Saturday, January 17, 2015

Template Happy


I eventually had to excuse myself and say this old lady needs to take a shower, ice had a long day. I say old lady cause all these kids were around her age, she’s like gonna be 18 or 19 soon. Plus it was around 12am that I finished talking to these damn brats!
Once out of the shower I had notice how quiet it got in the house, so I had a feeling that they were asleep. They actually freaking were! Cause when I went onto the kitchen to get some water the whole front room was dark as hell and they were knocked out! I thought good, they wont keep me up. Back in the room I decided to continue watching some anime for I wasn’t all that tired and just so damn wide awake! So while the videos were downloading to my flash drive I checked my StreetPasses on my 3DS, for I like seeing new faces and getting more freaking puzzle pieces O.o I watched Kino’s Journey (anime) episodes 9 – 12 but I fell asleep through 12 so I had to rewind it and watch it lol.

Took me forever to get out of bed this morning for I lovz the warmth of my bed so much D:
Yet I need to get the hell up for as always I’m freaking hungry. I ended up finishing off the rest of my cereal in the box for there wasn’t much left in there. After eating I decided to just get dressed and head to the lounge and fiddle with my blog. Now here’s one good thing this morning, I didn’t have to wear freaking layers of clothes this morning for it’s warm out (finally). Snagged the computer1 No one was around! My blog needed something new to it, an upgrade, well more of like a new template. I pulled up so many damn websites online that it was crazy!!! What’s crazier was that I couldn’t pick a damn template at all O.o but eventually I did. Sadly I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would, so I went back to my old template and just changed the color and background image lol. No wI was doing good on working on Blog Posts but my friend was coming to visit so I had to put them on hold when she arrived. Once she got to the leasing office, Keia arrived, and we snagged two movies. Now I was originally supposed to go see my friend at work but what ended up happening it got late for we were all talking and we watched The Other Woman (movie) which I found hilarious but random as fuck. After the movie I went on the hunt to find my friends bf apartment for her for she didn’t know where building 10 was, after finding it I told her, she left to go over there, and Keia decided to stay over for the weekend since my roommates were gone and were gonna be back til sometime around later Sunday. After my shower (which was freaking awesomz by the way) me and Keia had to decide what to watch, for she had a variety on her computer. I ended up picking an anime move for I’ve seen the trailer ages ago and it looks beautiful J We watched The Tale of Princess Kaguya (anime) (movie)

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