Morning: got up 10mins earlier than my alarm (5:50am) i rly didnt go 2 bed til close to 12am. Got up and boy oh boy my shit was everywhere! It was my bags 4rm San Antonio. I had to look thru them 2 get my jewlery, toothbrush & toothpaste, and my shoes. I decided 2 hav a turkey bacon sandwich for breakfast...problem is WE HAD NO CHEESE! DX So pretty much i had 2 eat it tasted rly DRY since i toasted the bread -.- An of course i was bein lazy and didnt want 2 iron my clothes i put them in tha dry. But i had 2 beat my clothes down wit a broom cuz there was a HUGE SPIDER crawlin on them. In dry, put clean clothes in basket since i did laundry late last nite, paked my bag, and stared at my room wonderin wth am i gonna do. My clothes had sum wrinkles out, sonic speed them on, made my lunch (had 2 tak tha snacks out tha kooler cuz there was water in it) and had a cute lil xmas gingerbread in my lunch. Put all of it in the car, my mom gettin my lil sis ready, then lectured us on wat to do and stuff since her bf got a new job. Mom was ready in less Atha 5mins, so we were out tha door :D Just saw that SOUL car (green) pass by, looks tha same, just lik on the commercial wit hamsters.
Monday, December 12, 2011
My Hobbit Nerdy Self XP
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
MY thnxgiving break has come to an end.....what a bummer :/
Well I 1st I wanted to let you know this is how I post my life! During the week it's Monday thru Thursday (each day has it's own post) , Friday thru Sunday (I don't make the post til Sunday and I just give a summary of each day then of course with pictures! XD ), and as for holiday breaks (that all goes into on post; don't make the post til the last day of holiday break. So you get it! Of course you do, lol. Now time to start my real posts (if yur not use to long posts, sorry...I type a lot)
Wensday (11/23/11)
Wake up to noise as always (how annoying) but all the commotion was about my little sister finally getting her glasses. (My mom wears glasses to see, I have bifocals cause my vision is SUPER BAD, and now my little sister has some) They were purple with a design on the side, I told her they looked nice. My mom bought me a blue shirt to wear for Thnxgiving (I was like black capris or jeans is going with that) since I decided to go to my Uncle's mom house for Goble Goble time. I had myself a biscuit, bacon, egg for breakfast it was delicious! My mom's friend Tony was cooking the food for Goble-Goble Day. Then around the afternoon my little sister got her hair braided and of course had her bag packed and was set out to her dad's house for some turkey all week, so I had freedom from a brat the whole week how dandy! X3 So while others were doing there thing I was doing mines...I finally got some sheet-music (new) to play since I wanted to get back on my violin..but as always got highly distracted plus couldn't find the cord to hook up to my phone to my computer to upload anything to YouTube. Tony finished making the cake and cookies (they were good). I took a picture of our thawed out naked turkey, lol. Then when Tony took a break we played JACKASS (it's a card game) fun as always but of course once he had to go back cooking we all just split up to our own technological lives (cell phone, tv, computer, ipod, etc.) I had some spaghetti since I was hungry :D
Thursday (11/24/11)
Okay the S.O.S Pad saved my life twice that morning! 1. I didn't know we had nail polish remover plus I super-coated this crap! So it wouldn't have helped anyways...but it helped me get it off! 2. Then my Converse (1st pair) that I've had since 9th grade (I'm a junior now and 17 going on 18) and boy oh boy! Two years worth off dirt on these bad boys! But I got them clean (white clean) to wear outside with my outfit. Also I Tony was tired and confused off how we were gonna get rid of all this food since ain't nobody gonna really be there! It's just his two older sons and daughter plus her two kids (but the two kids already left for there grandmas). He made the turkey, mac-&-cheese, candy apples, yams, my mom made pecan pies, ham, a cheesecake, and dressing of course! He cut the meat from the ham and man that bone was weird! It was shaped like a huge wish bone! 0.o Well anywho, everybody grabbed a plate so fast that they were already at the table with food, I was like wow! They kept