well i left skool early 2day totally 4got y, lolz. um...played baseball against some juniors who had a free class period or just didnt want 2 b in their class period. it was my whole class vs only 5 players!!!!! that sucked so i helped tha juniors out when tha game ended my class won tha juniors lost cuz they didnt hav many ppl. an uneven match plus we used a tennis rakit 4 those that didnt want 2 use tha bat, it was helpful! well i didnt rlyhav homework so i went 2 my uncles house wit everybody an ate crawfish it was awesome ^_^ afta that i had ice cream! even betta, well mez sleepy....got 2 tak a test 2mmorrow since i left b4 my 7th period that was english and i had a test she said i culd tak it 2mmorrow i'll pass it tha bestway i can. X3
Yeah. Make sure you study for it too.
ReplyDeleteleah i falied tha test but i can re-tak it nxt wk, theirs still hope 4 me :)