im gonna shortin things here of wat happened during saturaday and sunday rite now. ok saturday me and my lil cuzins went hikin in tha woods by ourselves (we werent scared, it was durin tha day, lol) we found a trail, a river that lead 2 a water fall, heard a lot of annoying animals (mostly birds that i wanted 2 shot wit my cuzins bebe gun and cook it) they said they seen coyotes earlier. then lata on we went fishin! :) i kinda missed up tha pole a lot, i was walkin bearfoot so i culd b one wit tha indian camp grounds,lol. i even got in tha lake and fish too, i was enjoyin myself :) even though i didnt catch crap!!! my lil cuzin and surprisingly my mom caught one!!! SHE DOESNT EVEN KNO HOW 2 FISH BUT SHE GOT ONE!!! it was a surprise 2 use all. afta that bak 2 tha cabin took showers and chilled. had smores some of their friends drove all tha way out their 2 come hang out (i guess they started 2 drive early knowin how farr it was 4rm texas) so they stayed until lik 1am or so. i was in tha tent listenin 2 music cuz i wasn't sleepy at all, my lil sis and my otha lil cuzin were knocked out. so once tha ppl left me and my otha cuzin wit his bebe gun stayeed up slmost all nite patrollin cuz we kept hearin crap!!! he had he's gun i had empty beer bottles, lol. so once it was close to 3am we decided 2 go 2 bed. then once i woke tha next day we were all packin up!!! now im gonna sum it up!!!! so we packed a lil, i went in tha woods 2 find huge wood and figured out im RLY STRONG!!!! im bringin in these lik huge pieces lik tha bottom part u kno tha rly big part of trees 2 tha cabin, huge branches and stuff!!!! everyone was surprised that i carried that 4rm tha woods 2 tha cabin!! SO WAS I!!!! afta that wwe strted a fire added pine needles 2 mak tha fire bigger it was awesome!!!! oh and also on saturday nite we made green, yellow, and purple fire!! it was cool. so anyways afta that i went inside tha cabin and fell asleep p.s. i did my homework also at camp, i kno crazy rite tryin 2 b one wit nature. then afta probably a 3hour nap cuz thats wat it felt lik everything was packed on tha trucks and we were off!! bye-bye indian camp grounds!!!! of course it was a long way home, got home late, then i said i was one wit nature alrite cuz im sore all ova!!! so i just took a nice hot bath then went 2 bed. we went grocery shoppin on monday cuz rly we had nu10 in tha refrigerator lik at all!!!!! ttyl 4 now my friends XD
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