Saturday, May 1, 2010

ikuto-san tired 4rm an awesome field day :)

2day was rainy, hot, an fun!!! i gav my friend sakura-chan my old skateboard since i dont ride it anymore, mez hav a ripstick!!! we tha freshman were havin a field day at tha park down tha street oftha skool while tha sophmores and jr.'s went to tha otha park 4 their picnic. tha seniors went to kema!!! lucky!!! well anyways i rode my ripstick on tha wet pavement i was scared, i thought i wuld fall cuz it was so slippery an wet!!! but i didnt, yay me!!! we did a bunch of activites in groups tha weather was bein bypolar, rain then cloudy rain then cloudy!!!!!!! it annoyed me!!!! then at lunch tha food came late but i brought my lunch so no worrries 4 me, i had a Cesar Salad, a bag of chips, a drink, and a twinkie!!!!!!!!!!! XD afta lunch i climbed a tree got hurt but mez was ok, rode my ripstick some more then showin otha ppl how 2 ride it. some kept tellin me i want one now, they said it was fun. an a few sophomores 4rm tha otha park came 2 hang out. well tha rain got a lil worse so we all walked park then their was a fire hydran open (about 4 of them were) my friends ran through it an got soaked. i thought they were crazy but im lik mostly everyone at this skool is they did it becuz it was hot. once we got 2 tha hall of nations in skool it felt lik an oven in their!!! i was lik oh hell no, went to tha restroom an changed into my shorts since my jeans were wet. then hung out in tha cafeteria, got bored of that, then went 2 a journalism class were everyone was havin fun so i chilled in their until it was time 4 me to go. got subway, got my hair done, now im at home bout 2 go to sleep cuz mez tired. *yawn* nite-nite X3


  1. Sounds like you and a good Lunch. My mom and dad wont let me bring lunch. I have to eat at the school. It sucks!


  2. i cant eat tha skool lunch afta that incedent, well wat i found in my food 2 b exact. -_-
