Wednesday, September 5, 2012

CRAP!!!!! FML!!!! IM LATE!!!! DX (Day 6)

I woke to my lil sis mumbling. The room was freaking spinning and i had a slight headache. Rubbed my eyes, stared at the clock, then jumped! Get up! I yelled at my sis. Were so damn late! It was about 5mins to 8am! Y didnt my alarm go off! Grr! I rushed all thru the house trying to get ready, mom told me to slow down, but i didnt listen. Mom said she would make Niyahs lunch and stuff. I did get ready, was happy when i was, but not at all pleased with the time. Sad part my mom & sis took forever to get ready. 

We were dropping off my sis but she couldnt get inside. I kept yelling at her to ring the office door bell but that pain in my side came running towards me saying huh?! I was lik we need to get her ears checked. My mom told me there was no point in rushing her i was already late for school. Went inside, put my lunch up, and headed to Kargous room. 

 2nd Period 
I hate when i have eyes staring at me, it ticks me off. Kargou asked if i had a note, i was like no i came straight here. Didnt do that darn focus cause i didnt get it, so Kargou explained some but still didnt get it. Then wrote down this line chart thing to help us wit the worksheet. Sadly i only stayed in classed for 10mins (thats how late i was). But there was an announcement about a soccer meeting after school today, i had to go! I wanted to play soccer for my senior year (would be my third year playing) 

 3rd Period 
that Do Now confused me but i mangaged with it an wrote like a damn paragraph. We had to take our hw out (didnt do it) an then she explained the ASATT part of the darn paper. It was easy, but i had more work to do then others since i didnt do the first two damn pgs *sigh*

 4th Period
Sister Mai finally gave us our first focus activity, i was surprised like wow! She told us to work on it for a while, while she stepped out of the classroom for a minute. Mrs. Wolf was watching us and inspecting on our uniform, she wrote my name down and even others. The assistant who was new came in after a while and called us out. She had a stack full of detentions in her hands, i was like for real!!! *sigh* She then got to me and asked why i didn't have the Parker pants, i told her my mom doesnt have the money at the moment and she talked to Mrs. G. What did she say? I told her I dont know. So i had to walk all the way to the office to ask what my mother said but they said Mrs. G was in a very important meeting at the moment. So i went back and i sure as hell didnt get a detention!!! Chris kept getting called to the office, i asked him what did he get in trouble for this time? He said it was about an off campus lunch form. He asked me if i had got one. I was like no! He laughed. Sister told us to hush so she could go over the focus then about how were going to have a quiz tomorrow over the vocabulary and shouldn't forget (i know i will) then just did some of that darn worksheet she wanted us to do. -.- Chris was like even if you got off campus lunch how would you get food? I could get someone to get it for me. Hello Aleria, they're gonna need gas money. I'll give them extra $5 for cash geez! lol 

The table was full so i sat with Frane who was on the benches chilling and coloring a cute teddy bear picture :3  I asked Tiff if she brought the Hot Zone book and another for me to read, but she said no. I was like you whore! She said look here mother fucker i was throwing up this morning and so was my brother so i dont need your bullshit! I hugged her and told her i was sorry and hoped she felt better. I had also asked Bella if she would go to the soccer meeting today but she said her dad didnt want her to play since last year she got hurt bad at state. Vivian asked for me to let her know what happens in the meeting cause she wouldn't be there. Lunch went by fast and had a freaking headache.

Before homeroom
I asked Tiff what was the point of her even coming to school if she didnt feel, an i asked her if she had taken something for it. She told me an asperin,  an that her mom said they wouldn't miss anymore days of school this year so she had to come to school sick. I felt sorry for her.
I went to see Mrs. Davis, I gave her some of my fruit snacks and waved good-bye

HELLO GATES OF HELL!!! Thats how i would say it when im about to enter the room or something of the sort. I still had a headache then my stomach was hurting like fuck! I was starting to get annoyed. She was giving out the scantrons the talking about her chatty people and even mean. She asked if any of us knew about the doll that you had to pull the string then it talked, thats how those chatty people are that i have. Just like chatty number 2 & 3 in this classroom. I looked at Tiff and said did she just compare me to a fucking doll!!! What is wrong with her!!! While working i thought: aw crap! I cant i thought. Darn mother nature of the month! I didnt figure this out til after was barely finished taking the SAT and she told us if we didnt finish we would have to get a detention which i found rediculous but she say she would give us one more day. Saying she was tired of looking at it, i thought but your not the one doing the damn work you evil witch!!

