Thursday, May 27, 2010
lolz 2day's post!!! Final Day of fun wit mt bffs ( best friends foreva)
yawn im gettin tired so i'll mak this short. we took our 4th period test for art it was so easy we all finished so early then we became bored. afta been in class until 10:15am we went 2 an assemble in tha hall of nations, watched a video, then said our last gudbyz 2 tha seniors (even though they werent leavin yet) oh an b4 all that they gave us 2tickets one for food tha otha for a waterballoon. so anyways afta tha tthey let us free. they had a dunk tank 2 dunk tha teachers or students and a moonwalk 2. so we all had our food then we went 2 tha hall of nations next thing i kno water is bein throwin everywhere!!! water-balloons were bein throwin at ppl but some reason they wuldnt pop until tha second time they threw it. of course they got me and i got them, we went 4rm water-balloons, cups, to water bottles, then small containers. then they found this huge container, so sobe and gir got B.A.D (bad ass drummer) gud. we all laughed. i got a couple of tha seniors unexpectedly well rly some had it comin. one senior i'll miss tha most is markz, he felt lik an older brotha 2 me he liked me more tha otha ppl he knew already. even though i only knew him 4 one year it was a fun year. i rly wanted 2 get my friend samurai (his real name is swordsman i mean it thats his real name) but he left already. then we were talkin bout if ninja was here he wuld b tha driest one their, then he doesnt come until mrs. g was all upset cuz tha hall was soaked wit water, she said we wuldnt b doin this nxt year. i thought man wat a bummer at least we got 2 do it this year yay us!!! i told ninja that if he was here we wuldnt b capable of catchinn him or gettin him wet, mayb samurai also. but i had fun, i mean i think that skool is more fun than me stayin at home. blah now my summa may seem a lil borin since im not wit my friends but i'll try 2 manage, if not i'll go crazy. XD
5-26-10 Graduation Forestation
ok well 2day im makin 2posts one for yesterday and one for 2day. im only gonna post wat i remeba 4rm yesterday cuz my mind is still focused on 2day, so this post mit

