Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Its only my 2nd Day of school and so much is on my mind =.=

I hate ot when my sister brushes her damn teeth in my restroom!! Some how she gets toothpaste and mouthwash all inside my sink and on the counter honestly if she cant reach the knobs she has a step stool!!! I hate cleaning up after her!! For gosh sakes she 8years old and knows the drill already ugh! >.<
There was no more lunch meat and we ran out of two boxes of cereal already. So I took the last of the meatballs and I made my sister have the shrimp taken but she didn't want that. So I had to do extra work and make her a darn sandwich. Gave my mom her coffee. Then gathered up my things and supplies I needed for these darn class (I only had some of it not all of it though) Before I knew it I had my eggos then mom was out the bed and we were out the door.

I was glad I got here during the first period time because I don't have a 1st period so I get to chill out! I was talking with Vivian, Bella, and Desiree about how they should have given us the supplies a month before school instead of now. (My English teacher is making us by like three books that aren't cheap and people ain't got money at the time) then we got on Mrs. Gruesome! Man I bate that woman! Takacs Jr. use to teach that class but he's our counseler now. He made the class fun and exciting, but she makes it dull and boring as Fuck plus shes mean as hell!!! Then I decided to go give Takacs Jr a piece of my mind for letting such a woman take his place. But he wasn't there it was just Justin working on his application paper. Justin had asked me if I had the questions to the summer reading but I was like nope, so I asked Johnny but he didn't have it either so Justin was just straight out of luck.

2nd Period
Kargou went over more rules today and other things...I barely remember lol. But I do know he wanted us to read chapter 1 in the book. So I knew I would be able to do it for I was getting my books today :)

3rd Period
Mrs. Bailey gave us a packet to read and a scatron. I thought aw crap! Already doing the reading stories & answer questions crap! It was so quiet in the room that I felt like I could hear myself mind read. Lol. I didn't finish for I was taking my glorious time. She gave us a packet to read for homework (I hope its interesting)

4th Period
No Sista Mai!!!! So basically I thought I was gonna have a little free period but I was wrong she left us work to do. About three worksheets that needed definitions but the books weren't in the classroom yet -.- how are we to educate our minds now. I decided to just Google it but then it hit me (or when I looked at Chirs's computer)  that we were suppose to go to that website she told us about with the crossword puzzles. Which dealt with our vocabulary words that gives us the definition for each chapter. We only did like one page. Chapter 2. Then I asked our substitute if she knew when we would be getting our planners to keep track of our homework. (For I really needed one) she didn't know so ill ask at my lunch period maybe.

Nothing special happened except the fact my friend Mayra bought a Bento box lunch to school!!! I was so jealous >.< it made me think about the cute rice balls and octopus like assuages!!! She let me try some of her onigiri though! It was glorious! I let everyone else try some of my meatballs :3

I groaned at the door before I went in. I was about to go sit next to Desiree but Mrs. Gruesome yelled "that's not your seat!" I just said "oh" like I didn't notice. Everyone laughed and just said "get to your corner seat Aleria before she yells something else" it was the 1st day...well for this day forward we would be working on SAT work for a lot of us seniors have to retake the SAT to get average. I was working of course (well just staring at the paper because I didn't know the answer) then Mrs. Gruesome yells " Aleria are you working over there! Because your pencil isn't moving!" I looked at her and said " I'm working I'm just sitting here thinking about the answer" I lied. I really wasn't. I wasn't in the mood to deal with her.

5th Period
We were continuing where we left off the other day then she gave us a Section 2 worksheet. While the some of my classmates were forced to read a part in the section I just did the vocabulary and worksheets. An honestly prayed she wouldn't call my name. "Mrs. Hurks would you like to read?" "No" "Sure you do, get started" I read the darn part so she could leave me be. Damn witch. Then she made us wait forever to get out of the classroom cause she wanted to wait until one at a time a person got there backpack. Arnesha was saying we would be late for next period dealing with her -.-  "its jot in this hallway! " Mrs. Gruesome yelled. I thought why she roast out there =.=

7th Period
With the glorious Mrs. Smith again. Didn't do much except talk about siblings, school, hair, and just random crap. Them one of the ladies from the office told us our sociology class would start next Tuesday. Oh boy

Afterschool and Home
I signed out as usual. My mom was already here had my books and was ready to go! But I told her I had to talk to Takacs about the fee waviers for SAT. So we put the books on the car, told my mom to go get my other books cause they didn't give them to her. So I had to rummage through my binder for my schedule. Once I did that it was off to Takacs. By the time my mom got in the room he was almost done filling it out then gave me a college fee wavier (I think) and all I had to do now was apply for the SAT. On the ride home I noticed my mom got the wrong English book plus she couldn't get my other books for they weren't in yet. Mom had to stop and go pick up my grandmother from the library. An while we were there getting her i got the MLA Handbook i need for my AP English  class, the other two books i needed wouldn't be in til Friday or Tuesday, and we also got my sister favorite book Bad Kitty (about three of them) so she'll be happy to have those. We dropped grandma off, mom gave me change to go get a specials at Popeye's cause on Specials Tuesday its packed in there but they be cooking like hot cakes! i thought i would have to wait in the line long but they were calling numbers like bidding at an auction. Got the chicken, got my sister, headed home, then mom cooked sides to go with it and we enjoyed our glorious dinner!! But after words I was like ugh! Homework (just reading a few things), still trying to get school supplies, still have to apply to colleges, have to take the SAT, pass my classes, and try to make money. I thought about all this when Full Sail University called me and talked me, asking questions and telling me about there tours for there school in Florida and for me to let my mom know. Yup all that was going through my mind all at once. "I need to focus on now!!!" Thats what i told myself! So i just read the crap for the homework, reminded myself to talk to Takacs about the fee wavier (for some reason it didnt work saying it needed 12-digits), remind myself to also take that literature book back and get the new one. Plus i finally got a backpack!! Yay!! Got tired of carrying my stuff in my hands. Well im off to watch youtube vids til i black out, night all~  :3

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