Mite as well giv a heads up on everythin now! THEY CHANGED SO MUCH SHIT AT MY SKOOL THAT ITS UNBELIEVABLE! DX Ok tha classes start at 7:45am, we get out at 3:45pm (on monday, tuesday, & thursday), we get out at 3:10pm (on wensday & friday), tha lunch ISNT LIK LAST YEAR THEY MIXED EVERYONE UP SO ITS NOT THA SAME! BUT I GOT THA KOOL PPL AT MY LUNCH THOUGH! XD alrite so i’ll tell u wat happened in each class period since it was long as hell :p 1st period (us history, Mr. Takus): he walked bak and forth lik he had 2 go potty rly bad but he was just nervous, 2nd period (chemistry, Mr. Arnold): got a lil high of a king size marker! Cuz we had 2 label our stuff, boy that smell was strong! XD, 3rd period (algebra 2, Mr. Duncan): Mr.Duncan hates talkin a lot and kept lookin at tha time cuz he was runnin out of stuff 2 talk bout :p, 4th period(art-painting, Mr. Davila): showed us a awesomz art video then a funny art video, LUNCH!, 6th period(homeroom, Coach Banes): had too many ppl in our class, 5th period(PE, Coach Banes): he told his lion story bout him bein in africa again, then went ova rules, then found out he wasnt doin gurls soccer anymore..i was we stuck wit kargou, 7th period(italian, Sis.Mai): did if u happy and u kno it in italian and a huge homework paket wit more than 100pgs, then last 8th period (english 3, Mrs. Smith): learned BIG WORDS! That was my day 
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