well, well, well i kno i havent been on blogger 4 a while. i found new anime shows and i get so into those that time flies and then i 4get 2 get on tha otha websites i was suppose 2 get on. but i'll try 2 break that habit, i think. ok 2 tha gud stuff, early this mornin (since i finally got 2 skool on time 4 once) i got 2 c an amazin site. right afta i was done sayin hi 2 tha ppl in tha hall of nations i got 2 tha breeze way 2 find my friend sobe holdin a chicken. i first i was think ok did u get a new pet or did u steal it for amusement. my friend stacey was wonderin y everyone was gettin worked up and excited ova a chicken. i told her im not rly that surprised just wonderin how tha hell do u find a chicken out here. they told me it was walkin around tha skool so they caught it. then i thought bout it this skool isnt that far 4rm a bayou and my friend doesnt live tha far either and he has peacocks in his neighborhood and i think thats awesome. so everytim a teacher passed by they wuld tell the this is not a real chicken itss just and allusion a figment of ur imagination. rly i was thinkin either tha teachers already knew cuz they were laughin at them or they just didnt rly care cuz my skool isnt normal and we dont do normal things lik othas skools do, so im guessin they were use 2 this crazy shit. then they kept tellin ppl were no longer tha rebels/pandas/sumtin else (were rly suppose 2 b tha rebels but we culdnt afford tha right mascot outfit so we hav pandas, weird huh) that were tha chickens. all tha teachers did was laugh and walk off mindin their own business. man wats next!!! it was a cat in tha hall one time, then sum10 bout a dog, now a chicken. gud grief. but oh well their just havin fun while they can 2gether becuz all we hav is this week and next week then were out 4 summer. man im gonna miss them, sum of them may not b their next year so i'll buy tha yearbook when i hav money so i can remeba tha glory days :) oh by tha way my phone stopped actin bypolar so i can finally send pics 2 my email, yay and no!!! i got a lot of pics 2 send man my fingers r gonna b tired 4rm pressin tha send button. lolz
Chicken?!lols! I saw two ducks at my school today..which was weird because we live no where near a pound...weird...They were walking in the street so slow!People were yelling and screaming but the ducks just kept walking slow! So zetta slow! It was funny.Glad to here from you.
thnx leah ^_^