Saturday, September 1, 2012

Finally survived our first week of hell!!! (Day 5)

What would make me more happy then it being a Friday (the finally day of it all) is if my mom would stop yelling in the mornings, its starting to get old. But that wont happen until we do right, which is a very long damn road for me indeed -.- I told mom she didnt get juices for our lunch, she thought in my text message i said to bring juice home *sigh* so were stuck with water..i suppose. Had to get it from the back seat of my moms car and i noticed the things back there. She had the dishes and silverware, the two blow up mattress, and about two cases of water. She was ready to move. 
(For all of you a quick heads up! We've been living with my moms bf since i was 12 im now 18, he and my mom have been having problems now plus he has mental issues like bypolar and mood swings plus he's pissing my mom off. An also he has tried kicking us out of the house more that once, But my mom is sick of it..shes been apartment searching for awhile now an i think she found a place. She said maybe the 1st or next week of September we would be moving. Honestly im excited to move and glad my mom is ready to leave the crazy fool an move on with her life.)
They came out to the car and mom just lectured the hell outta my sister of how shes only 8years old and need to stop trying to do what older girls do, she was telling her she was going to school and didnt need to were a lot of colorful dangly noisy bracelets to school (which didnt match with her uniform at all) an then got on me, really -.-

Barely had any darn free time on me to chill but class was starting soon.

2nd Period
We got a new kid. Good gosh! How many new people are we getting!!!!! I honestly dont favor new students much because i know they went to a way better school then MCA so why come here? I questioned it til he reached his seat. Kargou went over the rest of the powerpoint. Thats when the work came in, the significant figures and scientific notations, yup all those bad boys! But negative numbers and positive numbers just dont get along with me at all whats so ever. So Kargou helped me out a little, but befor he could say you can leave we got a workssheet dealing with the stuff.

Before 3rd Period
i got called to the office, it was bout that darn lunch thing. I had to put my sisters name down and mines. Then i talked to takacs bout application deadlines for certain colleges. Didnt notice that time flew and i was late for 3rd period. But takacs said he wuld call Mrs. Bailey and let her know

3rd Period
i swear i hate it when it dead silence in this damn class room! Since i came in late, i got to sit in the teachers seat to write down the Do Now and staple my work together that she wanted. I had to read tha lyrics to the song to answer the questions (weird lyrics) then she showed us this TPC(more lettas afta them but forgot them) we did it together. I hated the C it asked for so much shit lik simile, metaphor, punctuation, etc. I was like fuck it! Im not doin that part! Sad thing was she gave us homework over it -.-

4th Peeiod
Talked to Mayra for a bit and told her were gonna be moving to apartments soon. Sista was taking attendance and noticed her whole 1st row of students werent there. Man! Shit! I should've skipped class too then! Lucky mother chuckers! DX We talked about different tables and finding the percent or value. I didnt get the crap plus i didnt hav a calculator. So sista went an got some but i gave mines away cause i wasnt paying her any attention at all. I just talked to Chris about this class and Pre-Cal. It was about 5mins before class ended that her 1st row came back. Adriana told us her class got held up because they brought the dogs in and a cop. That means some idiot brought fucking weed to school. Were like really!! Damn!! Yall couldn't wait til next month or something for all that. (Were always having somebody bring weed to school and smoke it but dont get caught at times, but i didnt think they'd be this damn stupid to bring the last day of the first week like really -.-

Im sending my glorious lunch with my happy counsler :) yes indeedy!!! He was looking up the deadlines for applications for colleges i might want to go to ( but my eye is really on the Art Institute in Dallas and Full Sail University in Florida) he would type, then stop to talk to other students then go back to the computer and look, call the schools then write it down. As the time fell and of course more people came to talk to him, he told me he would have to get back with me probably later on after school about the rest of the schools. But he did tell me he was coming to my class to talk to us about SAT, ACT, and scholarships :)

Well i wouldn't dread this room today because  a smiling face was entering the room : Takacs Jr. He came in with boxes of things and was an A&M shirt. He passed the stuff out, went over the deadlines for SAT & ACT, the scholarships we could sign up for, and there was a sports scholarship that had to be filled out by 11:45pm today. So i went for it! I wrote down my email so Takacs could send me the link so i could fill it out :)

5th Period
I made no eye contact with the women cause if i did she would call on me darn it! So i was just working peacefully, minding my buisness while they ready that boring ass chapter. Then she decides that not everyone has read, so she went down the list. I was in the zone, i had the answer, then Mrs. Hurks. I said Fuck! What page are we on? Jackie told me what page, i looked at Mrs. Gruesome and asked her what part?! I read it as fast as possible so she could leave me alone. Then for some reason she started talking about diseases and thats what brought up Hot Zone. I jumped up from my work then, an asked Tiff if she could bring the book to me on Tuesday cause i would love to read it. She told me it might give me nightmares, I told her i doubt it because ive never had one that i can recall.

7th Period
Were talking about movies to watch, Zoey suggested for me and Desiree to watch Zoolander. Its a comedy movie, an the way she told us about the movie made it seem as though we could fall out of our seats laughing. Then came up Dr. Who, thats what made Tiff come over to our side and the awesomzness began!!! Even though Desiree felt left out lol

Afterschool & Home
Basically (to shorten this cause i dont want it long as hell, lol) i went to Takacs to get the paper and boy oh boy! He's room was full of people wanting to know there SAT scores or service hours. He told me he would give it to me Tuesday and I need to bring the number to contact Mrs. Michelle (from the Art Institute in Dallas) so he can speak with her. I wanted Desiree to take me home but she was low on gas, so i waited for my mother. While i waited i sat with Najma and Sabrina...when Sabrina left she was looking thru her phone and found out Sabrina told somebody something and boy was she not happy. I told Sabrina to run when she came into the cafeteria but it was too late~  lol  My Aunt Kassandra callled me telling me to come outside, i hopped in the car, and we were off! Aunt and Mom were asking me if they could get me a full ride to Uof H would i take it, i said no. My mom was like why? it'll be fully paid for!!! I don't want to go to U of H. Then i got a whole talk all the way home about how it'll be free, i dont have to stay with my mom, but there not forcing me to go they were just telling me an to not give up on the other schools i wanted to go to. Honestly i just wanted to get out of the car. Once home i was signing up for scholarships after i took a shower, organizing some of my vids on youtube, then stuggled on the sports scholarship that Takacs sent me, then just watched anime. Well night all~

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