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
5-26-10 Graduation Forestation XD
ok well 2day im makin 2posts one for yesterday and one for 2day. im only gonna post wat i remeba 4rm yesterday cuz my mind is still focused on 2day, so this post mite b short. ok well where shall i start..oh yea..yesterday was my lil sis graduation. she was graduatin 4rm kindergarten to 1st grade!!!(im thankful cuz she kept singin tha damn goin to 1st grade song once she learned it, its annoyin). well any who i went andd watched tha lil kids sings and get their diplomas (even thought my mrs. k kept ssayin diplumas) i graduate 4rm this skool also well my 8th grade year of course. so afta all tha laughin i was doin cuz of tyha way tha kids sounded and they were dona takin pics of tha lil childeren. we all decided 2 go 2 tha galleria and go 2 tha rainforest cafe. for one i neva even been 2 this cafe, i mean i heard of it but i havent been 2 it. so i rode wit my lil sis and her dad ( i mean her dad we dont hav tha same father and i dont kno where my dad is and i dont giv crap bout him, hmph) so of course we made it their b4 my mom, so niyah wanted 2 get on this trampalin all i said was "dont fly through tha roof or i'll laugh". so while she was bouncin an havin fun i was walkin around 2 tha lil wagon shops they had neaar tha trampalin then i spotted tha cutest thing. yea i said cute!! they were called pillow pets!!! they had so many different animals their, then this lady cam eup an asked if she wanted me 2 here bout her product. i was lik sure, she was tellin me that most ppl wuldnt listen but i did i thought it was kool plus i seen tha commercial 4 it on tv. then out of no where my lil sis comes and wants one so tha lady says that if u buy tha lil one a animal it'll b 15dollars then she looked at me an said if u do that her's is free. i looked at him so fast wit a look then at my lil sis and he was lik oh fine. so i got a panda and so did she (she just wanted wat i wanted, lil imp) so afta that we went inside 2 tha rainforest cafe my mom, my sister, my cuzin, her dad, her grandpa and grandma, and our aunt. so we learned tha menu well somewat, i got a delicious burger it was awesome. but tha resturant kinda creeped me out, well scared me a lil. when tha animals vwent off at tha same time but otha then that it was fun,. then my mom let me get sum10 out of claire's i found tha same ring she had so i got it then my lil sis got sum10. so afta that we were on a car hunt, mom culdnt find her car idk y i 4get but we were almost walkin 4 an hour around that place till we found it. so we dropped my aunt and cuzin off then i changed clothes 2 go 2 tha 8th grade graduation it was nice. im gonna miss those kids. :)
Monday, May 24, 2010
........glad mom didnt kill me afta i told her tha news...... :/
well i was gonna tell u bout wat happened last week rly i was suppose 2 tell u sunday but i was busy tha whole sry. i'll tell u wat happened afta i tell u tha bad news: i passed english but not math TAKS. when i found this out 2day i thought i was a joke but it wasnt i rly failed!!! at first i was thinkin how did this all happen i tryed i gav it an effort, so y did i fail. rly i haven t failed a single TAKS test since elementary skool. i told a few of my friends they were lik it'll b ok just tell ur mom. they had 2 bring up tha m-word. i was afraid 2 tell her cuz i thought she wuld kill me!!!! literally!!! my family doesnt play when it comes 2 grades at all. but i told her she told me it was ok an TAKS was hard, she asked me if i tried i told her yea, so she called tha skool an she said TAKS didnt count 4 freshman only ur jr. year so she said i was cool but i still felt a lil sad though. she told me on june 3rd i think i'll go too skool 2 tak some online work or wateva well she says its 2 help me idk further my education, c where i am, c wat i need help wwit, that crap. she told me dont b sad i can still go 2 tha program she got me into in july. so i guess all is gud. ok bout last week i wuld post tha pics but im bein lazy as usual i'll mak this short hm i think it was thursday i found a feather duster it belonged 2 tha janitor i went around scarin tha crap out of ppl, it was fun. then friday we found a lock but we didnt kno tha combination so we threw around tha place hittin tha ground and stuff then tha whole thing broke!!! i was lik dang!!! then i went 2 my old middle skools masquerade ball, i was doin a betta jjob at protect tha food and drinks 4rm tha kids than tha principal it was fun. saturday i wanted 2 study but didnt i helped my granny at her lunchin. than sunday i wanted 2 study 2 but i didnt, then my mom finally bout tha necklace ive been askin 4, but it wasnt wat i wanted but i still took it. tha necklace i wanted look lik a kool raindrop wit this awesome design but she goot me something idk but i kept it. XD
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
anotha strange thing happened or was it not strange?! well who knos :)

Monday, May 17, 2010
What a weird day 2 find a chicken at skool?!

well, well, well i kno i havent been on blogger 4 a while. i found new anime shows and i get so into those that time flies and then i 4get 2 get on tha otha websites i was suppose 2 get on. but i'll try 2 break that habit, i think. ok 2 tha gud stuff, early this mornin (since i finally got 2 skool on time 4 once) i got 2 c an amazin site. right afta i was done sayin hi 2 tha ppl in tha hall of nations i got 2 tha breeze way 2 find my friend sobe holdin a chicken. i first i was think ok did u get a new pet or did u steal it for amusement. my friend stacey was wonderin y everyone was gettin worked up and excited ova a chicken. i told her im not rly that surprised just wonderin how tha hell do u find a chicken out here. they told me it was walkin around tha skool so they caught it. then i thought bout it this skool isnt that far 4rm a bayou and my friend doesnt live tha far either and he has peacocks in his neighborhood and i think thats awesome. so everytim a teacher passed by they wuld tell the this is not a real chicken itss just and allusion a figment of ur imagination. rly i was thinkin either tha teachers already knew cuz they were laughin at them or they just didnt rly care cuz my skool isnt normal and we dont do normal things lik othas skools do, so im guessin they were use 2 this crazy shit. then they kept tellin ppl were no longer tha rebels/pandas/sumtin else (were rly suppose 2 b tha rebels but we culdnt afford tha right mascot outfit so we hav pandas, weird huh) that were tha chickens. all tha teachers did was laugh and walk off mindin their own business. man wats next!!! it was a cat in tha hall one time, then sum10 bout a dog, now a chicken. gud grief. but oh well their just havin fun while they can 2gether becuz all we hav is this week and next week then were out 4 summer. man im gonna miss them, sum of them may not b their next year so i'll buy tha yearbook when i hav money so i can remeba tha glory days :) oh by tha way my phone stopped actin bypolar so i can finally send pics 2 my email, yay and no!!! i got a lot of pics 2 send man my fingers r gonna b tired 4rm pressin tha send button. lolz
Thursday, May 13, 2010
thank u jr.'s 4 havin ur ring ceremony 2day XD
2day was so out of wack!!!! just lik it is now, i only 10minutes 2 type fast mom wants me off tha computer by 11:30pm!!! i just got on, i got home late!!! ugh, well wateva!!! the jr.'s were luck all they had 2 do was go 2 their ceremony then leav. luck bastards!!! :( tha day went by quick didnt rly do anythin in my classes. as always i had fun in P.E.. all we did was play cards!! plus i got a subway sandwich 4rm my coach, i was happy. oh yea tha bench near tha breeze way finally broke in half, we dont kno who did it but they broke it. crap times time 2 go. oh and tha jr.and senior prom 4 my skool is 2mmorrow their theme is hollywood!!! XD byz bloggerz!!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
this wkend was not about my mother, poor mom. haha :)

