical! I' all like damn he's suffocating me! So I'm trying to crack the door open to air some of this crap out! He comes over and says the door stays closed during class time, I'm like but those chemicals are really strong! He's like you can step out if you like. I sat back down cause all I could think was " Are you crazy? I'm not stepping out! I was doing my damn work! An it's not even class time yet! ugh " I paid this OCD odd ball no damn mind and managed to come up with a really good introduction paragraph for my Writing 2 class. Classmates started to pile in, my friend came to class finally, well he arrived after the OCD odd ball gave us papers to fill out and some to keep. Afterwords he was talking about speech and the powerpoint, halfway paid attention cause I was so tired. Then he got to a point in the powerpoint that we all disagreed with, saying we needed to watch shows like this to understand how certain people think or another. Me and my friend said no. I said no like twice, then he got quiet,, and called me out in class! He's all like, "Are you okay?" I replied "yes?" cause I'm wondering why the hell he's asking me this sheez. The he acted like he didn't hear me saying. "What?" I got mad and said again I was fine. The he has the nerve to tell me to chill or be quiet and just listen to the lecture. That was my last straw!!!! I officially hated this teacher! I don't how many text emessages my friend sent me earlier about how funny and cool this guy was, I hate him! So for the rest of class, well before break he talked. At break I noticed my friend Erikka was there so she came along with me and I told her what happened up front because she was like she couldn't see who it was. I ranted about the whole situation from the room, to the library (to the librarian cause she was curious as to what was wrong), and even when we were in the lounge. After a quick snack and back in the room he wanted everyone to get to know one another and there names. So he called people down the role sheet to see what they filled out on the paper asking for our information and our strengths / weakness with public speaking. An five things people don't know about you. (Before then he went over the grading process and how he's also graing on our posture and facial expression and if we participate or not, he's highly pushing it) Good thing for me he didn't get to my name saying he would do the rest next week and gave us free water bottles (more lke water bottles he wanted to get rid of) to us at the end of class. So glad it was over, was so ready to leave! Was highly glad the bus came early so I wouldn't have to wait a long time. I went to the leasing office to try an read over the information about health insurance with the school but it was so much plus I had little time to read for the leasing office would close soon. So I ended up printing out the darn booklet and deleting emails from my old email (never in my life have I had 10 thousand emails, I was like wth! But there mostly from Twitter lol. Once home I started cooking some dinner but I had a slight problem. NO DAMN CAN OPENER! Had to start texting around like crazy for a damn can opener! My friend Cece was hunting me down cause I did leave the apartment to see if the leasing office had one. She had news to give me about the letter she had to type up to keep her here in housing. I went back, she finally came over, forgot the can opener, went back to get it, was gonna show me the letter, but noticed she got a reply. An bam! She was approved to stay in housing! She just had to go to a meeting tomorrow to talk about what would happen now to her. She was happy! Very happy to inform her mother cause she did make her said to find out she was getting kicked out of housing. While she called her mom and I was eating she then asked me if I could help do her hair....im like what? She showed me what she wanted done, i then agreed, cleaned up and walked out of the damn door without my laptop and HDMI cord. But I snagged it and went to her house.Found out her roommate is my friend that works at the freaking Disney Store! I was like OMG! You live here! So we had our talk while Cece was taking her sweet time washing her hair. I did get the computer hooked up but no darn volume..im like damn it! So she had to sit on the floor in front of me and watch a movie off my computer from there. My volume sucks, so she had to bear with it while I was curling her hair. It really didn't take us long, plus we had more rollers left over. Then of course before I left I persuaded them to clean there room and my friend to get all these clothes of her bed and in the closet on hangers! Once I got home I had decided to take my shower, I had a feeling I would be able to have a good one tonight. An guess what! I did! I was highly up to par then last night! But sadly when I got out of the shower I had a freaking Disney song stuck in my head! MUST. FIND. THE. MOVIE. I did, an I watched Tangled (movie). :) 

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