alrite i dont kno how long this post will b so lets find out! lol! ok on sunday i went to my uncles house cuz their was a football game and they were cookin crabs (snow crabs my fav) and BBQ. i rly just wanted 2 c my new friend that i made pj, she so kool!!! but i culdnt go ova 2 her house yet she need permission 4rm her dad, so shw was waitin 4 him 2 come bak. so i just got on my lil cuzins laptop lookin at funny youtube videos until she finally came ova and said hey! i was lik omg u literally walked across tha street 2 get me and in this HEAT!!!! she was wearin a black and red dress wit black boots on so i had a feelin she mite be hot. so i went ova 2 her house went 2 her room 2 chillax i told her bro chris hi! he was surprised 2 c me but he looked alil half sleep 2 me. so she showed me all over vampire books she had (cuz tha first time i came 2 her house i didnt rly pay any attention 2 tha books on her shelves but now i am), played monopoly (she had a limited edition one so tha pieces were lik fuckin gold, how bad-ass is that), then afta lik an hour an i think she was winnin i slammed a book in tha middle of tha game and said SNACK TIME!!!! she laughed when i did that so we had toaster stroodle!!! this was my first time eatin eat cuz my mom buys pop-tarts and we had chocolate milk. then my moms friends called sayin they were ready 2 go, pj was lik no!!!! i was gosh damn it!!!! so once i had my stuff and came down stairs he calls again sayin nevamind were stayin a lil longer......I HATE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT!!!!! so me and pj just decided 2 watch a vampire movie downstairs and a couple of episodes of buffy tha vampire slayer we kept talkin bout spike tha whole damn episode, lol. then thats when they called again and were serious and said they were ready 2 go. so pj i think let me borrow or hav this funny vampire book that she culdnt exactly understand at all, i thought it was funny though. so i said my gudbyes and went home. ok for 2day i was still complain bout tha heat outside IT WAS TERRIBLE!!!!! at PE i said it and walkin 2 tha park 4 practice i said it!!!! i was sweatin rly fast lik every minute that passed by it felt i was to close 2 passin out!!!! practice was fun we just ran mostly, learned our teammates names (even though i dont remeber except tha ppl i kno 4rm last year this year wit all these new kids no), and passin tha ball. even though i sumwat complained i tried not 2 or my friend Rin wuld run me over wit her car!! or i just get punched by kassy wit wateva strength she had left afta practice. but i kno once we got 2 tha skool i was happy!!!! AC AND COLD WATER CAN MAK ANY KID HAPPY!!! cuz it made me happy!!! we hav practice on mondays, tuesdays, and thursdays. hm so that means i can still do go to tha otaku-club we made then on fridays!!!! yayz me well ttyl 4 now i hav 2 go 2 sleep now XD