hi! how are u guys? well five more days now! and counting! well lets c...i woke up late, go to skool late, got a detention for being late, then got hit in tha head by sumones elbow! yea my mornin was awesomz! NOT! lost biology hw and had 2 get anotha worksheet...also it was A DAY WITHOUT SHOES DAY! its a day to donate shoes for people that dont hav shoes so they wont get diseases and stuff! i was surprised there was a day 4 that so im happy my friend lisa told us bout it...also me and jenny blew scented bubbles at tha breeze way! that made my day! wat wuld mak my day is a cream soda, some pretzels, and bubbles also friends! i wuld be on clud nine...also this perfect moment shuld happen at tha park! oh yea! rite now im tryin 2 do biology work and geometry...rly im just starin at it and eatin Mike and Ikes! so yea! also my insurance 4 tha dentist was canceled so they culdnt do anythin 2 my mouth wat a bummer :/ oh also tha important thing i was gonna ask my mom was bout...my dad...i havnt seen him since i was 7..but that changed when i found him on facebook an told me the truth ( i found him a week b4 v-day) he wasnt my father, he last name rly isnt Hurks (he didnt find out this until he was 32), and he doesnt kno who my real dad is. i think my mom used his name as a cover-up 4 my real dad...i looked at tha birth certificate...he had told me not 2 believe wats on paper...i was born when he was in tha navy.an i needed a blood transfusion and he culdnt giv it 2 me...that how he knew i wasnt his...but he said he still loves me as his daughter...that made me happy 2 hear....so i had decided on that day that i wuld ask my mom on my 17th b-day when im done wit tha festival and partyin....just wait til things settle down...then ask...i just want the truth...thats all...ttyl 4 now PS: tha pic of tha shoe is wat i took that was in our hallway; tha otha is jenny blowin bubbles :D
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