Sunday, December 23, 2012
Time to Update my Blog Big Time! X3
Okay I know I said that I would make this a video blog but I may have to type a couple of posts, maybe all of them. You may see some posts from different months on here soon. My memory isn't all that good so ill have to look back at the pictures on my phone to remember what happened that day. So Sorry If the posts aren't as long as you hoped they would be, but now that its xmas break I can catch up! So once I get through updating posts I'll then have to go to the people I follow and comment on all there posts (trust me its a lot) So wish me luck you guys >w<
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
~1st Day of Finals~
Guess what!!! No uniform for me!!! Since I dont have any finals today, none!!! It was 1st & 8th Period finals an I have neither XP I wore free dress to school, got there early so I could talk to Takacs about college stuff. I managed to get a lot done surprisingly. But Takacs left at an important moment, one of the administrators from a university needed to contact him cause they dont take fee waviers anymore. So after attendance and finding out other seniors were here I got Mrs. Nunan to give me Mr.Takacs email to give to the man. I ended up staying longer at the school instead of leaving right away after attendance since my mom had HCC stuff to do. While I waited I ate popcorn and watched a movie on my laptop. Then talked to my friends for awhile then got on Jonathan about bringing LOTR Return of the King Extended Edition, an I talked to him bout other things...but during our glorious conversation Mrs. Nunan interrupted by saying he had something to do. So I told him bye an went back to the rowdy people at the table. I really did end up staying longer then expected, I stayed when they let them out of freaking school!!!! So I just waited by talking with Vivi & the others til my mom came an got me
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
~Last Day of Review Week~
(All right I changed my mind on the video blog thing, its the break an im being a bum so thats a lot of editing to do in Windows Video Manager so screw it)
Its that time you guys!! The last day before our glorious freedom break!! Yes indeed I am ready!!! So anywho, got up, ready, got the brat up! An surprisingly made it to school on time :3 Just enough time to talk to my friends before we had to go deal with Kargou. He's an awesomz teacher and all but Im just tired of learning & just wanna take the test :P
Some people dont like it when teachers get distracted and want them to continue to teach
but we were happy when Mrs. Nunana came in there and distracted him most of the class
period :3 I was able to get the rest of my APEnglish review and chat awhile but it turned
out to be a so called "argument" about us seniors being able to wear free dress all week. Mrs. Nunan butted in saying there's so much negativity coming from us, I told her we've been had negativity for this school since 9th grade year. Then Mrs. G came in, an decided to let only those that dont have two finals to wear
free dress. Then she lectured how we should've went to student council and blahblahblah!!
~AP English~
Arnesha had returened from the office, she told me that Mrs. G called her down about us arguing about free dress. It wasnt an arguement just a discussion & we were gonna ask her about it. Arnesha found it crazy that
she called her down and she isnt president, she was like Mrs. G should've called her down. We played that darn review game again, it was fun as always but I payed it no mind. I reminded Arnesha that we had to deal
with Sister next. We both did a deep sigh, like OMG sigh =.=
~AP Statistics~
You wouldn't believe how tired I was. *yawn* I just wanted to slam my desk on the desk and just freaking sleep so badly but the devil in a nun suit would;nt shut her trap! She wanted to go over our answers for what we had on our packets that we been had, problem is I lost mines, got copies last week, & there all blank lol. So I pretended to work, but I mostly kept my head down and chewed gum. How bad I wish the time would go by fast =.=
Surprisingly I couldnt remember wth we talked about at lunch that day, lol. But I know we had a good time & already had the feeling we would dreed our finals but we were dreeding our reviews even more than that :P
It was so chaotic in class today!! We were all trying to figure out wth we would be eating for our Christmas Party. So many ideas but not that many the end we chose Pizza Hut, we had to bring $5. Before our next period Tiff got mad at me cause I questioned why she didnt celebrate xmas. Shes told me before shes a Jahova Witness but I kept forgetting, well nothing new..I usually do piss off my friends :/
Mrs. Simen asked us if we finished our review from last week when she wasnt here. We told her no..we played Jeopardy the whole day and another substitutte just gave us a packet to do. So the whole class my had was hurting like hell! But luckly Dani took a picture of it. Oh an a senior came to visit us that graduated from here, his names Craig (he siad he was shadowing Dani). But I did write the open ended and essay questions :P
Nothing to do! Cause we took our final for our HCC Sociology class last week lol. So I just watched 21 Jump Street with Desiree since I brought my speakers, but her HotSpot was tripping so we watched Conan The Barbarian (it was already on her android tablet) til her hotspot was back on; I was really suppose to talk to Takacs but he was busy out running errands :P That was all of class then I went to sign out so I could go home.
