Sunday, August 15, 2010


GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just found out from a friend thats gonna b a freshman at my skool this year that we go bak 2 skool on tha 23rd!!!! i was lik, WTH!!!!!!! i was thinkin oh crap, when skool starts bak up my mom is gonna limit  my time of tha computer!!! even though we didnt hav internet 4 lik a whole damn month!!! ugh!!! that plus me havin 2 do my chores regularly so i can get money (man i gotta find me a job =_=)
do my homework and pass my classes wit As and Bs or my mom gonna kill me!!!! try 2 b nicer 2 my lil sis (even though we all though thats not gonna happen) wait wth am i doin rly wat am i sayin, this happens ever god damn year!!! same old same old, i guess but im more curious of how im gettin 2 skool?! hm....welll 4 now i hav my skool supplies, my mom is workin on my uniforms, now all i need 2 do is b patient so i can get my damn check and spend it on a new phone that i want. yay me!!!! well i just hope my sophmore year will b as fun as my freshman year was. i want 2 work but hav fun also. XD
i wanted 2 add a phot but tha house computer wont let me :(


  1. that sucks about school starting that soon! Mine doesn't start until Sept. 7th!

  2. ur so lucky otaku-chan and rozen5 i wuldnt say furious i was a lil mad that i hav 2 go bak but im happy though. i get 2 c my friends XD