telling me to make a plate of food (cause nobody knew how long my grandma would be to come pick me up) but I just waited it out taste testing food and getting little pieces of turkey. After 30minutes to 40minutes of extra (since I was suppose to leave at 1pm) we were on the road, her house wasn't that far at all. We got in the apartment complex (took us a minute since we didn't know which way to go) then sawmy uncle standing outside of the house to greet us. We brought the food in, said hello to everyone, saw my cuzins (they got taller). They jumped on me like I was a old pogo-stick! DX I'm like "GET OFF!" So after the so-called reunion we just sat in grandma room watching the cooking channel plus switching to BONES. My cuzins haven't changed at all..they argue like crazy as always. Finally the other people got there, said grace, then made a plate! Actually I waited cause the table was crowded, while I was waiting I asked about that delicious cake I was eye-balling. She told me it was a coconut pineapple cake, I'm gettting a piece! We ate outside in the garage and boy did we talk about the most randomest things ever! It was a lot of fun! The kids went to the park..I wasn't in the mood to baby-sit so I stayed in the house with Chelsea (cuzin) an just watched tv til I had to go get the kids, snag the dog since it got lose, chill for a bit then make to-go plates and leave. I had an amazing time but was tired as day
Friday thru Sunday (11/25/11 to 11/27/11)
Alrite bout to sum this up! Got POCKY, Hot Tamalaes, finally got Netflis on Nintendo 3DS, allergies started actein up, decided to use a netty pot (i hate it), couldnt really breath, literally threw out clothes in closet and drawers, had to help mom with her sacrifice of clothing, found a dog (chihuahua), gave him a lot of names but decided to stick with Duke, got our xmas tree early, can't breath, oh yea we dumbed the stuff, went to petsmart, saw nice dogs, an expensive bird, got the dog a sweater, and leash, went to Uncle Lewis house, had my medication and homework with me, watched Victorious, finished homework, ate food, Pj came over, walked to Sally's then Walmart, i bought a pocket watch cause i had a Pandora Hearts (anime/manga) moment, got it and satisfied, went to 99cent store and got drinks walked bak, looked up a manga, then tattoo images, she had to leave then soon after we left, at home, tried to figure out the email and Netflix issue (Tony gonna call 2morrow), then i was on fb and Piczo! Phew! I'M DONE! Night! Enjoy the Pictures :D
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sekirai & Winnie the Pooh Week end :D
This whole weekend i watched both seasons of Sekirai! I loved it so much that i got sad to find out the 3rd season wasn't out yet T^T Yet I had to go to my mom's friend house to celebrate her new job with AVON we got snacks = NACHOS! i was on cloud nine even though i did have talapia before coming auntie and her buddy was there also i was happy to see them. The only thing the people didnt' like was the rain -.- Time flew and before you know it i was home and on the computer again. Once done with Sekirai, I decided to go watch the new Winnie the Pooh movie and as always Christopher Robin is always missing/ in danger. But he really just went somewhere :D
Friday, October 7, 2011
I want some Jordans and killed two birds with one stone :)
(going off memory/pics) Well my little sister was freaking lucky as day.l Aj loved her that much to buy her a nice pair of Jordan's, i was like "I want sum, lol" DX Of course another awesomz dinner :)
Okay last night I finished two major projects! A research paper for chemistry on a scientist and my character cards on the Crucible story (was reading it in English, plus watched the movie) I aced it! An my friend remembered to let me borrow her SAT book to study in advance. Got some apples and carmel as a snack from mom. :D (combination of 10/6 - 10/7)
Okay last night I finished two major projects! A research paper for chemistry on a scientist and my character cards on the Crucible story (was reading it in English, plus watched the movie) I aced it! An my friend remembered to let me borrow her SAT book to study in advance. Got some apples and carmel as a snack from mom. :D (combination of 10/6 - 10/7)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My weird booky days..