After I signed out, I was walking in the courtyard and almost got hit by the ball that Jonathan had thrown (it just hit the tip of my chin). But all was good. I got to my house and something looked different...he got new furniture (the old furniture his mom had) & a new tree. Crystal, her friend, and short man was there. They automatically left when my uncle brought up that he wanted to clean up. So I helped him out by doing a whole lot of dishes for him 0.o well I didnt mind. After that I just watched Water Lillies (movie) & a few other things. Then I started downloading pictures.
Mom came an got me from uncles house & you wouldnt believe how much groceries she got!!!! She went shopping like we live in a two story house!! I had to organize it all cause she was doing it all wrong!!! I had a snack after all the work, watched some movies, no point in me studying..I dont have a final tommorrow :D Night~
Saturday, December 15, 2012
So Ive decided! This shall be a Video Blog! :D
Hope you enjoy my video about my day today! Comment below and tell me what you think :)
If you finished thanks for watching and see you tomorrow :3
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
These Boots Are made for Walking~
Dec 3rd: so is everyone enjoyin there winter weather? Were not its bypolar as always, but im happy it december :D well anywho bout my day, i had an awesome lunch made since mom got me an awesome salad. Got to school early (since ppl got up), mom said she wuld try to get me to UofH so i could finally get my contacts, but i was more happy about my new tan winter boots my mom got me! They were cool & comfortable~ once i got to the cafateria it was a surprise to me that so many ppl were there. It was Mrs. Davis class, guess she decided to hav class in there today. I talked to Chris & Najma about homework, an wit Desiree when she got there. Time flew, then it was time 2 hit class! I asked Desiree if she liked my boots, she wanted to look at them while we were in the hall but i was lik no! Wait til we get to the room. Physics: she saw them, thought i stole them cuz the tag was still on it. I told her that i culdnt find scissors this mornin to find it. I was in a chipper mood so i passed out everyones notebook 4 them. Kargou decided to sing 4 us since he downloaded Spotify, (he wasnt half bad). We laughed at him the whole time, that was his way of getting our anxiety level down. While he was teaching (finally) , Mr. Takacs had enterupted us so he could give me the paper showing that he sent my SAT scores to my other colleges I applied to. That darn Kargou gavw us freaking homework. AP English: Mrs. Bailey gave us long questions to answer A Tale of Two cities. We had to hurry up & do them, I even knew the illusion.....thats where i stoppped on my i cant recall what else happened..only that i showed off my boots and enjoyed them lol
Monday, November 26, 2012
My Thanksgiving Week~
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Screw your new rules! >:P
Yeah I woke up late...I dont know what made me think that I could've slept for another 5minutes when that turned into 45minutes of sleep. After rushing like crazy to get ready for school, I ended up taking my time to make me and my sister bacon & eggs to eat for breakfast (no toaster for eggos or toast and no cereal). I blamed myself when we got in the car that we were late but mom was finding it no point at all of us going to school tommorrow. To her it made no sense going two days out of the week, but it made no sense when I brought up that I wanted to go jogging with her sometime. At first she said no, but she thought about it and said okay. (after she told me it was too cold, which it wasnt) She wanted to go Wensday, me & my sister yelled NOOOO!!!!! YOUR HEARING THINGS!!! NEVERMIND!!!! Reason being, cause Rise of the Guardians (movie) was coming out that day. I wanted to see it, my mom did also, so did my little sister (but she really wanted to see Wreck It Ralph (movie)) Eventually she forgot bout it when I got to school.
I was late for Kargous class (Physics), I got in when Vivi & Desiree were arguing about an A,B, C conversation. Then Kargou was telling us about how his wife change the channel out of the blue when he's watching sports & of how he wrestles with her as well? Betcha she wins ever fight! :) As he always (or been saying lately) now that our anxiety level was down he could over the rest of the slide, told us our test was the Tuesday we come back, & was gonna give us a review tommorrow. Homework time, got help, & finished! Took a review when I left cause I had a feeling I wasnt coming to school tommorrow.
