well i did wonder wat wuld happen nxt and it happened durin lunch. rite afta i came down stairs 4rm 4th period into tha cafeteria my friend comes up 2 me and asks a strange question "do u want 2 hav a picnic?" the reason i thought it was strange becuz well where r we gonna hav a picnic at anyways!!! its 2 hot!!!! no offense but i am black well actually a light brown color but i just dont lik bein in tha sun a lot!!! but i told her yeah then she told otha ppl then they came. we found a blanket in the lost and found box in tha cafateria but it was small. my friend sakura was afraid 2 get anotha one becuz everyone kept lookin at her. so it was me, sakura, dani, kat, vivi, desariee, penguin, pineapple, eraser, uh anotha gurl but i 4got her name, and ben tha red-neck :) we all had a gud time 2gether. we finally got our finals 4rm our teachers now all we hav 2 do is study 4 we tak our finals next week, in most of my classes we hav 100-200questions some others are less than 50questions. well as long as i pass that all that mattas rite. XD by tha way im not in any of tha pics becuz i was takin tha pictures :)
The picnic! thats sounds like fun. Wish I could have gone.