November 10th, 2014.
Sleep was highly relevant to me this morning, I couldn't go to sleep at all. My sleep was so on and off that I only slept most probably '15-'20 minutes between each hour. I just stayed up scrolling through Twitter or blacking in-n-out of sleep or just turned over my shoulder wondering if my roommate was making noise. But it was really just my damn neighbors again, dropping stuff or stomping across the floor like giants. But what mostly kept me up was the AC, for I felt hot as hell thinking my roommate messed with the air but she didn't. It was just me I guess; I had announced on Twitter "What is sleep?" since I was so freaking sleep deprived. Eventually I had blacked out again.
So I cant say I got a good nights rest for that sleep was odd to where I woke up 5mins before my alarm did. My whole left side ached again cause I didn't turn at all in my sleep, just stayed on that freaking side. It took me awhile to get out of bed for I seriously wanted to sleep a little longer but if I did I would have to catch a later bus that would be too close to the time I needed to be at school. So I jumped up and quickly got ready, then grabbed my backpack, placed it in the desk area with this portfolio bag so when I aimed for the door it would be sitting right there. I was so focused on making breakfast & leaving out on time that my roommate startled me a little when she spoke loudly saying "What time is it?!" I thought she was talking in her sleep but she was looking dead at me from the couch. I told her what the time was at the moment (think it was 6:27am) after that she was all like okay & rolled back over. I rushed to the kitchen to make myself breakfast, grab my stuff, an head out the door. I had decided while walking to the bus stop that I would take a very long nap when I got home, for I desperately needed it. Caught the bus then the train, an I couldn’t wait til I hit the school so I went ahead an at this granola bar I got on Sunday when helping. I now understand why they don’t want you eating on the train, I was trying so hard not to make a damn mess but this granola bar just kept breaking apart =_= but as well that ends well right cause it helped wake me up some til I got to the school to eat my oatmeal. Afterwards I just loved the fact that there was no one in class for a while…but they eventually arrived. Some people were talking about the assignment when they got in (well actually I asked them) & I loved everyone’s. Also my friend broke her hand roller skating..but here’s the worst part..it was her drawing hand!!! I was like dang! She told me it would cost her a lot since she doesn’t have insurance. I felt bad for her, but felt even more bad when she told the teacher. He came in telling us to tack our stuff on the wall and she informed him, he was like omg! Well use your left. We all looked at him like what the hell! He
didn’t say it in a joking way…she right handed bro! After like a long silence he then looked up at our faces saying he was joking. Highly doubt it, but she informed him she would try. So we
thought he would’ve taken forever to critique our work but this go round he didn’t freaking take up all of class!! Although I did leave the room to get water cause I was SLEEPYYYYY! I want to black out so freaking bad! D: But I held in my sleepiness til break time; at break I went to the library to ask my Loki Lover friend for a dollar. With doing so I went ahead & took the Library Survey. I like taking survey’s on paper for I feel as though the ones on the computer are longer. Yet the head librarian informed me that it was the same length, I’m like really? Huh. Didn’t really feel like it, guess cause I put strongly agree on everything lol. My friend couldn’t find any change so she gave me her card so I can go get some actual food to actually eat. I was surprised she trusted me, well of course if she didn’t she wouldn’t have given it to me at all. All I bought was a Chicken Teriyaki wrap, it’s been awhile since I’ve had one. I returned her card to her & told her I would walk into class just like the eating my food not giving a crap about sassy pants. In my head I walked in there like a boss! But what ended up happening I stood outside of class peeping in wondering if everyone was back or not and just eating my food in the hallway like a creeper. But eventually I walked back into class like a boss with my food and trying extremely hard not to eat my wrap while he was talking. I got the jest of our assignment so it wasn't all that hard. But coming up with a story was going to be a pain. Once I arrived home I honestly wanted there to be an empty apartment but I was wrong. I walked pass by them for they were there working on an assignment well Tantan's assignment together. I desperately needed some sleep. Threw everything to the floor & flipped my shoes off then climbed into bed. I was just about to doze off til I heard a loud cackle coming from the living room with a trail of laughs. I couldn't do it! These walls are paper thin an I needed sleep badly! I ended up texting Keia asking her if I could use her couch, she found it an odd question but I told her I really needed sleep! She didnt mind, so a dashed out of the apartment without a word.Once I reached Keia's apartment she told me about her interviews and how things with her roommate was going. After a breif discussion I fell alseep on the couch, an woke up four hours later. An right when Keia came back from her interview that told her they were full with positions, I dont get why they gave her a 2nd interview if they were going to blow her off. How dumb. I then took a guess of who her new roommate was cause I recognized the Korean Walnut cookies for a girl gave me some in class last week. When I asked Keia to descripe her to me she didnt do that much of a good job but it was okay I knew it was her so I snagged one. The I told her I would stay til she returned for I highly wanted to rent some anime from her, for she had some I hadn't seen or just didn't finish quite yet. So me and Keia watched episode 1-4 of Orenchi No Furo Jijou (anime) it was so cute and adorable! Altho ugh it has a serious opening which is hilarious for the anime is a comedy not something super serious. I then left to go get some tea from the lounge before they closed. Once back me and Keia watched (or finished) with watching episodes 1-6 of Gurgure! Kokkuri-san! (anime) all the characters are glorious! Not long after, the new roommate returned and I knew it was her! She then let me see all these art books she had, stacks of anime DVDs, and manga. I love her! She's awesomz! Also she fed me these veggie large dumplings she had in the freezer! They were so freaking good! After stuffing face, she then found out me and Keia hadn't seen The Cat Returns (anime movie) so we had to watch it! For she said we were missing out~