i had a blast at my friend Gir's house yesterday (his name is larry Gir is his nickname), it was his 15th b-day! his house is amazin!!! tha main thing we loved were tha peacocks! yes i said peacocks, they were lik everywhere in his neighborhood it was so cool!!! most of my friends from skool were their, we hung out in tha bar. it was lik heaven on earth 4 us, but we culdnt drink had 2 b 18years old and up. tha main thing we loved was tha tire swing, me and that swing were tha best of friends until i kept gettin hurt! mostly everyon was gettin hurt 4rm tha tire swing, not on purpose but becuz of dizzyness!!! now wat was rly funny was when it got dark outside my friend dani got on tha tire swing alone, it was halarious!!! we left her out their, well not rly. my friend alfredo was suppose 2 bring her in! im lik fredo were is dani, he's lik oh shes comin. im thinkin that child is dizzy as hell, i dont even think she can find tha door knob cuz she's probably seein triple!! all i see is tha front door open, my friend dani on tha ground laughin her ass of. all i culd was laugh wit her. so afta all tha tire swing, tha bar, playin soccer, playin scremo and techno music, we all went inside and relax. ok they had a different relax, everyone was playin call of duty in larry's room all i did was watch until ppl started to leave. tha party was from 4pm to11pm, so most ppl were leavin close to 11pm. while i was watin on my mom my friend markz was playin tha guitar while my friend dj dino (josh) was workin tha music on tha computer. i had fun pokin him, he thought i was a idiot, but in a gud way. i left afta 11pm since my mom finally got their. it was a blast, but now im achin in pain from all that fallin i did. well im bout 2 go c wat new manga chapters came out c u 2mmorrow blogger and my followers, lolz :)
theres peacocks in your neighborhoods?? WHAAA- lol all we get over here in the states is turkeys =P
ReplyDeleteyummmm turkey!!!! lmao!!!