(going off memory) since i didn't seem to take that many pictures..this is a combination of 10/4 (Tuesday) and 10/5 (Wensday). (Tues.) I got a guide to the PSAT cause we were going to take it soon, after soccer i got a cookie, then had a slpendid dinner. (Wens.) I saw a sword cloud in the sky so i took a pis of it...dont remember wat happened on a book form my friend Tiff and a poem book 4rm my mom. It's huge, but i guess it should be a good read :p
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Peaceful weekend with a new book and Last Exile (anime) :3
Friday, September 30, 2011
Jumping thru car windows and taking care of Hermit Crabs
In the morning all I can recall is seeing a weird cloud that reminded me of a bird i saw before and in 8th period my friend drew on the desk. (As for the rest of the day) I vaguely remember what happened during the day but I do remember what happened after-school though! X3 For some oddly reason when my friend Kate’ mom drove up I just suddenly jumped through the open window! Everyone was like WHAT! O.0 I don’t know why I did it but I just did, I was bored okay! An it was fun so I did it again! Then of course no one wasn’t surprised because they know I was crazy as hell and random. But then the third time I decided to record it (im slow) see I was gonna do it again but a car came up behind her so she had to pull around then pull back up so then I jumped in. Of course Kate yelled at me to get out of the car already, everybody else was like really Aleria! I was like yes! XD Now here’s the part that get’s me, my little sister told me that she was taking care of hermit crabs because they were the class pets in her classroom. I didn’t take her seriously til we gpt home and I saw them for myself. I was like are you for real! One was named Mr. Crab and the other Mrs.Patty. (Spongebob is corrupting these kids minds! Like badly!) So of course I didn’t know what they eat til I looked it up, THESE THINGS CAN EAT ANYTHING! WHAT A FAT-ASS! DX At first I wasnt scared of them at all I just found them very…odd. So of course I pay them no mind, til my little sister came in with it and put it on my food! An yes I did jump! DX Ugh! Hermits! I made garlic bread and chicken soup…an boy weren’t those hermit crabs staring at my! I was like “NO! YOUR NOT GETTING ANY! DX” I did talk to them every now and then (look I already talk to myself, so why does it matter if I talk to a small crab in a shell) cause that’s what I had to do and feed them cause my little sister went to her dad’s house and left them here. Dear gosh what a long weekend I shall have -.-
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Yahoo! A day of 4rm skool! An now its time for Job Applications & TX ID!
I finally woke up at a disant time to go get my ID (I culd have done it earlier but i neva woke up early enough, more lik i always wake up in tha evenings on wkends) but i had first had to do my Toys R Us job application online (was suppose 2 do that Wensday) i had 2 speed thru it! Once i was done i quickly got dressed than we were off! XD I had everything i needed, my birth certificate and student ID (it was my ID 4rm 10th grade we havnt got our new ones yet) i was rly excited! But that excitement soon vanished afta bein in there 4 more than an hour, i got my ticket at 8:39am and my number war 413. Man was it annoyin how they were doin tha numbers! They kept skippin around and boy did it crowded in there fast as hell! So of course 2 pass tha time away i had complimented the girl nxt 2 me then the nxt thing u kno were talkin 2 one anotha. Her name was Heather she was a hm a senior in high skool, she told me she jumped around 2 different high skools plus she was tellin me she neva got a permit but she was 18 and bout to get her drivers license. So pretty much we talked heard annoyed ppl gettin angry or cursin out loud cuz there numba hadnt been called also ppl complained bout how they needed more workers in the bak. Yup i sat there 4 bout more than 3hours before they called my number. I had jumped 4 joy, lik literally! So i gav tha lady my stuff, did tha finger print thing, then took a photo. She gav me tha paper version of my ID then told me it wuld b sent to me on Oct. 13 and said hav a nice day. We left afta that, i tried 2 see if i saw Heather in tha crowd, but i guess her numba was already called. So we went 2 our nxt destination! We stopped by Party City so i could fill out an application. I mean u could tell they were hiring, they had a huge outside there door sayin NOW HIRING wit a Halloween background. So i snagged an application 4rm the stack on the table. I took it wit me 2 Wendys cause i was hungry! I ate my food, filled it out, then went bak up to Party City and gav it to them. Of course i wasn’t done yet! I had to go stop at the dollar store to buy my friend a bakpak. U kno just a normal one u can throw on ur bak, cuz her mom always gav her msger bags an she got tired of it, so i told her i wuld get her one as a