Tuesday, October 26, 2010
well 2day it shall be short cuz me tired and i hav 2 get up in tha mornin. me sry our team went against st. thomas apistical!!!! yay rite!!! i didnt rly move that much in tha game (well tha first half at least) tha second half i was finally movin!!!and i got hit in tha face wit tha ball also,it felt lik crap!!!! but i had a lot of fun and a great experince u kno, ive done track and basketball but this was sum10 new and more enjoyable. even though everyone (almost) on our team said we sucked, i didnt think so. i thought we all did our best an we were all just BAD-ASS!!! OKZ!!!! XD so i didnt care wat anyone said 2 us, i meaan at least were playin!!! most teams cant play cuz their players arrent doin there class work, servin detentions, or rly just doin wat you hav 2 do at skool 2 pass and play tha game!!! well i thought we were awesomz!!! ugh! staandford 10 yet again our lasst day rly. oh i wore my harry potter cloak i found at my grandma house 2 skool, dont ask why. i just wanted 2 ok, an im surprised i didnt get in trouble 4 it. well ttyl 4 now my friends :) oh i was number 34!!! XD
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Got my computer and had fun at KIMA!!!!! XD
hi hi!!!! well ok this wkend wasnt discipline wkend i guess...hey i got my computer though!!! XD but its late so i'll sum it up rly short 4 u okz!!!! we went on all tha rides at kima except the merry go round!!!! :( went on tha ride called tha bullet twicw upon my own will cuz i was stuck on tha ride sumhow!!!! oh we had a techno bus rave on tha way 2 kim and bak whhen we had lifesavers (star wars) it wwas a lot of fun. ok thats all i can tell u hav 2 get up in tha mornin!! sry!!! in tha pick is chris (sakura's bf), sakura, dani, and lil nicco!!! i took tha pic (its from left 2 right) ttyl 4 now!!! LOVZ U FOLLOWERS!!! XD
Friday, October 22, 2010
Yesterday's College Day and my weekend of discipline

Monday, October 18, 2010
10-16/10-17 Summing up the first day and only day of camp??? wat a load of crap!!! :)

im gonna shortin things here of wat happened during saturaday and sunday rite now. ok saturday me and my lil cuzins went hikin in tha woods by ourselves (we werent scared, it was durin tha day, lol) we found a trail, a river that lead 2 a water fall, heard a lot of annoying animals (mostly birds that i wanted 2 shot wit my cuzins bebe gun and cook it) they said they seen coyotes earlier. then lata on we went fishin! :) i kinda missed up tha pole a lot, i was walkin bearfoot so i culd b one wit tha indian camp grounds,lol. i even got in tha lake and fish too, i was enjoyin myself :) even though i didnt catch crap!!! my lil cuzin and surprisingly my mom caught one!!! SHE DOESNT EVEN KNO HOW 2 FISH BUT SHE GOT ONE!!! it was a surprise 2 use all. afta that bak 2 tha cabin took showers and chilled. had smores some of their friends drove all tha way out their 2 come hang out (i guess they started 2 drive early knowin how farr it was 4rm texas) so they stayed until lik 1am or so. i was in tha tent listenin 2 music cuz i wasn't sleepy at all, my lil sis and my otha lil cuzin were knocked out. so once tha ppl left me and my otha cuzin wit his bebe gun stayeed up slmost all nite patrollin cuz we kept hearin crap!!! he had he's gun i had empty beer bottles, lol. so once it was close to 3am we decided 2 go 2 bed. then once i woke tha next day we were all packin up!!! now im gonna sum it up!!!! so we packed a lil, i went in tha woods 2 find huge wood and figured out im RLY STRONG!!!! im bringin in these lik huge pieces lik tha bottom part u kno tha rly big part of trees 2 tha cabin, huge branches and stuff!!!! everyone was surprised that i carried that 4rm tha woods 2 tha cabin!! SO WAS I!!!! afta that wwe strted a fire added pine needles 2 mak tha fire bigger it was awesome!!!! oh and also on saturday nite we made green, yellow, and purple fire!! it was cool. so anyways afta that i went inside tha cabin and fell asleep p.s. i did my homework also at camp, i kno crazy rite tryin 2 b one wit nature. then afta probably a 3hour nap cuz thats wat it felt lik everything was packed on tha trucks and we were off!! bye-bye indian camp grounds!!!! of course it was a long way home, got home late, then i said i was one wit nature alrite cuz im sore all ova!!! so i just took a nice hot bath then went 2 bed. we went grocery shoppin on monday cuz rly we had nu10 in tha refrigerator lik at all!!!!! ttyl 4 now my friends XD
10-15-10 italain festiaval and camping trip also BEGINS!!!

