hi hi all! well 2day was my 1st day bak at skool, i didnt rly lik my scheduale that much but at least i dont hav a lot of hw! so yay me! okay any who, at skool right afta 4th period was ova and i went 2 anotha class 2 get a book 2 work on hw in 5th period, guess who? my friend jojoe came! (real name joseph) he had come down 4rm dallas 2 c us! i already knew he was comin i just didnt kno this early! oh by tha way he graduated 4rm our skool last year he's in college now if ur wonderin, lol. so me and jenny were hapy 2 c him and even more happy when he stayed durin our lunch 2 tell us how it is in dallas, we had fun! XD he wasnt the only one that visited, our friend hunter (who also is a graduate came 2 c us) how awesomz is this! then at tha end of tha day my big bro markz came 2 visit and c his gf! just 2 let u kno markz isnt rly my bro i just consider him as one :) then afta skool i went 2 tha dentist, then HEB PLUS STORE! an tried some awesome sushi! it was new! so me and my moms friend got her a cheesecake and i chose her a sushi party tray (it also had tha new sushi in it) when we got home and gav it 2 her she was so happy....4 a women only one year away 4rm bein 40! lol dont tell anyone! my mom doesnt even look her age so no big deal :p well 2day went by pretty quick, we start takin TAKS practice test 2mmorrow, wat a pain! just gettin bak an already this, ugh! also i cleaned out my bakpak! it wasnt junky just heavy, my bakpak always seems 2 b heavy but its all tha stuff i need so i minimized it, an it feels lighter....sumwat lol XD well ttyl 4 now my dear followers!
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