belated bday present. Everytime or sumtims when u walk in the store they greet u then u ask where crap is and they tell u, well the thing is since they had so much halloween crap up it was hard to find them!!! But of course i found them on a bottom shelf all stacked together (they were new of course cause some of them were still in the box). So i found her a pretty sky blue one (there was this one that was all dark blue with black pokie dots and just stood out, i liked that one to much so i thought nope she cant hav this one hehehe). But wat got me was the price!! It was $8! $8! I am cheap ok! Plus i thought i mite not hav enough cuz i did go to Wendys. Yep 2 my surprise when i got 2 tha cashier she said $5.25! Happy as day! But was more happy when i got home 2 my computer X3
Food Monster & Troublemakers :p
(5th day being early to school) I’ about to fast forward to third period to where I was so hungry that I sat up there and made a contract with a dumbass! I was really hungry and my friend had dounuts and was being a jerk and would’nt share! i help him in Algebra 2 cause he always falls asleep in that class! So I told him I will not ask you for food all day Friday (since we don’t have school Thursday) and give him a dollar! An he said deal! Buut he had to write it on paper and make me sign it, so really I made a contract with a dumbass indeed. Then there came lunch when I got in trouble for cursing out load and the teacher heard me in the room at the breezeway so pretty much if I cursed again I would be getting D-hall plus if anybody else cursed we wouldn’t be able to eat there any more. So I left them and they laughed at how upset I was plus they knew I always curse like crazy when I’m made at them. I walked around the whole school looking for a place to eat…then in the end I sat at the table with KAT and Marcello. Barely even ate anything since I had to walk around and find a place to eat….(fast forward) then came after see I never really thought this would happen to me…I started walking to the park close to 4pm, then when I got there the girls said it was cancelled, then when I was about to leave they said coach called back and said wait for him so we did, some time passed then they all decided to go home, but then Jose came ready to help us practice and then I told him of the situation so he gave me a ride back to the school. An tell me why I got there one of the girls told me that they lied to me! I was like oh shit! Plus one of the teachers told me that Coach didn’t cancel it, then I saw his car driving to the park. I was like DAMN! Then he came back to the school and gave me this what the hell is goin on look. So I had to run to the parking lot and tell him the situation, of course he told me that was the longest explanation ever but it all happened. Then he was all like whatever (the scary way) so pretty much we are screwed next practice! An plus since I was at the school so damn long me and Larissa got to raid both the frigs in the school. We got a veggie platter and the rest of chocolate cake we both at it plus with a few people still there 
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Edgar Allen Poe shall corrupt my mind @.@
I got to school again early again today! (my 4th day) I felt very proud of myself! An earlier that morning my homie Chacha gave me her Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe! I was so happy, but I only got to read one poem til Tiff stole the book from me! I couldn’t fight back, she is scary in reading mode O.o So I let her read it the whole 1st period, she didn’t finish reading the story though hahahaha! In chemistry my friend shoes were super dirty and she kept rubbing her feet up against the stole and when you look at it, it seems like she made homemade drugs (grounded up and ready to be wrapped in paper then lit) she laughed when I told her that. When I got to homeroom today there were a bunch of test-tubes on the shelf filled with fat from foods, we were all like ewww! And I can’t believe that much fat is in that food! It was hilarious! Then I gave Kat both my slinkys to hold on to cause I told her I was going to repair my old backpack that was three layered. (an sum how my slinky got tangled and made a sphere!) An somehow I managed to get a cute stuffed puppy from a random chick I never met in my life to hold on to it for a whole class period! I was like yahoo! XD At soccer practice all was going well til I got hit in the chest, which scared me! I’ve had my past experiences with being hit in the face but never in the chest. I wasn’t made at Kassy (she’s like a sister to me) just surprised! I wonder were she gets the strength for her power kicks from, lol Well any-who, I sat out the rest of practice coughing and wheezing a lot. But after some water and thank god I had my inhaler all was good. (fast forward) I ate first then I got started on reparing my backpack and I think I did a bang up job with it too! 
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