boy oh boy 2day was random and very tasteful :) ok lets start 4rm the mornin cuz it was funny. so once i got 2 skool my mind was mostly on my english test cuz i didnt kno if it was 4 a major grade or not. so lik once i got there i went 2 my english teacher classroom (got 2 skool around 7:55am, early 4 once) i was mr. bartely (he's a awesome english teacher ok a lil betta then the one i had last year) we need 2 hav a student and teacher conference, he's lik ok..bout wat?! so i tell him my situation on my field trip and he says u can tak it on monday im lik awesomz!!!! thnz mr.bartely (he's test are easy u just need 2 rememba thats all). once i left his classroom my friends were in tha hallway tryin 2 do italian homework (i neva hav tha eager 2 do it, but i pass her class, yay me) so while they work and argue and crap i asked this freshman kid that was sittin wit us if i culd wear his ring. he's lik sure, im tryin it on every finger, so it finally fits on my thumb. now here's where tha problem starts my play-mom madeline wants tha ring, im lik NO!!!! :p so she attacks me!!!! were lik both fittin in tha hall next thing i kno we were in an acquired possition. i was up against tha walll she was on me lik crazy almost RIPPED MY FINGER OFF TRYIN 2 GET THA RING!!!!but i dont giv 4 crap!!! oh yeah!!!! and then a student passes by and says wat r yall doin?! i said a new sex position called THA RING TOSS!!!!! he laughed and said nice :) then my PE teacher passes by wit his eyes all wide lik wat r tyall doin???!!! i said were learnin a new wrestlin mov 2 neva try at skool, lol then tha otha problem while she's puttin her weight on me im sum how formin a split!!!! i dont kno how 2 split!!!! IT HURT LIK HELL!!!!!!!!!! T-T then my friend sakura is lik I WANNA JOIN!!! XD im lik oh shit!!! sso lik both of their weights are on me im in PAIN!!!! then when my play-mom tells sakura of wats up she's all in for it!!! im lik WTH!!!!! nxt thing i kno im on tha carpet (rememba in thaa hallway plus near a classroom wit tha door open, boy we were loud as fuck!!! ) so they tak my arm lik all tha way bak, SERIOUSLY THEY DID!!!! i was all screamin GET THA FUCK OFF!!!! so i gav when it felt as though they popped sumtin. so yeah im layin in tha hall lik a dead body, a lot of ppl just went around me (this just shows a lot of students that hav been at tha skool longer than me kno otha kids do stupid shit in tha mornin) until my geometry teacher passes by and says did u not get enough sleep last nite? gosh i wuldnt expect students 2 sleep in tha hallway. i rly said nu10 cuz i was in 2 much damn pain. then i was lik im gonna call my psycho brotha and ask him 2 help me up, but i was 2 late! this asshole comes out of no wher and stomps on me!!!! of course in already in bad shape so i dont giv a damn. afta that lets c i finally got up, had gum, then got a lecture 4rm tha PRE-AP sSTUDENTS WHO WERE WORKIN!!!! I kinda felt bad but they shuld hav closed tha door anyways when we started 2 get rly loud. so afta bein my psycho bro's slave 2 tak his bakpak 2 class, i headed 2 biology all speedy shit fast!!!! then i was lik y am i racin 2 class shes not even their yet!!!! but once our biology teacher was their and i was in tha class, my happy two shoes attitude went down lik 96% when i found out i failed her test, lik badly!!!!. im not tell u tha grade but its betta than a zero, she said we can retake it on monday durin our homeroom period tha second part (5th period is homeroom period, its when we do lik homework or worked we missed) so im thinkin ok all is gud till we havv homework, no surprise we always hav homework. then i hav geometry and i get homewwork only lik six problems to do. ok lets fast fwd 2 tha festival!!! XD ok so we got their 2 tha festival (by tha way it was at st. thomas university) we paid our 4dollas 2 sista mai then we were off!!! ok i was bein a bit of a fat ass!!! i ate on slice of there peperoni pizza and i was lik so set!!!! their pizza slices were HUGE!!!! i ate lik two of them then guess wat???????!!!!!! I GOT A FUCKIN KONOLI!!!!!!!!!! MAN THERE BAD-ASS!!!!!! XD i was so in lov wit those!!!! then afta that me and my friend deseiree went to look at tha tables. they had necklaces, bracelets, candles, hats, flutes, lil dolls, etc. afta searchin around we then signed up 4 a chance 2 win 49thousand dollas and i won a free apatizer 4 tha day it expires 12/31/10. so lets c i went serachin 4 a suvinor. i got this BAD-ASS AND I MEAN A BAD-ASS NECKALACE, I GOT A BLUE MONKEY!!!!, OH!!! thats it cuz i was broke afta that T-T thats wat i get 4 bein a fat ass, lol. ok fast fwd, then b4 we left we got interviewed by channel39 news!!!! yay us!!! XD Fast fwd again!!! (man i lovz this fast fwd button!!! lol) ok were on tha rode to livingston, tx!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FUCKIN FAR AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we were lost bout more than five damn times findin tha camp site cuz were driven on a dark ass rode no damn street lights nu10!!!!! but finally we made it when sumones phone got a damn signal, 2 call 4 directions!!!!!! so yeah we drive 2 tha cabin, it was small :/ i went rite 2 sleep cramped on one matteress bed wit four otha kids!!!!!!! so i was lik a snadwich up against tha wall!!!! but i went 2 sleep. i wonder wat awaits us 2mmorrow, ttyl 4 now. damn thats a long post, lmao!!!!!!!!! XD BY THA WAY THA CANNOLIS ARE AWESOMZ!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010
what happened on crazy day, twin day, and 2day