Funny thing happended! The freaking fire alarm went off!!! I was like are you serious!!! Its not the end of the month!!! I caught up with Zoe outside "Does this mean we can go home?" I said. "No Aleria" replied Zoe. I thought damn! Freaking brick and wood ass school! Talked to my Sophmore/junior friends while I waited to go back in. Sal was saying he was getting his 5minutes between class, that alarm didnt count! I agreed and took the long way to class.
Aint that something, I was late. Oh well, did that darn focus, went over the illusion, and struggled with the worksheet. Why? Cause no one read the damn book (or the pages we were suppose to read) I know I sure as hell didnt! I was way behind indeed! So we winged it the best we could, then Arnesha left class early for the day (guess she went home). Before we left Mrs. Bailey told us we would be doing Individual Reading (IR) after the break, so we have to bring our own books that are appropriate.
Asked Ruby while I was on the stairs if she was ready for our sociology test today, she thought it was tomorrow I told her no, it was today cause he wanted Tuesday off. So yes we were all screwed. lol
Right when I got into class I bear hugged Chris for the hell of it, an he did the same. But my chest felt crushed! "You have boobs Aleria?" Adriana asked me. "Yeah, there small..they dont coexist in my mind though" I replied. Oh Sister Mai was angry cause a lot of us didnt do our homework. Then when Mrs. Nunnan came in she asked why didnt yall do it? I told her I only did the front page cause I forgot we were suppose to do the back, but I lot said they forgot we had it or they didnt get it. So the rest of class we just went over it.
Had luch then homeroom, thats when they told us we could no longer go to the restrooms our selves during this period and next period. We all found it crazy! Were like this isnt elementary school!!!! WTH is wrong with yall!! Of course we had a huge up roar about it during homeroom and then in Economics we had no choice but to get a esscort to take us to the restroom...we really had to go.
About sociology, it was easy but we had to write a lot and prayed it would be enough. After class i think i went home...cant recall the rest of my evening :P
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Worked on Body Movement most of the day :P
So I just decided to work on some body movement and doing my own thing, after seeeing a video. Just tell Me what you think of them :D thanks
Friday, November 2, 2012
~Cried Tired Tears~
We didnt get home til 1am (Even though me & Niyah did fall asleep at my uncles house, I sleep was broke bad by my mother) an what made it worse was that my sister left her glasses over there. So she was blind as a freaking bat! I woke up around 5am (trying to stay awake and strong) took my shower, got my sister up right after i was done ironing my clothes, but she fell alseep on the bathroom floor! Literally just curled up in a ball! I knew the brat was tired, we all were, but we had to still get to school. She moved slow as a turtle but i tried to stay strong. Please, let the day go by fast.
2nd Period: i was at 15% of losing it, i could barely pay any attention in class...i forgot what we even went over.
3rd Period: Mrs. Bailey was educating but i was day dreaming, an my whole table feel asleep. I think we were takin notes, i cant recall.
4th Period: Huge headache & my eyes were heavy (like a huge marble ball), i felt like crap! So I couldnt take it anymore, i feel asleep. Sister Mai woke an told me to go to the office if i wasnt well. i was at 100% and i blew up! i told them continously in the office i was tired, an i started crying. i wanted to curl up on the floor an fall asleep! but i called my mom an told her, she told me that if she's bringing me meds that she'd take me home. So I decided to wait until Mrs. Takacs got back to ask her to give me some pain medicine since there wasnt any in the office. So while I waited I ended up telling everyone in the office my story (for it wasnt like me to cry or be like this; of course, I dont like to cry in front of people if I cant get away) of what was wrong with me, I even cried in my friend Rubys glad she was there,,I needed a hug, Mrs. Takacs finally came, I got some popcorn and water from Mrs. Fwentez , called my mom to make sure it was okay to give me medication, took it and was somewhat better. They told me to go lay down in the hall but i said no cause if i did i would miss lunch and that senior meeting we were gonna have in there. So I went to lunch. That didnt help at all, I was about to start back up again. So I had Tiff watch my things while I went to go cry my eyes out in the restroom. Bella was there to comfort me...i told her it was just lack of sleep but she asked if it was something more...i didnt know..i was gonna start questioning it but i was to tired. After I dried the last of my tears (for now) i left the cafeteria with my things to the office, then Tackas room where i passed out on his couch. Now the only thing i can recall for the rest of this day was me going to the meeting in the hall that was full of rubish, going to class, & stopped at Fashion house to look at close then tried to take my grandma to vote but couldnt cause it was to crowded and got chicken after wards :P Thats all I can recall
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy Halloween All >:3
I got all i needed for my costume that morning. I dont know why i thought I had a grey skirt, but I only had a black skirt & black Dickies. I chose the skirt after asking so many people what to wear and if it was cold (I wouldn't care if it was cold because I loved the cold weather indeed) White button up top, my skully socks, black boots (got these like three Christmases ago an barely wear them, an its surprising that they still fit), my tie (my mom didnt know how to do it but she tried), and my cloak (I've had it since 5th grade & it still fits me) All was ready and we were off~
2nd Period: I was late, couldn't open my door at all to kargous room. He was like why dont you use your magic I said "Im too lazy plus I left my wand at home" He was blabbing about something, then got on Andre about being a hobo & how he would be transferring schools soon. Then Kargou told us why hobos sleep in the morning and not at night. Of course he's getting side tracked, thats good. But then we had a lot of work due Friday...I was in no mood to do all that tonight. No sir!
