ok first hello all sry i probably havnt been postin comments on ppls blogs as usual but ive been busy a lot!!! ok let me sum things up becuz i will not hav my computer at all this weekend becuz i'll be at my grandmothers house. awesome rite!!!! NO!!!! ive benn actin up ay home sumtin bout me hollerin at my lil sis (i do talk calmly 2 her she just dont listen) and me not doin my chores (no comment) so until i do all of them no more field trips or probably nu10 else ever *i hav a field trip 2mmorrow 4 kima!!!! an it will b my last :( * so yeah im goin ova their 2 b worked 2 death, no happy toe-shoes fun 4 me at all. ok summarizing yesterday!!! my coach did a belly fflop on tha ball (that was funny), a matrix spin kick 2 block tha ball 4rm goin into tha goal were protecting, and tha boys coach (Mr. Kargou) did sumwat of a split, but who knos i still laughed at him. then i went straight bak 2 tha skool got dressed up 4 college night (dress to impress baby!!! XD), then when everyone was their i went 2 every table (just lik last year) and signed up 4 each one, (tha only one tha interested me was tha art institute), and i just took sum tests on tha computer till my ride came. so thats it 4 now!!! so no i wont b tellin u about my discipline weekend cuz i kno its gonna b terrible. ALSO!!!! I HAV A GAME NXT TUESDAY!!!!! YAYZ MY TEAM, LOL!!! XD PS IM GONNA MISS MY COMPUTER SO MUCH!!!! T-T
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