well 2day was hot lik yesterday, its a gud thing i brought ice cold water. one for me, my coach, and my friend samurai. we kinda thought coach well yesterday that he was crazy 4 lettin us go out into tha sun playin baseball. we went out 2day wit our same teams 4rm yesterday its just that everyone was their, tha bad thing was we had more ppl than ttha otha team. heres tha rly bad thang we only need one more out an they made 13home runs, while we wer tryin 2 get one out!!! we culdnt get one out!!!!!!!!! an they made 13home runs an we made none!!!!!!! but we finally made our out got one home run but then it was my turn 2 bring 2ppl home, but i culdnt. everytime i swung i missed it. then i fuckin gav up!!!! i was rly mad cuz they always laugh at me 4 missin a swing an tha way i got angry. plus im i bad catcher an they blame me 4 lossin!!!! sumtimes we win regardless of my butterfingers an not being capable of catchin tha ball. but i guess i can keep tryin, i want 2 prove them wrong!!! i dont wanna b laughed at anymore!!! just wait an c!!! oh an sry 4 not gettin on blogger lately but ive been findin some new anime shows an im rly. :)
13 home runs?! Thats a lot. I suck at baseball too. lol I missed you! Welcome back.
thnx leah :)