Then I heard Nicco (my play brother that graduated from MCA and is in the Air Force) on the intercom saying the pledge. Of course I wanted to dash out but i did that after we were let out! I tackled Nicco like crazy and told him how much i missed him so and took pictures with him.
3rd Period: We congratulated Mrs. Bailey on winning the faculty and staff costume contest, she was Tinker Bell. All we did class period was read about Hop Frog or Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe then find some stuff...I forgot. But Jasmine made a resses cake and we ate it in class! It was so freaking good! That I was in the mood for a frito pie :)
4th Period: Saw Adriana in her Miku cosplay costume, Chris & Mayra as zombies cause of Franies glorious make-up skills are top notch! :D Sister gave us back our tests we all failed, then gave us more homework from the same page we did homework on last night. Which I half assed did since my calculator was being a pain! But at least I did the vocabulary.
Lunch: Just great! Mrs. G wanted to do a halloween costume parade but that wasnt happening WE WERE EATING! So we amused her by at least taking a group costume picture so we could be in the chance to win the costume contest. Nicco left around lunch time, i even took pictures of some people :)
Homeroom: We begged Mrs. Simien to put on a movie but instead she was showing us the slide show for Economics class while Franie, Mayra, and Chris were still being blooded up my Franies glorious expertise.
5th Period: We did no class work for we didnt want to! So we listened to the theme music to the Omen movie (I dont remember the year of the movie) while we did our focues. So we did Economics and Horror slide show, did a worksheet on the cost for horror movies, then a slide show on the History of Halloween.
7th Period: All class period we watched The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 1, it was glorious! X3
After/Home: So to sum this up, I was with my uncle and we went to his moms house to chill until the kids uncle called back about trick or treating. So it was the Ellen show and Steve Harvey show for a while, but when my uncle left to get the kids I watched Jane Eyre (man i love this movie). The children came and so did Aunt Delisa & her daughter. Around 7pm we headed out to the uncles house in really gonna shorten this! We walked around that neighborhood for about three hours, got (candy & ships), got back to step grannys house and ate chili dogs while watching Harry Potter & the Sorceer Stone, then back to my uncles house til my mom got off. Man im tired! Mom hurry up! I wanna go home! DX
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Early Halloween Party at a Bar :)
My morning is a blur~
2nd Period: Kargou told us that the focus had something to do with his sister. Thats how we got him to talk about his brothers and sisters he had, how were they, what grade they were in, basically everything. Once he was done talking he noticed the time, an just asked himself "how did we even get to this?" We had to remind him about the focus; thats how the conversation came to be.
3rd Period: From what I can recall I had to leave class because we had another short conference with the Art Institute of Dallas, it was about finacial aid. We had to walk around a lot trying to find a room to have the conference in, but then I mentioned that Mrs. Davis didnt have a class. She didnt mind us being in her room. At first Mr. Takacs thought I would'nt be need during the meeting this time but i had to pull my email up and print something out. It took me forever to get it printed because Mrs. G was talking to Mrs. Wolf for way to long! So i had to cut it short to get it printed out and head back to the room. Once I got back the meeting was over and I had to go back to enligh.
