Friday, June 1, 2012

Fuck yeah!!!!! SCHOOLS OUT!!! XD

Honestly I couldn't sleep last night cause I guess I was overly excited that we were about to leave! But was a little anxietion cause I hadn't eaten breakfast plus was out of it bad! After we took our last test we couldn't believe that we had to stay in the room tip 12 in the afternoon! We thought we would've done something like we did every year but I guess they decided not to. We messed with our phones,  ipads,  mp3 players,  opossum,  etc while we were in the room. Davila didn't care he was grading papers ( I mean come on were stuck in your room til12) mostly I was complaining about being hungry. To our surprise the fire alarm went off,  I was glad cause I got to move my legs. I met up with little Anthony and Madeline who were talking but what caught my eye was the little flask bottle that Anthony had in his hand. I asked what are you drinking? He was like whiskey. I said oh good I need a drink. He gave it to me (honestly it was a 50/50 chance that there really was whiskey in there) I drank (well sipped some) he was right it was whiskey. It was strong and bitter but not half bad,  I told him I don't how you drink it straight but I cant. I told him it felt as though I needed to drink something with it. When we hot back in class I asked Shane what would go good with whiskey he told me sprite,  I had a feeling it would be a clear soda. After a while Cavils put Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief on from Netflix onto the projector. Then they let go get those terrible sack lunches but I didn't car I needed something in my system. Now we came back like he told us to. But no one else did, it was just me, Shane, Madeline,  and aurora. Eventually Madeline left an went to see if her father had food for her,  me and Shane chilled while Aurora invited her friends up to hang out. We acted a fool and took pictures like crazy until we heard an uproar of excitement. Then we saw the clock,  it was time to go! Thankfully my mother wasn't far from the school. I was glad to be home! All the rest of the day I was a total bum X3

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