OKAY! HI! XD sry i hav an hour to type wat i hav 2 say cuz once it reaches 12am its a tuesday! X3 lol ok im gonna giv u a short lil summary of my spring break!!!! *grabs calendar* here we go! 3/14/11: my mom bout me two new games, one is Final Fantasy Crisis Core (ive played it b4 its just that i wanted my own game instead of borrowing) and sum otha weird game i hav no care for >.> 3/15/11: well we all decided to hav BBQ! so we did! we had ourselves a party! it was fun! plus my moms friend brother brought ova his wii that had this disk thing wit a bunch of games on it! i was tha main on playing that thing! it was fun! XD 3/16/11: well i was suppose to be goin to tha beach! but my friend jenny, her mom was lik she didnt want us 2 get sick cuz of tha cold water (jenny thinks she was makin an excuse to keep us it) so our beach became tha front yard and a water hose! lol 3/17/11: i ended up spendin tha nite...i didnt want to go home..thats when i went to the Houston Outlet Mall! it was awesomz! i went wit her aand her family! then i had run around wit her mom to different courts rooms 4 more than 3hrs (dont ask! it was terrible) 3/18/11; WENT TO THA CARNIVAL!!! XD yet i failed at winning a DOMO!!!!! T^T then i went home that nite 3/19/11: anotha BBQ and mostly slept 3/20/11: pulled an all nighter to finish a 14pg font and bak biology packet! (dont tell! but i found tha answer key online! >:D ) then came 2day! were i turned my crap in! started workin on TAKS! got TAKS practice 2mmorrow and wensday! plus an ALCOHOL INSPECTOR or sumtin came to tell us HOW BAD it is to drink and THAT WE SHULDNT DO IT! i was just thinkin since we cant drink...can we smoke? (i dont want to, i was thinkin u kno) they said nu10 bout smokin! well i am happy tha day ended! also i drew and painted a kh pic! hope u lik it plus i got a HENNA TATTOO!!XD ttyl 4 now :3 PS! MY FRIEND FRANE GOT THA BUNNY THAT HUNNY SENPAI HAD ON OURAN HIGH SKOOL HOST CLUB 4RM THA ANIMEMATSURE ALSO A BADASS BLACK BUTLER POSTER AND WE GOT NEW COMPUTERS AT SKOOL! XD ALSO I DO NOT! I REPEAT! I DO NOT TRACE! I CAN DRAW!
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