Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thanks for the Freshly Fallen Snow, my Dear Jack Frost

November 16th, 2014.

Of course I wen to bed late after the movie.

When I awoke today I felt so damn old, my back just ached and I was tired. Also annoyed for my roommate didnt close the doors again, im half sleep! I could've ran into them damn it! I was in the mood for cereal, an a movie (since I remembered I had one more movie to watch before returning them today when they opened at 1pm). Watched the movie Breach (movie) comfortably on the couch til the end when Melsi came out of the room asking why Tantan's crap was in her room. I had told her last night while I was watching a movie, she came in and went to lay on her bed. I told her I was going to get up and leave so she could have the couch but she aimed for her room. Melsi told me she doesn't like it when people are in her room while she isn' there & she still doesn't get why she doesn't sleep in her bed. I told her why again, we still find it odd but whatever. An speak of the devil she called asking if I was at the apartment, I told her yeah, she told me she couldn't findher keys. I lifted the keys out of the shoes Melsi brought from her room and replied oh we found them alright, in Melsi's room. She was all like crap I thought I got everything out of there. So I unlocked the door and only I few minutes after I left the room to get dressed she came through the door and apologized to Melsi for leaving her crap. I was going to head to the lounge to print out images for my assignment again; Tantan gave me her DVDs to give them. Found out we can only have two DVDs to an apartment. Well both of us didn't know and we each had two different DVDs each. So I went ahead after my friend got off, printed crap, looked stuff up, got tea then decided to just leave. Told Tantan the news about the DVDs stuff then I went ahead and ate all the leftover pasta. I had decided to make two dinners, one for later an the other to last me so I could use my pasta sauce in the frig before it went bad. After I went to the room and stripped back into my pj's and laid in bed texting people. Talked to my friend awhile for he was having issues but then he said he would call me back later. After that I went into the kitchen and made food! In the end I had a big pot of pasta that needed to be in the frig, ate my chicken tenders and half of my big container of vegetables. Aimed to do my dishes quickly for Tantan & Melsi were going to start talking about God, had to dash out the room. I had decided to start getting my stuff ready for tomorrow and put things away for I was tired of tripping over them. While I was at work both of them left for Melsi needed something to make this casserole she sent her. When they were gone I went on a hunt for my other gloves and hats for I was so layering up tomorrow morning. Found a lot actually. Then they returned, I headed for the room, I then wanted to work on my blog posts but wanted to write somethings down. In the event of my search I found my leather journal I bought some time ago to write in to write my personal thoughts. I was debating whether to blog or write anymore. A friend on Twitter was like do both! Then I made up my mind cause I knew the problem. I just missed typing, audio blogging is fun an all but I love to express myself more with typing out my day then saying it. My own personal story, like my own book. Oh an I also sat on my damn finger wrong, it hurt likr hell. I went to work right after complaining a while. Not that long into typing with my headphones on, my roommate burst into the room telling me it's snowing outside! Im like for real! All three of us were like big old kids sitting up there getting super excited! We threw whatever on and just went to see the light trinkle of snowflakes fall! I was like yass! I even called my mother to tell her it was snowing here (I actually woke her up). Then we started sing Christmas songs and songs from FROZEN. All I said is when we get more snow im so making an Olaf! I even texted people about it! Some were happy, some weren't, some already had coco. While I made my coco, my silly roommates decided to go sit on the cold damn patio with there coco. Took the opportunity to take a selfie with them before they came inside to play Mario Kart 8 for awhile. I went back into the room upset that my phone would'nt sync the image and that my phone kept annoying me of how it was low on space. I give up. An just continued working on my blog posts... 

(here's a picture of me and my roommates out on the patio drinking coco)

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