Monday, October 20, 2014

Morning Smile, No Homework, & In the mood for a Movie

(October 20th, 2014)

I slept oddly last night; don’t know why I just did. Woke up tired & wanting to go back to sleep but couldn't. Did my usual morning routine as always then headed to the bus stop, train, then, school (Also while heading to the bus stop I saw the Cheshire Cat smiling at me in the sky, it was pretty.). At the school I finished my oatmeal before going into the classroom. Once of the students was there, putting up her week 1 assignment. It was really cool too! All Alice & Wonderland themed and her week 2 assignment was like a cool wooden puppet thing. Then others started to come into class. Then the conversation about the supplies & where to get some arised. Not everyone had everything & found it frustrating to find it. Also  Evan returned to class, the idiot missed last weeks assignment & he looks tired as hell. There a few others who didn't do the assignment and some were a a lost of what exactly to do. I didn't find it all that hard but some people did. Guess they comprehend assignments differently. After attendance (found out Evan’s name was his middle name and his first name starts with a D, I told him that name didn't suit his and Evan was better) & a lecture about reality stuff (totally forgot how our instructor got started on that dang topic but whatever) we finally started critiquing our assignment. He decided on mines first for it was at the far end of the way, I hated having to go first. I explained my process, how the carpet at the leasing office helped me get a spark of some helpfulness towards making the map, and what my conclusion came to be with inking I & markers. He gave his critique it was really just me using medium tone colors or something or another then a few other people said stuff. Got to sit down after; he did like it though, fund I creative. Next was this girl who was in fashion but switched to graphic design. I could already tell she was in fashion before even letting us know when she was telling us about her map. For she always dresses nice an I found her pretty. Hell she was wearing a large sweat shirt like tanish dress with boots & her curly hair was down. She was rocking that whole outfit! Plus she’s like small she looks like she could be a middle schooler, but she is beautiful though. Found out she is mixed, I think she said German and Russian if im not mistaken. I don’t know I find her style and the way she is interesting. Next was the cool chick who did the Alice and Wonderland themed thing. I find it so surprising all the things she used was already at home and she didn't have to buy anything. Awesome. Next was this other girl who I find shy but shes cool just doesn't like groups or crowds much from what I can tell. I loved her colors and the story behind the images. Then came Mrs. Dancer, he’s was simple but clean an eligient. Which I still find pretty cool. Then came the funny guy who loved shoes so much! I found his story the most entertaining and interesting. (Oh we did have a break in between these, also the cool chick that dresses all pretty told us about her last weeks assignment. An our instructor loved the other chicks Alice and Wonderland sculpture so much that she Told the head of Director in Design to see and wanted to know if there was room for it in a glass case somewhere.) After a few laughs and questions  he told us of our next assignment, which we didn’t have! Cause there was no homework for this week since we have an in class assignment next week. We all said yess like it was a weight off of or shoulders. So I decided to go straight home and do something worth while or just be a damn bum! But I remembered or was reminded through text that I needed to help Tantan with her homework assignment. Now here’s the deal, she was still asleep when I got home. I did wait a little bit for her to awake, so I was sheming through the Dallas Voice newspaper. But eventually started planning to go to the lounge and just type up my blog posts for last week and call the vacation people about paying the deposit later on. But she woke up frustrated trying to figure out the camera. I tried calling the vacation people and it took forever so I said I would try later. We didn't get many images done for me nor Tantan knew how to work this camera nor adjust the setting for everything was complicated. I felt bd for her though for she just got back out of town, this was the only time she could check out the camera, she hadn't eaten all day, nor taken a shower, and hadn't gotten much sleep at al. She gave up and said she would tell her instructor she didn't know how to use the camera for shes not a photograph student . For the class was for photograph students anyway, but mandatory for graphic designers to know how to take there own pictures for there own work. I found that stupid, this is the 21st century! We have cell phones lol. But what made things worse she had to rush to get ready to try and catch a bus in a good 1mins to return the camera to school. While she was panicking and taking a shower I went ahead and asked Melissa if she didn't mind taking her. She seemed as though she didn't want to go up there, even though she was procrastinating again and not doing her homework. She had to think for a minute then she said she did need to go to the school for something. Melissa never changes. Tantan was able to breath after hearing she had a ride to school. I went to the lounge to type up and call the vacation people about the time of when we needed to turn in the money. Got all that taken care of and then starting working on my blog and changing a few things. Stayed until they closed the place up. My hands were hurting afterwards after typing so fast an reading things, but glad I got it all typed up though. Changed so much of my blog! Like the theme, the font, where the things were, and the URL as well. So I was in the mood for a Disney movie while eating dinner so I went ahead and watched Sleeping Beauty with Melissa. We kept giving funny commentary and questioning why the princess always fall in love on the first day. I told her there were only two people to question what goes on in a Disney movie. That would be Eugene from Tangled asking why is everyone singing & Kristof  from FROZEN telling Anna she can’t fall in love with someone in one day, its not how love works. After that magical moment I went ahead and took my shower then watched How To Train Your Dragon (the first one) for I missed seeing Hiccup and Toothless. Right when I had finished the movie my roommate Titan came in the house. I told her sorry for scattering my stuff everywhere & just got my stuff and went into the room. Here's where my mood changed. I had must got through taking my asthma treatment and the first thing I breath in besides fresh air is something spicy and hot. Burned the hell out of my throat! I asked nicely for Tartan to to turn the cent on when she cooks stuff like that for ill be breathing it in and it burns. She seemed a bit moody when I asked. Look I’m not about to have an asthma attack cause you want to have your way damn it! You live here with two other people! Sorry if you had a bad a day or whatever. I tried using Melissa’s air freshener and fanning it out but it was a no go. So I went ahead and unscrewed the light bulb from my wax burning lamp then plugged it up and let the scent go through the room. Now I’m able to sleep somewhatly better

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