5th Period
My head was pulsing, my stomach hurt , and i was in no mood to deal with the bitch! I asked her for the hall pass and stormed out cursing under my breath as she was like you need to feel it out and crap. When i was down in the office i saw Mr. Moon there, he's hair wasn't long as i hoped it would be. It was all short and spiked up like he used that clear gel on it. I told him Hi as i passed by and surprisingly he remembered me ......Once i returned i felt miserable and tired...Tiff gave me a hug and said we will survive hell together sweetie. Jenesha shook her head as i passed her and she said the bitch was crazy. I laughed a little :)

7th Period
Everyone was like the class is starting to day!! Who's our teacher? That asian guy? I was like no! Thats Mr. Moon he teaches psycology. Zoey asked me if i knew who the teacher was, i enlightened her and told her it was the fat guy with orange hair and glasses on...before i could even continue, Desiree cut me off with a shut up fool! Speak of the chunky...skinny guy? Well not skinny skinny but he lost a lot of weight, you could tell! It seemed as though his pants were to big for him but he tried to make it look all fashionable. We found out he's actually a cool teacher, hell! He's even letting us eat snacks and drinks in the classroom as long as we dont make a mess. While he was telling us about what we would learn, how he didnt come on Mondays, and about sociology. The phone was for me. I was like aw man what did i do now! On line 2 was my mother, she was basically yelling into the phone about how she was saying i thought you didnt want to do soccer! I told her i said i did. She kept saying i didnt. Then she brought up the fact that we would be moving soon and that transportation would be hard cause it would only be her, then she went on saying we would talk about it later then hung up. But she did say i could stay for the meeting though. Walt just laughed at the fact that i had a mommy call in class, so everytime the phone rung after my phone call Walt would say i had a lot of people calling me today :/

Afterschool &Home
I still had to sign out then just sat in the cafeteria. I t got boring being in there after a while plus when Dani up and left me to go sign out with Chris and Bella. So i went to the computer lab, it got boring in there i told Tiff as i entered the room. Tiff just laughed. I said Hi to Mommy (fyi i call all my frineds parents that i meet mommy or daddy cause im apart of there family now since they know me so well) this mommy was my friends Manny's & his little brother that i know mom. I was going to do my homework for English but she wasnt in the damn mood to do it. Tiff had to leave for her ride had come then Kargou came in the lab. I said im staying after for the meeting while i pulled out his homework, he jumped up! Slammed his had down for he was unbalanced cause he almost fell doing his "Kargou Fantastic" he was like you better do my homework. I told him i would. Not long after, Crystal & her friend came in asking where Kargou was for they need help with the homework. They sat in there for about 15mins til he came back. They were tekking him they went to the room but there was another class in there and he wasnt there (i went there also after my 7th period but i decided to roam around since he wasn't in there) he apologized (for some odd reason) He helped us out a ton with the homework or more like we finished it!!! XD Then it was time for 8th period to be over. I went to Kargous room in advance and there were a lot of new and old faces i recognized, Kargou entered (after what felt like waiting 30mins) he tld us we need a physical before next week, make sure we brought our gear, and be at practice or they wouldn't make the team. I signed the sheet for the girls and put Vivis name dow then left. I went out to the drive thru after i called my uncle like my mother asked to give me a ride home, he said he didnt mind. As i waited i talked to my mo longer freshman but are sophmore now children about Naruto and Bleach, I honestly missed talking to them after school :D

In the van it was decided that my mom get us from my uncle house, but i told him i needed to go to the dollar store. He asked why? I told him its a woman thing and i need to get something! Honestly i find it awkward to tell a man what you need from the store (well that sort of thing from the store) i find it weird to just say it out loud. But he told me he already knew what i was talking about. He was telling me that he use to work at a pharmacy and order those things. Of course that didnt make me feel better. Went to the store, got what i needed, went bak to my uncle hose, helped Devin with his summer reading. But when i got home i was suppose to find that paper for him with the other quotes on it but i lost it. Darn~  so i was no help. I think i avoided my homework, id dont quite remember. Night all. :P

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