still testin at my skool...well rly all week. 2mmorrow i tak my last TAKS test, math. im not rly worried bout it, as long aas i mak meet standard im gud :) hm..oh 2day we studied, NOT!!!! the boys bout our cookies we ate them all b4 class even started. i only got one, dont kno y but i only got one. well were all had 2 b wit different teachers 2day, we were wit my journalism teacher 2day. shes cool as long as u dony mak her mad thats were tha problem starts. all we were doin was learnin.....oh wow i 4got. i kno we played math jeporady i kno that 4 sure. i wasnt rly payin attention i was drawin pics of my friends all day in class. i drew markz, lisa, ninja, and kat so far. i hav a llot of otha pics to draw also so im gonna b a while. i wish i culd post my drawings on blogger but my phone is such an asshole actin lik it cant sendin it 2 my email!!! it sends tha pics just not all of them and that makes me mad. i hope i get a new phone in tha summer wit a gud camera also. speakin of summer i may be goin wit my granny to tha permuta islands, thats wat she told me in july. im so happy but worried, she doesnt want to tak a boat cuz she gets seasick and not a train becuz their slow so we hav a plane. tha thing is ive neva rode a plane in my life or been out of ttha country b4 so this is a first 4 me. my granny told me we wuld b stayin in a five star hotel and at least we get to c tha nice blue water besides galveston and it dirty water. i was happy so i said i wuld go. i think it'll b nice but i shuldnt b worried bout that now i still got skool 2 deal wit so my wonderful vacation has to wait. :) also we played boot-leg basball again this time wit a mini soccer ball and a long piece of wood from a buildin or door i think idk. also i got anotha pic from tha japan fest 2 ^_^ hahaha NO ONE CAN TRUST ME WIT A SWORD!!!!!! lolz
You look so cute! Good luck with your testing!