*yawn* well im tired. cya. oh an i may not b on blogger all tha time, this is r last 2weeks of skool an we got finals so i may come on every so often. if not im studyin 4 finals, just wanted 2 giv u that heads up. :)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
didnt tak one 4 tha team :(

well 2day was hot lik yesterday, its a gud thing i brought ice cold water. one for me, my coach, and my friend samurai. we kinda thought coach well yesterday that he was crazy 4 lettin us go out into tha sun playin baseball. we went out 2day wit our same teams 4rm yesterday its just that everyone was their, tha bad thing was we had more ppl than ttha otha team. heres tha rly bad thang we only need one more out an they made 13home runs, while we wer tryin 2 get one out!!! we culdnt get one out!!!!!!!!! an they made 13home runs an we made none!!!!!!! but we finally made our out got one home run but then it was my turn 2 bring 2ppl home, but i culdnt. everytime i swung i missed it. then i fuckin gav up!!!! i was rly mad cuz they always laugh at me 4 missin a swing an tha way i got angry. plus im i bad catcher an they blame me 4 lossin!!!! sumtimes we win regardless of my butterfingers an not being capable of catchin tha ball. but i guess i can keep tryin, i want 2 prove them wrong!!! i dont wanna b laughed at anymore!!! just wait an c!!! oh an sry 4 not gettin on blogger lately but ive been findin some new anime shows an im rly. :)
Monday, May 3, 2010
wat more can go wrong!!!
well hello all 4 one its been a while, i miss my internet at home :( oh i went 2 tha circus last wk it was fun but it felt short 2 me 4 sum reason, i go every year i neva miss it. an i went 2 chucky cheese on sunday it was fun!!! ok its tha last week of my STEM program and we hav 2 do presentations on wat we learned this whole month, i got 2 b in this group 2 present tha bag balloon project i thought it wuld b fun but i was wrong. boring!!!! but we hav 2 do it
Saturday, May 1, 2010
ikuto-san tired 4rm an awesome field day :)

2day was rainy, hot, an fun!!! i gav my friend sakura-chan my old skateboard since i dont ride it anymore, mez hav a ripstick!!! we tha freshman were havin a field day at tha park down tha street oftha skool while tha sophmores and jr.'s went to tha otha park 4 their picnic. tha seniors went to kema!!! lucky!!! well anyways i rode my ripstick on tha wet pavement i was scared, i thought i wuld fall cuz it was so slippery an wet!!! but i didnt, yay me!!! we did a bunch of activites in groups tha weather was bein bypolar, rain then cloudy rain then cloudy!!!!!!! it annoyed me!!!! then at lunch tha food came late but i brought my lunch so no worrries 4 me, i had a Cesar Salad, a bag of chips, a drink, and a twinkie!!!!!!!!!!! XD afta lunch i climbed a tree got hurt but mez was ok, rode my ripstick some more then showin otha ppl how 2 ride it. some kept tellin me i want one now, they said it was fun. an a few sophomores 4rm tha otha park came 2 hang out. well tha rain got a lil worse so we all walked park then their was a fire hydran open (about 4 of them were) my friends ran through it an got soaked. i thought they were crazy but im lik mostly everyone at

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