Thursday, September 6, 2012

Me on time?! Of course plus im in my seat! :3 (Day 7)

Finally woke up to my alarm this time! An i had to get my things for Mrs. Bailey cause she was doing her supply check today (i didnt have everything, well she'll be ok) 

Didnt have much time to chillax with my friends. I only got to talk to Vivi & Desiree for a few moments before the bell rung.

2nd Period
I just went ahead and put Kargous homework in the darn bin. I think i did the focus right, i dont know. But going over that didnt take long til we had questions over the homework. I didnt pay attention nor follow along since my work was in the bin. Before the end of class he told us we had book homework due tommorrow. A lot of us asked to get a book and make copys of chapter 1 after school, he was like sure.

3rd Period
In class i noticed almost everyone went to Barnes & Noble to get there books and they had there other supplies. As we worked on the Do Now she put papers on our desks, organized the books she just took out the cabinet to give us, and was going around checking everyones supplies. We asked Mrs. Bailey if we could bring our Kindle Fires to school if we bought the book on there. She said they might get stolen so she wants us to have the actual book in our hands. Did the annoying Do Now on the board then we had to pull out that Where Im From poem and write our own? But about our own selves. She said we shouldn't struggle and be able to write it since it is about us. As i glanced around the room i noticed people were having a bit of a hard time. I just started writing my heart out til the end of class.

4th Period 
Sister Mai gave us a new packet of focus activities to hold on to so when we ran out of questions on the first one we would have a new set later on. She wanted us to hurry up as always so we could take our vocabulary quiz (which i didnt study for at all ) but i passed cause i know i did..just counted the boxes and put the shit in it lol. An for the rest of class she made us do the ch 3 worksheet cause we had a test tomorrow. *sigh* taking quizzes and test for this class just never seems to end..

My mind is hazy on this one but if i remember right we were missing a few people because they had detention. Desiree got her's because of earrings and i forgot who got the other but it was pretty quiet at lunch, oh and when i seen Takacs i gave him the package Full Sail University sent me on there college so he could look at it.

as always we did the same SAT worksheet, today she wanted us to finish it. I basically just started bubbling shit in so she could leave me be.

Before 5th Period
Tiff told me to go the office with her. I asked why. Then she told me to just come on, so we could get away from Mrs. Gruesome. Now that offer i would take! So i left with Tiff to the office, she asked Mrs. G if it was okay to have our Tablets of Kindle Fires in school because she had books on there she liked to read. We also brought up the fact about how Mrs. Bailey didnt want us to have them for the books she wanted cause she thought they would be stole. But we told Mrs. G how could they if we had them with us all the time. Mrs. G said she would talk to the Technological Board about it in the next meeting she had. When we left the office Tiff was happy, she was like were got the principle and the office on our side on this. Like she was doing a petition and needed helpers to support her.

5th Period
The old Mrs. Gruesome kept repeating to make sure we had all her work done. Which i did have done, an then she gave us Ch 1 S3 worksheet (which she should have given us yesterday) so i worked on that during class, did the physics homework worksheet which was due Friday, and muting everything else out til the bell rang.

7th Period
Finally! We were starting to take notes in class for Sociology!! He's a really cool guy, even though he's handwriting on the board is so hard to freaking read! But i managed to keep up, pay attention and talk within the discussions we had about the topic we were on. I wonder why i didnt do this for Psychology?! Oh well i guess i just like this class better. 

After-school & Home
Signed out and my mom was waiting at the drive-thru for me. When i came outside her doors were wide open and so was the trunk. I was like Mom? Mom?! She said what is it? I ran to the other side of the car and asked her what she was doing. She said while she was waiting for me she was cleaning her back seats because she couldnt stand the stains on there. When i opened the car door the two books i needed for Bailey were there so i thanked my mom. Once i was home i so highly distracted with my computer that i dont think til around 9pm close to 10pm that i had physics homework (when someone texted me), statistics homework, and that damn poem to do!!! I spent about almost two hours trying to find the physics book online then a password and username, once i had that i had to answer all these darn questions! ugh! I stayed up for a long time! By the time i barely started my statistics homework my mom was home, she noticed i was unhappy about doing my homework so she surprised with a box of POCKY to make me feel better. It did help but the sad part was i blacked out before 1am~ 

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