4th Period: Had to deal with sister again....I have no idea what we learned at all. lol
Lunch: I went to go see Mrs. Takacs to give her my money for my transcripts to be sent to HBU & The Art Institute of Dallas. Oh that was out of the way i went to got eat my lunch. I had bread and the laughing cow cheese, Desiree thought that was all i had! But no! I was backing indeed :D Desiree told me she was going to this place called Frankel Costumes, she said it had a variety of costumes indeed and she was going there. I just said i was going to Party City
Homeroom: uh i dont think we did anything lol
5th Period: We didnt have a focus but instead had our glorious test. Mrs. Simien is awesome! She let us us the review for three minutes! But i got so much down that I know I didnt fall at all :D I was quite confident about my grade indeed: B or C.
7th Period: We took notes as glorious children that we are. We saw Mr. Argo's halloween was hideous lol But he was saying that he was just gonna wear shorts and a shirt. He would be deviant he said.
After/Home: My mom picked me up after about three calls i had to my phone which were loud people screaming in the background. Once she got me it was time for Party City! But she gave me a watt load of mail i got from a lot of colleges so i just decided to give it all to Takacs tommorrow. I didnt see my costume on the wall and gosh darn! It took me forever to find my sisters number on the gosh darn wall for her costume, plus we had to wait in a long line for it, I just got a Harry Potter tie then we got my back pack at Fiesta plus i saw my friend Hime working :3
Got my sister, put her costume on, and headed to my Aunts Club because she was was throwing an early halloween party for the kids. My aunt was happy to see us and happy to see me as always :)
We danced, ate food, and did a costume contest! Also my uncle and his kids came & his niece came also to the club to hang out. Even though they took awhile to figure out who would win the costume contest & i caught my mom dancing on video. We came home I guess at a decent hour, well night all~
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Just One of Those Mondays :3
So I decided to do blog post differently. Making it more short than usual, but informative. (Hope I can make it happen, here goes; also I know Im behind on posts..ill have to do one post for each week but if its important then it'll have its own post.)
I got up at a decent time today, more like ready earlier than usual! (Even though I did toss & turn most of the night on the barely breathing air mattress, I felt like I'd be sleeping on the floor again.) I did get my sister up but mom let her go back to sleep. I called Zoe to remind her to bring my lunch & reminded Desiree to bring the ipod she would let me use (or have). So I just watched (well catch up) with 666 Park Avenue. When they were ready to go, in the car, & off my mom started snizzing & coughing loudly. She was catching a cold & so was my sister, I dont wanna catch it.
2nd Period: (Before: Found out before 1st Period that Desiree couldn't bring it cause her dad was using it. Plus Anthony told me Nicco was coming to visit us during lunch, so i was even more happy for lunch)
Got to class early, told Arnesha she was looking better than last week cause she was so sick, an found out I was suppose to both pages for homework & not just one. But before we went over the homework the guys and Kargou had there talk about sports, well the Rockets about most of class. He told us to just do the review and the even ones on the worksheet so we could get credit. I just hate the fact that we have so many freaking equations to remember >w<
3rd Period: (Before: Caught up to Zoe, she told me that my lunch was in her locker so she would give it to me later) Hm...we turned in our dialectical journals for A Rose of Emily (from our AP English book that we started using), took notes for AP..the stuff were suppose to know, then did a group project on the story. An were through with Frankenstein so its now time for A Tale of Two Cities.
4th Period: Sweet nibblets! We had a quiz today! I half assed did it, even sister wanted me to do the rest of it but I couldn't so i just stared at the wall. We thought it was all over, no! After that she gave us a huge packet, yet surprisingly I learned today! We all learned today! An I understood it too~
Lunch: First I had to go take my stuff for Takacs to mail to the Art Institute of Dallas, then I had to find Zoes homeroom but she found me, so I had my lunch heated up but everything else was frozen. Cause Zoe left my lunch in the frig for some reason.
Homeroom: We had to watch a clip from one the Rocky movies to learn about responsibility. Then we had to take a crazy survey about what were having difficulty with and what we could do responsibly to get it done. We found it a waste of time, so we just wrote something/
5th Period: Didnt have a focus activity so she gave us a packet. To our surprise it was a review that we werent exactly suppose to get but we got it anyways. Me, Tiff, & Vivi worked on it all class period then found out it wouldnt be open book or open notes ( we've been doing open book since the semester started) now they wanna change the rules. Were all screwed indeed.
