YO! LONG TIME NO BLOG MY FELLOW FOLLOWERS! XD i know its been a while but a lot has happened this wk and last wk! an so far i kinda notice i rly need 2 blog more often...well more than i usially do! okay for those that kno the drill or dont i shall tell u! when i havnt blogged in lik a wk i just sum up each day of that wk and the wk thats happenin now! so lets get started! OH YEAH! 4/21: me and my parkour friends had a picnic! at the bayou of course it was a lot of fun, til we found out we were on private property 4rm an old lady and her evil barking dogs...so were just lik were leavin calm down! (can u call ur dogs off) we enjoyed the food though! :3 4/22: i wasnt feelin well, i was lied 2 by a friend about his b-day party, then was all mad as hell bout it while bein sick (he said i wasnt rly invited, i just kinda found out) ouch! yea i kno rite 4/23: went shoe shoppin! got a new pair of converse (told my grandmother i wasnt leaving the store witout them) and got two nice lookin dress shoes, this was all an early easter present 4/24: the easter egg hunt was amazin! i found almost all the easter eggs wit money in them oh yea! 4/25: just me, nicco, and ramon at the park..they learned 2 balance on new things :3 4/26: had math TAKS (glad im done wit it) 4/27: the only best part bout this day was goin 2 tha park afta feelin my brain wit science review (stuck in that room all mornin and afternoon, i had 2 get out of there) also the jr.s took math then there was 2day! gosh! 2day we took science, glad i finished it early! but our world history teach got mad at us 4 talkin 2 much! wat a bummer! then had 2 do social studies review rite afta we finished tha test! come on now! giv us a break! >.< dont wry i will blog 2mmorrow, ttyl 4 now XD (also out of bored on the 4/27 i made shuriken out of index cards, cool huh)
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