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010
today i went all out their!!!! i wore a robe, my monkey pj's, my black sleepers, i took a blanket, and my ADORABLE PANDA PILLOW PET!!!! XD I MEAN NO ONE WULD LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!! everyone wanted 2 hold him and touch how soft he was, it was a lil irritatin but i survived. my friend sakura stole it 4rm me earlier this mornin!!! man i had 2 chase her all around skool!!!! oh i did surve my detention it was borin as hell!!!! as usual!!! so lik everyone was dressed up, only two teachers were dressed out all the others were in work attire. thanks 4 showin ur spirit dudes, lol. not that many ppl were there 2day, one of my teachers was absent, barely had homework, and soccer was brutal as ever!!! yeah wat a awesome day, but i didnt get a chance 2 tak pictures T-T oh and i 4got some football player came and gav us a speech bout his life and a christian he has that helps teens wit problems or addictions they hav (i think thats wat its bout i was mostly half-sleep) so yeah 2day was great cant wait until 2mmorrow its BAK 2 THA FUTURE (WEAR SUMTIN 4RM THA PAST) YEAH!!!! dont ask thats just how my principal is ok, lol. oh an were doin a blood drive soon at my skool. im not givin cuz i hate needles, case closed. well ttyl, until 2mmorrow XD
today i went all out their!!!! i wore a robe, my monkey pj's, my black sleepers, i took a blanket, and my ADORABLE PANDA PILLOW PET!!!! XD I MEAN NO ONE WULD LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!! everyone wanted 2 hold him and touch how soft he was, it was a lil irritatin but i survived. my friend sakura stole it 4rm me earlier this mornin!!! man i had 2 chase her all around skool!!!! oh i did surve my detention it was borin as hell!!!! as usual!!! so lik everyone was dressed up, only two teachers were dressed out all the others were in work attire. thanks 4 showin ur spirit dudes, lol. not that many ppl were there 2day, one of my teachers was absent, barely had homework, and soccer was brutal as ever!!! yeah wat a awesome day, but i didnt get a chance 2 tak pictures T-T oh and i 4got some football player came and gav us a speech bout his life and a christian he has that helps teens wit problems or addictions they hav (i think thats wat its bout i was mostly half-sleep) so yeah 2day was great cant wait until 2mmorrow its BAK 2 THA FUTURE (WEAR SUMTIN 4RM THA PAST) YEAH!!!! dont ask thats just how my principal is ok, lol. oh an were doin a blood drive soon at my skool. im not givin cuz i hate needles, case closed. well ttyl, until 2mmorrow XD
Saturday, October 2, 2010
thought i was goin on GUD STREAK!!!

thought i was goin on a good streak
well aint this a load of crap!!! i thought i was doin rly gud till i got a detention 4 cursin in class. got to surve it early in the mornin (7:15am) i hav 2 b their b4 that time or im screwed!!!! i thought i wuld hav gotten a detention 4 a tarty not cursin!!! everybody curses, i didnt curse out a teacher i just used a curse word in tha sentence i said. oh well, rly no oh well. i told my mom (i neva told her last year bout my otha detentions) she flipped out. she was so surprised (not in a gud way either) so she took my phone and laptop away cuz i wuldnt brush my mouth wit soap. i thought she was crazy 4 that one....i mean that was way out their. so yeah she took it away 4rm me then i got it bak 2day cuz i did my chores and homework. (i hate homework on the weekends, but i do it anyways) hm...oh bout my week, totally 4got, lol. 9/27/10: soccer was cut short cuz it wasnt that many girls so i went 2 movie club afta practice 2 watch star trak went my psycho bro and my friend kate. 9/28/10: got hit rly hard in my forehead wit tha soccer ball, full impact!!! it hurt lik hell!! :P 9/29/10: my mom bought me yan yan's it was similar 2 poky but u got 2 dip tha stick in chocolate (man that sounded so wrong, lol) 9/30/10: nu10 specail happened. and 10/1/10: got my detention. oh!!!!!! at my skool next week is spirit week!!! its when we hav spirit or sumtin, but we wear different stuff each day. MONDAY: PAJAMA DAY!!!!! TUESDAY: BAK 2 THA FUTURE WENSDAY:CRAZY TACKY DAY THURSDAY:TWIN DAY FRIDAY:SKOOL SPIRIT DAY!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!! XD i'll keep u guys posted on everyday if i can kz :)
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