7th Period: So Mrs. Smith got feed up with us! We didnt get why when we were suppose to be watching the movie Mr. Argo left us but she had work to do. She called down Mrs. G (the principal ) to come watch cause she said everytime we came to the class on Monday (Mr. Argo's day off) we would be late, ask for the restroom when getting in the class late, but today she was feed up! She said a student said they didnt care & just walked out the classroom & just left to go to the bathroom. So Mrs. G had to lecture us while Mrs. Smith went off somewhere to work on her study planning for her classes in peace. Mrs. G said this thing the most: "if you all can't behave and do what you know your suppose to do when a teacher isnt here there we may have to take you out of the class...or may not have HCC classes up here at this school anymore" We basically ended up just doing homework, reading, or drawing as she stood at the door just watching over us like an owl ready to strike its pray if it comes out of the peeping hole for not heeding the warning. Thats how the class went til the bell rang.
After & So on..... well my uncle called & texted me to let me know he was here. So i quickly signed out an just went to the van. On the ride to my uncles place he was telling me how crazy people are for putting there business out there over the radio, especially when its just someone complaining over something stupid. We got there, mu uncle took a nap, and i just ate the rest of my lunch an decided not to do my homework for it was a pain. Instead I looked up how to do body movements 7 finished the picture I had started drawing in class til my mom got me.
Home sweet home! I was gonna visit Mrs. White but she left to go get supplies, so I just made a few rounds to the car to get things then she came back. I told her the menu (dinner menu) of what mom was cooking an if she wanted some she could stop by. I also noticed she was catching a cold just like my mom & sister. Had a quick shower before my mother left (sh also lectured my sister about constantly flipping the channels and wont just watch a show fully) I ate, then attempted to do my homework/ Of course it struck me that I left my books I needed to do my work in my mothers car. So I texted my friend Adriana about what we did in statistics since she wasnt there at all & I told her I would send her a list of anime shows & manga to read/watch since she was running out of ideas for her drawings. I rolled on my floor, whinned, & complained....then googled why does homework exist? Which really didnt make me feel better at all :P
So I said screw it all! I did my AP English, didnt do my AP Statistics for I had no book an wasnt going to do it anyways, then i just googled all my Physics questions. As for Economics..i tried to study but I was getting sleepy so I made myself a snack. Then I aimed for my computer...I was looking up pictures to use for my background on my computer and for my blog also. Still on the computer, watched Hocus Pocus with my little sister til I had to give her that medicine (which made her sleepy), & not long after it was her bedtime (9:30pm). She was already asleep on the couch so I nudged her to get up & go to her bed. As for me I'm typing this blog post right now while sitting on the living room floor (which she making my ass fall asleep by the way) so i'll call it a night for now. If anything else my happen tonight I'll just put it in tomorrows post cause I'm sleepy *yawn*
Night all~
P.S i made a few changes to my blog, well im not through yet, but I knew it was time for a change..I'll fix it tommorrow, cya!
P.S i made a few changes to my blog, well im not through yet, but I knew it was time for a change..I'll fix it tommorrow, cya!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Fun at Walmart, Cursed out my moms Ex-Boyfriend, & Checked Out new Anime :D
Hey all! So on Friday I had to much fun with the children at walmart and almost got kicked out...should've just looked for the container like I was suppose to, lol but hey we did then we looked at some cool cards (wont post a lot of pictures just some)
Saturday at the card game I cursed out my moms ex-boyfriend cause he pissed me off and got in trouble for it....they thought i was being emotional cause of there break up. I wasnt, Im use to my mom dating guys, but usual when she breaks up with them we dont see them a lot...only a few times then there gone from memory. They dont linger they move the hell on but whatever,
Sunday I gor distracted y new anime shows (instead of doing my homework):
Little Busters
But eventually I had to do my homework :p ugh! DX (only posting a few photos )
Saturday at the card game I cursed out my moms ex-boyfriend cause he pissed me off and got in trouble for it....they thought i was being emotional cause of there break up. I wasnt, Im use to my mom dating guys, but usual when she breaks up with them we dont see them a lot...only a few times then there gone from memory. They dont linger they move the hell on but whatever,
Sunday I gor distracted y new anime shows (instead of doing my homework):
Little Busters
But eventually I had to do my homework :p ugh! DX (only posting a few photos )
Thursday, October 18, 2012
My Visit to A&M in College Station :D
So I just decided to post the pictures of all that occurred at A&M. It was fun, I ate, meet my two friends who graduated from MCA Anna & Ej got a tour, & hurt myself on the have fun looking at the photos. :D (only posting a few cause I took a lot)
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