hi all! hows it goin?! well mez gud by tha way, lol. okay as the title goes yes 2day is BLACK DAY! wat is that u ask? i will tell u! or the facebook will tell u! i got it as an event thing so imma just copy and paste it.
This is 4rm the more info thing:
Guess what?
Valentine's Day is for the couples and such - but what about all of the singles?
Thanks to the Koreans - yes, Korea :D - April 14 is a special holiday specifically for the single people. ^_^
As said in the name, you should wear black on this day - and be proud of your single status! :D
Oh, and one more thing - you should definitely spread the word. XD

okay so yeah i wore black! a black badass undershirt of course! XD so yea...as for tha parkour group im wit...will trainin isnt tha same when ur leader has 2 stay 4 aftaskool tutorin 4 failin a class for about an hour...so yea we've been tryin 2 manage...nu10 rly special happened 2day...well only except tha computers were trippin and tha 11th grade culdnt tak there online test..lol also yesterday they took...wat was it...oh yea SAT. well while ther brains were bein put to work so was our! well not mine! we all had 2 b split into groups..movin 4rm math classes 2 science classes...tha only classes i paid any attention in was hammers and librojo...the others...well lets just say i was tryin 2 find a one way ticket out of tha classroom! also nicco, andrew, and craig played ninja tag! i was playin tag til my damn shoes got fucked up! afta tha i quit! so yea wat a bummer! as 4 2mmorrow i kno were goin 2 tha bayou afta skool plus i hav to go to church....got stuck in...well i cant say that ...im helpin in tha easter program :/ yay me, well tttyl 4 now :p