 | Hi all! Finally registered 4 mobile bloggin! It seems pretty kool! So lik now when i wanna mak a blog post i can do it 4rm my phone! Yay! :D so i hav so much 2 tell u in such a short time cuz i gotta do my hw. Boohoo! Hey goes! 4/15:me and my friend kat attempted 2 go 2 a garage sale but it wasnt there an tha othas were 2 far away (not a walkin distance) 4/17:performed at my easter program at church it went by quick 4/18: andrew got proven wrong by lil kids durin our parkour trainin, it made me laugh! 4/19: me and kat came up wit tha KA Method while jumpin, oh yea! And 2day! We all got searched 4 weed at skool cuz it was tha national weed day! Tha only gud thing bout them searchin was tha time got shortin in my otha two classes! Oh yea! Well ttyl 4 now :D |  |  | |
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